...A really sensual work by Astor Piazzola. It is for Bandaneon and string orchestra. I was in an orchestra, and we performed this. I was Principal cello, and the Concert Mistress was a very beautiful Nordic blonde woman. (GRRRRRR...'Brunette Envy'...) I wasn't very familiar with the Bandaneon, and at the rehearsal, I thought..."By the Gods...I am performing with an ACCORDIAN!!!!"

...The soloist was a VERY handsome Spaniard, and he played very well, and the rehearsal went fine, and I thought that the instrument sounded very nice. It was subtle, and not obnoxious...and it could get very 'frisky' at times.

So, I gave the work some slack. At the performance, the quick first movement went well, and then...we got into the slow movement....

...We were arranged differently than in this video, the cellos were on the right side, on the edge of the stage, from the Conductors point of view. The Soloist was in the middle, facing the audience...if he looked to his right...he was looking at the Concert Mistress...if he looked to his left...he was looking at me.
...As I said, the soloist was VERY HANDSOME, and he 'came alive' during the performance. He had the piece memorized, so he wasn't burdened with a stand. During the 1st movement he was moving in his chair, almost dancing as he played, it was very engaging!!!

Then, we got into the slow movement, and his 'stage presence' changed. He didn't move much, but he focused on me and the Concert Mistress.

A lot of that movement alternates with a duet by the soloist with the 1st Violinist, and then with the Principal Cellist. When he was playing with either of us, he slightly turned in his chair, and faced the woman he was playing with, and by his expression and body movements, he urged her to blend with him...he ignored the Conductor!
...I was astonished, at first, when he was just looking at me, and using his body movements to get me to blend with him...we were NOT just playing the tempo of the written notes...and I LIKED IT! He would finish with me, and then turn to the Blonde, and do the same with her. I would be starting to calm down, and then my next solo would come up, and I'd have my eyes locked into his....again...

...At the end of the concert, players and audience members were teasing Lori and me, saying, "You ladies put on a nice 'threesome' on the stage with that man." We just smiled, and went to get more wine. I did have to laugh at one moment...a player asked us..."Ah, did the two of you have a 'private rehearsal' with Sergio?" I spit out the wine I was drinking, but Lori smiled and said, "No...but we know where he is staying tonight."

I nodded, and said, "I booked his room, #504 at the Hilton." (I was the Treasurer of the Symphony...*LOL*)
...Here is the slow movement...