...I think you are right, Brother...this may 'seal the deal'...
When I was a 4-H Leader, I was trying to figure out how to raise money. I did the usual, sending letters and such, which wasn't too successful. I was laying awake at night, and my 'insane mind' kicked in...and I came up with a BRILLIANT IDEA..."GOAT RANSOM"!
We lived on 5 acres, and had goats, I was actually a project leader for goats and poultry.
I carefully picked out my two calmest goats, washed them, and put them in the back of my Ram 1500. I picked up three of my 'cutest' girls...
...they were in their 4-H Uniforms...and we drove to a very small town nearby. I was very familiar there, I bought stuff and was pleasant to the merchants. I picked the business that I was most familiar with, and we all walked in...leading the goats!
The Merchant asked me "What the Hell is going on?"...and I just shrugged and said..."We are staying here until you make a donation to 4-H...and...you get to decide where we go, next." He cracked up, opened his register, handed me a bill which I placed in an envelope, and named another business.
We made the rounds, but we did not go to the same place twice...I would tell the merchant, "He already paid the ransom."
It worked well...I only did it once a year. When the merchants saw me, the girls, and the goats enter...they would quickly open their register...hand me a bill...and name another business.
I suspect that I violated a whole lot of laws...maybe even 'Robbery using a goat as a weapon'.
But...the cops never caught me!