...Why I had to leave the first firm.

I had a good friend when I was driving to night Law school...we got together a group, but they flunked out, or dropped out. So, for three years...a NAVAL AVIATOR and I drove to the classes. We would alternate driving, and at times when I was driving, he would tell me tales of when he had been in battle. I once let him drive me to the Alameda NAS, and I climbed into his Corsair, and looked over all of the instruments. I had flown gliders...and I just chuckled as he explained them to me...I said..."I flew a plane without an engine...and got to 10,000 feet." He swatted me, and took me out to a very nice lunch.

…He set up a plaintiffs attorney firm...I joined a defense firm. We sparred a number of times, and would get a drink afterwards, and I would calm down. He and his wife are the 'Godparents' to my daughter...he and I were very open to each other.
…I was visiting him at his office, and he was determined. He explained an accident to me, and showed me the report. His client, that he had just signed up, was a paraplegic...(Paralyzed from the waist down)…and the cause of the accident was a guy driving a truck. I made some comments about the case. There was a 1 million policy.
…A month later, it was late at night, and I needed to stretch my legs, and walked down the hall. I found the Junior partner and a senior staff attorney sitting together. I smiled, and walked in, and asked what they were talking about. They said that they were trying to figure out to STEAL the case!

I listened in for a bit, and went home.
…I sat FOR DAYS...trying to figure out what I SHOULD DO!!! Legal Ethics are very strict...you violate one...you LOSE YOUR LICENSE!!! I figured out that what I had heard wasn't attorney/client conversation...it was just ASSHOLES TRYING TO STEAL A CASE!!! I told my friend of what I had heard...and he got ready.