Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 444411 times)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1260 on: December 12, 2022, 07:30:15 PM »
Ki is difficult to explain and needs to be experienced. Once you learn it, yes, it can be powerful but one cannot teach you how to do it, you have to learn your own way to do it.
I studied 3 styles of martial arts when I was younger as well. When you can do a kata or other technique without even thinking of it you have usually mastered it. There is an old saying a punch (or any other move) is just a punch until you have done it 1000 times then it becomes more you begin exploring the subtle nuances of it until you have done it 1000 times then it just becomes a punch again.
One key part of all martial arts is full body control. It took decades for experts to learn the secret of Bruce Li's famous 1 inch punch but it was eventually discovered based on films of him demonstrating it and it had to do with perfect timing of all of his movements to direct as much force into that 1 inch as possible.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1261 on: December 13, 2022, 01:43:49 AM »
...*S*...Yes, Nate, you understand what I mean when I try to explain 'Ki'.

One of the short, 5'3" Owners, the Japanese Shifu, was scary.  He was very mild mannered, and you could spar with him, and he wouldn't hit you very hard, or break your wrist when he blocked a punch.  During a group lesson, he was explaining that punching and kicking involved getting every muscle in your body to work together to focus all of your bodies energy to your 1st two knuckles, or the front of the sole of your foot.  (The area behind your toes)  We practiced barefoot, so when you kicked a bag, or another student, you had to curl your toes back to expose that part of your foot.  I developed a thick callus on that part of the soles of my feet from kicking the heavy canvas bag full of sand, it was hard to wear my sexy spike heels when the callus got too thick.  I would sand the callus down at times. I also hurt the sh-- out of a few toes when I didn't curl them back far enough.

Anyway, he called me up front, I was a yellow belt and was thinking that I was getting pretty good at karate.  (They said that the yellow belt was the most dangerous one, because by then you knew a number of techniques, but had no real control, THOUGHT that you did)  I stood in front of him, about 2' away, and he put his open right palm on my chest, between my breasts, and all of a sudden I felt a HUGE push and I flew back and landed on my butt, about 8' from him.  I looked up at him, and his hand was still in the same position.  He helped me up, and explained that although his hand had only moved a couple inches, that his Ki and every muscle in his body was working together to focus on the base of the palm of his hand.

We can all learn to focus like that, through practice and repetition.  On afternoon, I had left work at noon, and went to the Dojo and put on my Gi and my yellow belt, and was practicing on my own.  A couple large young men came in, they were well over 6' tall, and probably weighed about 250 ibs.  They explained that they were on the College football team, and wanted to get more limber.  They were waiting for a private lesson, and were punching and kicking the hanging sandbag.  It didn't move much when they punched it, and rocked back a couple feet when they kicked it.  They commented to the Instructor, when he came up, that they could kick and punch pretty hard, and demonstrated.  The Instructor stroked his chin, and said, "Well, I guess then that we can't teach you very much here."  He then turned to me, and said, "P-----, please come over here and punch and kick the bag."

I walked over, all 5' something of me, and bringing all of my 125 lbs, and stopped, and looked at the bag.  I let out my screeching high pitched Ki-aye, and kicked the bag with my bare right foot, and it swung halfway up to the ceiling.  I stopped it after it swung a few times, and steadied.  I then shrieked again, and punched it, and it swung back, but not as far as the kick.  I was breathing heavy when I steadied the bag, and the Instructor dismissed me.  The two 'studs' just stared at me as I walked away...I swayed my hips a bit just to taunt them.

The Instructor said, "She is just a yellow belt, but will test soon for Blue.  I suggest that you don't piss her off.  You won't like her very much if you piss her off."

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1262 on: December 13, 2022, 07:07:51 PM »
Yes, I do understand about ki and the need for control and directing all of one's energy into one spot like the 1st 2 knuckles etc. The movement you described your sensei doing is the 1 inch punch Bruce Li was famous for. It can be very effective.
I love the demonstration your sensei had you do for the football players lol. The muscle bound ones often think force and muscle is enough but it is not technique and control does so much more.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1263 on: December 18, 2022, 11:03:40 PM »
I am watching "Sound of Music", and sobbing most of the time.  I am such a crybaby.  "Sister Sophie" in the film is Marni Nixon, the sister of my H.S. Private Cello Teacher.
 Good thing that I played the cello, I could play even when I was gasping for breath with tears running down my cheeks during a musical.  I could keep my hands doing what they needed to do when playing, but would almost drop my bow when I finished.  I would quickly wipe my eyes with the cloth that I always draped over the left shoulder of the cello to protect the varnish from my sweaty hands...and then wipe the front of my cello.  I would drop tears on it while performing.

I wasn't a cellist that held the instrument in a proper upright formal position, and sat straight.  I would lean over the front...or push it slightly way from me and turn it to the right...or slump back in my chair and stick the tuning peg for the C-String into my left ear (I could hear myself when I was with a bunch of loud brass)...and other unapproved positions.  But I usually played pretty well.  During the Season, I would have so many invitations to perform that I had to turn down some.  I HATED TO DO THAT!!!!  Some weekends I would play in the morning, and then grab a lunch and drive to a different city and play another performance.  Those were FUN DAYS!  And I earned a lot of cash.  *S*  So, in H.S. I earned money by carrying golf clubs around the Course...and playing the cello in Churches and Halls. 

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1264 on: December 19, 2022, 06:44:52 PM »
You are very passionate about your playing which is a good thing. As for positioning, many times it is those who use unortjodox methods or positions who excel. It is good to be in demand. Smiles

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1265 on: December 25, 2022, 06:23:46 AM »
...Landing a only get ONE chance!!!!    :o :o :o :o :o

I made a landing, once, in a sailplane, kinda like the one above.  I drove to the Field, and it was VERY windy, and the Owner told me that there probably wouldn't be any steady thermals to ride, and since I hadn't done a lot of ridge soaring, I ought to just go home.  But...I WANTED to FLY!!!  It had taken me 45 minutes to get to the Field, and I had had to pay a $1.00 Bridge Toll  >:(  and I had some cash in my purse, and I was 17 years old, and I was WAS going to fly!!!   ;D  I checked over the medium performance sailplane, and the wings and the tail seemed to be attached to the fuselage OK, so I pushed the plane to the side of the runway, and found the tug pilot and told him where I wanted to be towed, and the altitude I wanted to be at when I pulled the release lever.  He listened and nodded, and it seemed that he wanted to speak to me about something, but he just shrugged and taxied the tug out onto the runway, and I grabbed the tow rope and attached it to the glider. 

I sat my butt in the small seat and strapped in, and then pulled the canopy closed, and looked around, and waggled my rudder to let the tug know that I was ready.  So, we took off, and headed towards the ridge.  It was a bumpy ride, but by then my body was fairly used to the damn sailplanes, so I didn't get nauseous or throw up.  I was going to release at 2,000 feet, but the air was so unsteady, that I rode the tug up to 2,500 feet, and then pulled the release lever.

I did my usual climbing turn to the right, as the tug dived to the left to get the tow rope away from me, and I had a rough time circling twice, and then I straightened out and searched for thermals.  I found several, but as soon as I started circling, the wind blew me out of the column of rising air, or the column broke up...either way...I was losing altitude.  I dropped down to 1,200 feet, and decided to go back to the Field, I didn't want the wind to blow me too far away, I wouldn't be able to get back and would have to try to land on a farmers crop or some homeowners large lawn.

I had good altitude, and did my approach and downwind, and then my base leg, and then lined up on the runway for my final.  Problem was, the wind was coming in from my right, so I was being blown to the left.  So, I kept turning into the wind until I was flying straight towards the runway.  Problem was...I was almost flying SIDEWAYS...really, I was!!! the nose of my plane was pointing into the wind!!  I was looking out the LEFT SIDE of my canopy to see where I was heading.   :P

I have a screw loose in my brain, at times I don't perceive the entirety of reality very well, I just perceive and register a little bit of what is going on.  I was calm as I dropped lower and lower, and I was lined up with the runway.  Problem is, you CAN'T LAND SIDEWAYS!!!  The sailplane I was in just had one wheel under where I was sitting, and it was secured so it pointed straight and half of it was inside the fuselage, going in sideways would certainly result in a crash...just a crash and burn... since I didn't have an engine and didn't smoke.

So I entered above the runway flying sideways...and when I figured that I was just a few feet off the ground...I turned the nose so I was pointing straight down the runway.  The wind did push me to the left...but I pushed the joystick forward and got my wheel on the ground and was able to steer the plane with the rudder to the right, and got off the runway.  I just sat in the plane for a minute, as my brain processed what I had just done.  And I thought..."Just keep your sphincter tight, you can let loose in the Ladies Room."

The Owner and another man came over, and I opened the canopy and loosened my straps, and they helped me get out of the cockpit.  "Interesting landing P-------," the Owner said.  "If the wind had stopped, with the direction you were pointing, you would have flown over the fence and onto the Freeway."  I just shrugged and said, "Visibility was a bit better out the left side of the canopy, I need to wash the front of it.  And I would have lined up with the slow lane to land."

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1266 on: December 25, 2022, 06:36:15 PM »
Wow sounds like a harrowing experience but happy you came through it in tact and had a good landing.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1267 on: January 08, 2023, 04:00:39 PM »
Our 'Lovely Government' is hiring a small Army to go collect more taxes, and Biden says that they are going to go after the 'Rich'. 


From my personal experience as a Tax Attorney I can assure everyone that the Gov't is LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH!!!  I handled over a hundred tax cases, and the vast majority were after lower middle class taxpayers.  The rich people who hired me would turn me loose, and say, "Get them as best you can" and I would unlock my 'Izee' mind' and go crazy.  I only volunteered what would help my client, and my IQ dropped a hundred points when the IRS spoke to me...I had difficulty understanding what the Agent was asking for.  That often worked, I would wear my 'charming smile' and they would lose interest in the accounts or deductions they were contesting, and I would steer them into the safer areas where my client wouldn't get hit too hard.  My favorite was when I got an Agent to miss where my client wrote off the purchase of a D-9 Dozer, (It should have been depreciated over seven years), I distracted him by getting him to look into another account.  Again, I didn't lie...I just 'diverted his attention'...that was fair...wasn't it?  If he had looked into 'that account', my client would have had to pay more taxes.  I know that we all have to pay taxes...but as his attorney it was my job to minimize the assessment...not call the IRS's attention to improper deductions.  (Just like attorneys who say their client didn't commit a crime when it is on film)

But, I did a lot of 'pro-bono' work for people.  One middle aged hispanic woman was being audited because her husband, who had abandoned her, didn't file a tax return to report $36,000 he earned from a construction company as an independent contractor.  They were living apart, but hadn't gotten a formal divorce.  With interest and penalties, the assessment was about $7,000.  They came after her, because he had fled back to Mexico.  I fully exposed her financial condition to the Agent, and had him meet with her...I paid for an interpreter...I figured that he wouldn't trust me to interpret...but he insisted that she had to pay the taxes.  When I pressed him, pointing out that she had squat, his response was...

..."Those people can come up with money when they need it..."

The IRS is fully aware that small taxpayers will just somehow come up with a few thousand dollars just to get the IRS off of their backs, rather than pay a Tax Attorney thousands of dollars to contest the assessment.  And they know that most people will just pay a bill from the Gov't rather than contest it.

I told her that I would defend her for free, but she just disappeared...I suspect that she, also, returned to Mexico.

I just pray that the Republican House, who control the budget, delete the budget item for 87,000 new auditors...or...with my background....

The IRS just might HIRE ME!!!  Even though I am getting long in the tooth...that would be fun!!!  I might even be made a Supervisor and...

...GET A BADGE!!!!!

...(Bodges?  HA!!! We doan need no stinkin bodges!!!)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1268 on: January 08, 2023, 07:53:28 PM »
Good on the diversion tactic with your client. I agree much of what they do will be going after the middle class as the know the rich can afford attorneys to fight it while middle class usually cannot.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1269 on: January 09, 2023, 06:29:36 PM »
...Being a Hollywood 'Bigshot'...

A nice memory of my late, very good friend, Glen Chin. 

We were VERY close in college, but not sexually.  (A few times, I did neck with him a bit and let him stroke me, but never got undressed).  Our relationship was platonic, we did speak of innermost feelings that we never mentioned to anyone else.  We went into 'bad areas' in Stockton at midnight to eat ethnic foods.  People thought we were a couple, and sometimes we played along with the idea.

After college, I pursued a Law Degree and practiced Accounting and Law, Glen went down South to L.A. and studied acting and played music, his primary instrument was the string bass.  (Funny how, in this context, 'bass' and 'base' are pronounced the same.  'Bass' is pronounced differently when referring to a fish...just an observation).  He did appear on TV and in movies, Woody Harralson killed him in 'Natural Born Killers', and he was the Boss of a crime family in a TV Movie...and got killed.  He just commented that the director didn't let him do an intense 'death scene' either time, although he did overact, IMHO, in NBK.

I would visit him at times, sometimes I would be in L.A. on business and would make sure to have lunch or dinner with him.  Once, a deposition ended early, and I met him for lunch...(I bought lunch...but he picked a place that had GREAT food that was cheap).  He invited me to observe him as he taught a class, and so I drove my rented Cadillac (That was the only car that was available at the rental place) to a modest area of L.A. and parked.  I was still wearing my business outfit, and I sat at the back of the hall, and watched him work with young people.  During a break, a couple came over to me, and asked if I was someone 'Important'...I just said "Yes"...and Glen hustled them away saying that I was a friend from college and that I was 'very important' in the industry.

So, I watched, and had some fun.  I took my notebook out of my purse, and pretended to take some notes.  A few times, when someone finished a part, I would call out, "What is your name, young man?"  and write in my notebook.  I waved at Glen when they finished...a few followed me out and saw me drive away in my rented Cadillac.  I know that if I had wanted...I probably could have gotten one...or several...(Blush) go back to my room with me, and...

Glen and I had dinner, and Glen laughed.  "You saw them wake up and focus more after they thought that you were an Agent or Someone."  I laughed, too, and said..."If I ever need to have a sexual thrill, I will contact you and observe your next class, and say that I am in the business."

Glen would sneak me into paying gigs.  I would carry his string bass, he would carry his electric bass guitar. He would tell the Security that I was 'with the band', and I would follow him in.  Security never asked how a small woman could play a full sized string bass.  I stayed backstage, and listened, and ate and drank some of the food that was in the Green Room.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1270 on: January 09, 2023, 06:58:32 PM »
Amazing what people will do when they think someone is an agent etc in the film industry to get them to notice.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1271 on: January 14, 2023, 05:02:05 PM »
...Another of my favorite string quartets...Antonin Dvorak's "American Quartet"... ;D

Dvorak was very impressed when he visited the USA, and listened to our music.  He especially liked the Black Soul Music, and took notes.  Back in Czechoslovakia (I had to use 'spell check' to write that word) he wrote the quartet and dedicated it to the U.S.  I studied it at Conservatory, and our quartet performed it.  The 1st Movement is very exciting, and the themes just sound so 'Western'...I always imagine watching a Western Movie when I listen to it.  Our violist LOVED IT!!!  She started the dramatic theme, and had a lot of fun.  The 2nd Movement is VERY uses the cello a lot to express the theme...and the cello is the most melancholy instrument, IMHO...and the opinion of many.  In the 2nd Movement you really hear the 'Blues'.  The theme is very chromatic, and I really got into it.

When we performed it, a number of people said that they were crying during the 2nd Movement...and not because I was missing notes.   :'(

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1272 on: January 14, 2023, 06:59:15 PM »
I agree with you about the cello being able to be used for meloncholy sounds but it can also have a deep rich sound too which compliments many other types of song.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1273 on: January 15, 2023, 05:05:03 AM »
...HELL NIGHT at a Girls Sorority...*Bwaaa Haaaa Haaaa"    ;D ::) :P :o

I was invited to join the Women's Music Sorority at Conservatory, and did rise to be the PRESIDENT in my Junior year.  The Office lasted until the second Semester of my Senior Year.   ;D  I ALMOST was voted to be President in my Soph year, so I could have been the second girl in the Sororities history to serve TWO terms as President...but I lost the election BY ONE VOTE!!!  (And THAT vote was MINE!!!  I voted for the other girl because I thought at that time in my life that it was improper to vote for myself...don't know how that concept entered my mind.   :P  But I got OVER that habit after losing that election BY ONE VOTE, and always voted for myself as often as I could after that loss.)

Anyway, the Initiation period lasted for about a month.  One of the things the pledges had to do was to wear their Pledge Pins at all times!!!  Unless they were naked while taking a bath or shower, so I would wear the pin in my pajamas at night when I pledged.  During the Xmas vacation, an Active unexpectedly arrived at my house early in the morning.  My parents woke me up, and said there was a girl at the front door.  I wandered down, in my pajamas, and the Sorority Active said that it was good that I was wearing my pin.  I went back to bed after she left.  The initiation ended with a Hell Night.   >:(  We would take over the Conservatory building after it closed at 10:00, and keep the pledges up all night doing various things to test their knowledge and commitment.  Of course, we did everything we could to humiliate them and give them unfair tests.  They would later be confronted with just how poorly they had performed musically...(They were given instruments to play that they didn't know.  Me, a cellist/pianist, was handed an old violin that had no chinrest and was told to perform well on it.)  The written tests had difficult questions on obscure musical topics and compositions, and nobody ever got above 12%-15% correct.  They would also get verbally tested on their musical knowledge, and it was always unfairly difficult.

When I was President, we invited one girl to pledge who was a musical genius.  She played the piano at the professional level, and knew almost all major classical works and  the history of music and musicians and composers.  During Hell Night, I was wandering around looking in at all that was going on, and making sure that things were moving well, and at times pulling the Actives back when a pledge was getting too upset.  Crying was common, and we would back off a bit, and then get back to work when the girl calmed down.  I walked into a room where the genius was being verbally questioned, and the Actives were concerned...because she kept KNOWING THE ANSWERS!!!  I went out, and found an Active who was a brass player, and loved Jazz and Modern Music.  I hauled her to the pledges room after I told her "Ask the pledge all about Jazz and such, she knows a lot about Classical Music and Composers."  Sandi did a GREAT JOB...the poor girl kept stammering that she didn't know an answer to a question.  I observed for a while, and sighed, theatrically, and said, "Oh, so you ONLY focus your studies on music that interests YOU.  This is a Music Sorority, and we honor and study ALL music that is in Europe and America.  You may not fit well with us, the Sorority eagerly seeks to educate all of us in ALL music", and walked out.

The highlight was the recital.  We would turn on the stage lights, and the pledges would perform on the instruments we handed them, and try to sight read complex and confusing scores.  We would catcall and jeer them.

During the recital when I was the President, a couple of the Actives got on the Stage to conduct and help the pledges...and...well...the Actives took it upon themselves to wear scanty clothing and do a burlesque strip dance while the pledges played.  I was sitting in the Audience...embarrassed for them, and wondering who had come up with the idea.  About halfway through, an Active nudged me, and said,,,"The Campus Cops are here."  I looked over my was like 3:45 am...and the two night Cops were standing at the back of the Hall.   :P :P :P  (The Conservatory Building was kept LOCKED after 10:00 pm)

I got up, and went to them, and showed them my Student ID, and explained that this was an Initiation Ceremony for the National Women's Musicians Sorority, and that I was the President, and that I had been given a key to the Building by the Dean, and that we would be leaving, soon.  They they WATCHED the stage.. the Actives were topless...and then the Cops told me to keep it quiet, and make sure the Building was locked when we were done, and then they left.

I questioned the Actives later, and they just laughed.  "Hey, we were distracting the pledges...and they were afraid that they would be told to undress, too. And, it was fun, getting almost naked on the stage."  I chuckled and said, "The Campus Cops were ready to arrest you, and me...or throw you dollar bills.  I took the bills and said I would give them to you, but I bought myself some ice cream."  We cracked up.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #1274 on: January 15, 2023, 03:46:50 PM »
...Being a 'BEER GIRL'... ; much more fun than playing golf... ::)

I arrived for the Golf Tournament, carrying my 'hardly used' set of golf clubs, and wearing my newest 'Golf Clothing'.   ;D  I looked pretty good in the very short skirt, and cotton top...and I thought that the sun visor was very cute.  It was a Tournament for Insurance Executives and such, and they always invited we attorneys, because, well because...they didn't want we attorneys to get PISSED OFF at them!!!   >:(

I walked to the Registration Table, and the two guys looked me over, and said, "P-------, you are not going to play golf today, you are going to drive a cart that has refreshments."  I stood, astounded, and said..."You mean, you want me to be a 'BEER GIRL'?"   :o  They nodded, and said, "We got calls from two girls who said they couldn't be here today.  So, you are assigned to Cart #3."  I opened and closed my mouth a few times...I mean...I was an ATTORNEY and my name was ON THE LETTERHEAD!!!  The 'Beer Girls' were always Secretaries or Receptionists.  But, they gestured me away, so I took my clubs back to my car, and went and found Golf Cart #3.

A receptionist from another Firm was there, and she smiled at me, and said, as she held up the keys, "They put me in charge of the cart, so I will drive."  I thought of 'pulling rank' on her, but figured that the men in charge would not look on me with favor...they never did, anyway, in the I just smiled, and set my butt on the passenger side.

She handed me a little map of the course, and 6 holes had ben circled, and she said, "We are responsible for those holes, so we will drive around, and offer beer and Pepsi, and potato chips and snacks.  Keep a watch on the cooler, and let me know when we get low.  We don't want to show up low on supplies to a group."  I just nodded, and said, "Yes, Ma'am."  She giggled, and we set off.

It actually was a fun afternoon.  We drove ALL OVER the Course, and offered beer and snacks to any golfers we came across.  We even handed a couple beers to some guys who were just out jogging.  And, of course, we would take a break and park in a shady place, and eat chips, and have a beer.  As we drank our 3rd beer, I commented, "Better hope we don't get pulled over by the cops, our BA is probably above .08."  She snorted, and said, "They'll NEVER catch us, we have the fastest cart."  I burped in approval, and looked around for golfers.

The golf was pretty wretched.  The Golfers were all rank amateurs, and they were drinking beer, too.

The afternoon finished with a BBQ dinner, and awarding of the Prizes.  I was chuckling when we six 'Beer Girls' were called up, and each of us was given a little present...especially when the Announcer said, "And, let's give all of the cute little beer girls a hand, they really helped us stay cool and refreshed."

I did have my H come and pick me up when I was ready to go home.