...When I ALMOST got my neck broken...
...I was caddying, and the foursome were NOT good players...I was the only caddy, two were in a cart, and another pulled his own clubs in one of those small hand carts. They were all visitors, and I had to explain the course to them...
...I really enjoyed when we arrived at the 8th hole, and I set down my bag, and handed my golfer a 3 wood. They all looked at me, and asked, "What is this hole?" I tiredly said, "It is a par 5, dogleg to the left, 540 yards, I suggest that you just land to the left side." They stared at me, and I started giggling, and pointed at the tee markers, and said, "Yes, you have to shoot over the road, I will watch for cars, and wave when it is clear." They all got across, and I led them along the course.
But the best was at a par 3 hole, my golfers' score was just behind another, and he was unhappy. I handed him a 7 iron, and watched, holding the bag in front of me. The three other golfers all missed the green, two were in the sand hazard. My golfer landed his shot about 4 feet from the pin. I took the 7 iron from him, and loudly said...as I handed him another club..."HERE IS YOUR PUTTER, SIR!...
The other Men all laughed, but one swung his club at me...I stepped back...but I didn't need to, he was far away...
...they each gave me some cash at the end...the man who had swung the club handed me a $20, and said..."That was the best comment I ever heard a caddie make."
I have just had a 'big mouth' all of my life, I see...