Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488424 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #225 on: April 19, 2020, 11:56:48 AM »
Join the rest of us and give it a try. If it doesn't work, they you can always sail on home again. You DO have another Son with his own ship you know...

 :-* ;)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #226 on: April 21, 2020, 02:59:26 AM »
...Aye, Brother...I need to get out of my funk.  If Jonas approaches me...I will scream and jump into the water...drowning would be better than what he would want to do to me.   :P  It would be nice to see Thor and Helga again...we had so many good times...SO MANY good times.  I worked hard there...for so many years.   ;D  At times, I had to quickly go to the bathroom...I was drinking 7-up...with an additive...and suddenly got an urge to go and pee...I was laughing so hard...and doing so with a FULL BLADDER is not good.  But, *sad smile*  I also spent a lot of time studying Norse Culture, and put on Norse Events at Scagnar, even the Althings...*S*...I always got others to get involved...and sat back and watched what they did...but...that meant nothing...apparently.   :'(  Did I 'travel'?  YESSSS!!!!  That is how I got typists to come and visit us!!!  I went into safe places...and...yes...went into Panther and Taluna Lairs...but...Izee' is a FULL PANTHER HUNTRESS...TRAINED BY KIMBA!!!  Izee' can defend herself...she was confronted several times...and easily BEAT her opponent!!!  I traveled to help the Home grow...and get typists to visit us regularly.

…I guess that at Scagnar…you can rack up years of 'Atta Girl'...but you get accused of one 'awshit' mean nothing to anyone sad... :'(

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #227 on: April 21, 2020, 03:26:04 AM »
...I will add I was making my long leaving...many were asking me to stay...but the final words, by a Man, said to me were...

…"You aren't worth a collar"

...If I had just been tossed into a cage...I would have logged off...stayed off the computer for a couple days...and cooled down...spoken to the friends I had...and come back in...and seen what I could do to r/p myself out.

...But, we all have our limits...and we can't be pushed further...

…*Shrugs*  He saw that I was r/t VERY UPSET...he could have sent me a supportive that I knew that it was just r/p...but...

...I am a 'Soul Player' meet me in r/ will see "Izee'" in me


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #228 on: April 21, 2020, 08:37:52 AM »
*hugs You lots knowing exactly how You feel* 

well i, for one, am very happy You're in Tuchuk now, and am thankful to Scagnar for that.  *huggles You again, the rt person, but then siren would, too*

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #229 on: April 21, 2020, 09:14:41 AM »
Sis... that is the past. Move on.  At the Thing you are allowed to return again and visit. You may not be the most favorite one there, but I do not think you need fear for your life.

Marcus spoke for you at the Thing.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #230 on: April 21, 2020, 06:50:51 PM »
...Thank you, Brother...I will visit...and r/p in my 'minor key' mode... ::)  I will not cause or add to any drama.  If things get tough for me...I will just climb the Hill to Marcus's Tomb...and sit by it. 

...The new 'Marcus' has been VERY supportive to has actually helped me with my r/t.  I am very grateful to him, it is nice to have someone who stands with you, knowing that r/t is very challenging.  (*Hugs you close* have been one of the most helpful to me)  It would be good to visit and see him again.   :)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #231 on: April 22, 2020, 03:50:31 PM »
Very good. Will see you there.  :-*

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #232 on: April 22, 2020, 08:23:46 PM »
...Why Izee' never starves...she is like her typist... ::)

...I was a 'Girl Scout'...and was very active.  I especially loved the Summer Camp...although NOT AT FIRST!!!!   :P  I struggled, and kept off to myself a lot...and HATED THE COMMISARY FOOD the first year...and lost a lot of weight.  My Mother was crying when they picked me up, the first year...I was thin, dirty, and depressed.   :P

...I had mostly fed myself with fish, that I caught.  I tried for trout...but they were hard to catch.  Often, if I caught one, an older girl would take it away from me.   >:(  So, I settled on...'bullheads'...they were easy to reel in  They are black catfish, about 8 inches long...and 3/4 OF THE FISH IS THE HEAD!!!!  I would cut off the heads, and then just boil the body over a fire in the WWI messkit that my Grandfather had given me.  The Leaders of the troop were very negligent...I was actually left behind on a long overnight backpack.  They didn't keep the troop together, and my pack fell apart, and they just told me to catch up.  I put it back together, and tried to follow...but there was a fork in the trail.  I took one...and never saw the troop...but kept walking.  I was ACTUALLY REALLY PISSED!!!

...After a few hours, a jeep with two men came up behind me, and I climbed in, and they took me to a resort.  I was left there, and got a good meal, a shower, and the Owner took me out to fish.  That evening, another jeep showed up, and took me back to the Camp.   :)  My Parents NEVER FORGAVE THE ADULT LEADERS...but let me stay in Scouting...

…A few years later, I was the Leader...and I LECTURED THE ADULTS!!!!  I told them that the pack would ONLY move as fast as the SLOWEST MEMBER!!!  I also said that we would stay together, although I did say that two older girls could travel 'Scouts'  (They would have tried to do so. anyway... ::))  I walked at the back of the pack, and would SHOUT at the adults..."SLOW DOWN...or...WE NEED TO TAKE A REST!"

…I would walk with the younger, and weaker girls, and encourage them, but watch them carefully...I felt that I, as the Leader of the troop...was responsible for them...and would not push them hard.  I mean...we were out in the Sierras...and if one got sick or could be very bad.  At camp, I did my best to stay active, and visit with everyone, making sure that everyone ate some of the dehydrated food...and would give the younger ones some cheer them up.  "Summer Camp" is often not very much fun...the first time.  The first week that I was there, and we were told that we could write letters home...I wrote...


...I added more...but...they DIDN'T come and get me... :o

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #233 on: April 22, 2020, 10:34:20 PM »

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #234 on: April 27, 2020, 12:25:20 AM »
...Tristan had worked the 7th Orlu of the 1st Oralu, that Ragnar had entrusted Him to train, very hard that day.  Tristan had grinned, many were new Warriors.  Tristan than spoke to them...


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #235 on: April 27, 2020, 06:28:11 PM »
...OK, true story of when I couldn't control my temper in r/l... :o

...When I was working, I was a pretty good Trial Attorney.  I had a high National Rating, and was undefeated in Jury trials.  I was usually on the Defense...and cases usually finally settled the morning of the Trial, when I said..."That is our LAST offer".   ;D  My clients were very relieved.  I was also not a LOUD MOUTHED BITCH you see in Movies and TV.  I was always calm, reserved, I would just calmly DISSECT THE OTHER SIDE.   ;)  I was appointed to open a new office for the Firm, and moved to a new town.  It was quite an experience.   ???  I was helping move my Family in, and looking for Office space.  Once I found an Office, for five attorneys and staff...I got furniture brought in, and then hired staff and attorneys as the cases flooded in.

…I was working a new case, I was on was a 'Property Damage Case'...and it was BS.   >:(  I didn't believe a THING that the plaintiff said.  My client was a Police Officer, and was worried.  The plaintiff's attorney was a 'bottom feeder', and was always contacting the Dept to say that my client should be fired...the plaintiff was a CITY COUNCILMAN!!!   >:(  Guess what my client had done to destroy the Councilman's life????

…My client had cut the branches off of a large evergreen tree that hung over his yard, that was on the Councilmans property, right on the fenceline..  He had just cut the lower ones, because they were damaging shrubbery on his property.   ::) 

…I took the deposition of the Councilman, and he INSISTED that his life had been ruined...that he had enjoyed sitting under the trees...playing his guitar...while his wife lovingly watched from the bedroom window...and just couldn't do that anymore...because of the cut branches.  I visited the residences...and his side of the property was not affected.  I also spoke to the Chief of Police...he and I had had some positive dealings in the past...and He told me, that as soon as the Councilman found out that his neighbor was a Cop...he WENT FOR HIM!!!   :P

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #236 on: April 27, 2020, 06:50:07 PM »
...So, we prepared for Trial...the Councilman wanted a HUGE amount of money...I had offered $500 dollars...and said..."Get on with your life."  But...we had to do a lot of expensive discovery...they added the claim that the trees were damaged.  I hired an Arborist who just laughed when he looked at the trees, and said..."Trimming a tree doesn't kill trim it gets healthier."   :)

...But...I was getting very angry every time I encountered the plaintiff's attorney.  He was an Hispanic male...and...somehow...knew how to 'push my buttons'.  Again...normally...I was very calm in a case.  Once, the opposing attorney called me an 'Iron Bitch'...and I WAS THRILLED!!!!  I actually hoped that that would be my nickname in the Legal Community.   ;D 

...I was mentoring a brand new attorney, 'John', that I had just hired 6 months earlier, he sat in on the depositions I took, and also when I spoke with our expert.  I explained the legal process to him, and actually let him help me plan for a trial. 

...John was with me at the Settlement Conference...and I was VERY ANGRY AS WE LEFT THE COURTROOM!!!  The plaintiff attorney had repeatedly insulted me during the conference...and he was doing it in a very subtle way...and...for some reason...I just REALLY DIDN'T LIKE HIM! 

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #237 on: April 27, 2020, 07:53:36 PM »
...I sat in my office for 45 minutes...thinking over what had happened...and told myself..."You ARE NOT GOING TO TRY THIS get angry in front of the Jury...and you WILL LOSE!"   :P  I calmed down, and summoned John to my office, and said..."You are going to try this case."   :)  He stared at me...and I said..."Don't worry, I will watch over you".  I didn't want to sit at the table.  So, the next few days, I helped him plan all aspects, every aspect of a jury trial, and sat in with our Police officer client as we explained what was going to happen.  I told the Officer that I still was an attorney of record for him, and although I would be sitting in the audience, that I would counsel John...and if things went sideways...I would step past the gate.

...The Trial was VERY AMUSING... :)  the plaintiffs attorney gave the longest...and worst...opening statement I had ever seen.  He went on and on, painting a romantic picture of how the Councilman sat under the trees, every evening...playing his guitar...while his Wife adoringly watched from the bedroom window...and that now...THAT ASPECT OF THEIR LIFE WAS FOREVER OVER!!!   :o  due to what the Police officer had done!!!   ???

…A few times during the opening statement, John would look over his shoulder at me...and I would give a very subtle 'hand gesture' to signal to him..."Don't object."   ;)  I was watching the Jury...and they were ALREADY PISSED!  I mean, if you are going to sit in a Jury Box for four want it to be over something important.  One Juror was sitting back, and was holding a paper cup in his mouth during the plaintiffs opening statement.  I told John to just make a quick opening statement...he did.   :D

...The testimony in the trial was also amusing... the plaintiff attorney brought in MDs to testify as to the extent of the injuries that the Councilman had sustained.  John did a good job to cross-examine them, and they all said that they couldn't find any injury...and each one of the MDs shook my hand as they left...(I had deposed them)   ;)  The Jurors were watching...and probably wondering..."Who is she?"

...The jury was out for about 90 minutes...and I SWEAR that I could hear laughing...

...the Councilman got zip...and the Police Officer actually had relieved tears in his eyes as he left ...the Councilman had kept telling the Chief to fire the Officer...that when the Jury found that the Officer had caused property damage...that he should be disciplined.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #238 on: April 27, 2020, 11:16:51 PM »
I would have brought in an acoustic guitar with loose tuning pegs. Set it down in front of him and ask him to play something. If he couldn't... ooooops.

If he actually could play, the twanger would quickly go out of tune and sound horrible. Thank him, take it away from him, and make a simple comment to none in particular, "No wonder your wife thanked your neighbor for trimming that tree", and put it away. Ooooops...

Jury laughs, jury likes you, jury already dislikes him, win!!!!!

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #239 on: April 30, 2020, 12:49:37 AM »

...Thinking about music, and life, tonite...eating a warmed up premade dinner that my Mother and I are trying out.   ::)  Neither of us really want to cook, so we are trying out a Government service...and the FOOD IS FREE!!!  My Mother is very elderly, and we both tell the 'authorities' that I am caring for her...but she is very alert...and active...I just keep the house clean...and stay out of her way!!!  *JDL*  *Shrugs*  It is better for her...and less expensive to the State...if I just put her into an Assisted Living Home...and sold the house and moved into an Apt...the State would be spending a lot of money.  I pay the bills, and buy all of the food.  Sometimes, Mom calls my brother when I am out, and gives him a 'shopping list'.  My brother shows up with bags of stuff...and I write him a check...and we both laugh.   ;) 

(That is why Izee' can't be r/t mind will take over...and just not go along with the r/p.  I am also trying to get over my Divorce...the "Mess" I caused at Scagnar was because I was trying to accept that the r/t Man that I loved...didn't love me anymore...and wanted to take HALF OF MY RETIREMENT ACCOUNT!!!  I just couldn't handle any r/p that had me being rejected...and I wasn't rational.  :'(   I know the phrase..."Don't bring your r/t into the room"...but you can't control how you are feeling.)   

…Well, I finished the 'dinner'...actually it was a 'breakfast'...and it wasn't bad... :)  I will see if I can get some sleep.