Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488417 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #300 on: June 02, 2020, 01:33:31 PM »
These are not protesters, this is filth, scum.

They make no effort to send a clear message other than they are half-wits and only wish to destroy or steal for their own gain.

Shoot the useless bastards. Declare open season on looters and arsonists and kill them outright right where they stand. The point they make to me is they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves. But hey... kill them. They will be dressed in the nicest stolen looted items they could lay their filthy dick-beaters on, price tags still blowing in the breeze like some trophy of accomplishment.

It isn't about race, it isn't about injustice, it isn't about this plague, or unemployment, or lack of businesses. It is no longer about the miserable state of Law Enforcement in this Country or even rallying against a government they may feel let them down.

This is about greed, stupidity, useless lazy wastes of air out to get whatever they can for themselves because they lack the dignity, respect, and moral standards to do the best they can to earn these things... to save what you can until you can afford what you want, or even having the self respect to realize that anyone with any standards or decency see this garbage for what it is... a blight, a pestilence on society that should be eradicated with extreme prejudice.

This filth has no specific race, color, religion, or gender... no sexual preference no nothing but their own gain at the cost of others.

Come... force your way into my home. I just hope you are ready to die for what you think you can take from me. I am willing to die defending it, and that is what it will take.

I am willing...

Are you, filth?

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #301 on: June 10, 2020, 12:07:24 PM »
...When I was a 'Decoy' for Macy's Security   :o

...When I was in college, my mother and brother had the 'Break Room' food service for the Macy's employees.  They called it the "A & J Havasnack"... ;)  They mostly sold snacks, but my mother would make a huge pot of soup the night before, and it would all be gone by midafternoon.  When she made her 'Green Chili Stew' would be gone before noon.   :)

...One summer, I was living at home, so I went in and helped out when I could...which was a lot.  I was just focused on studying the cello and piano...and there was a limit at how much I could effectively practice.  It was kind of fun.  I actually enjoyed entering...I would walk through the Mall to the Macy's Dept store, and ...and...and...enter the 'EMPLOYEES ONLY'  door!!!   ;D  I would then go to the Employees Lounge area, and go to the Havasnack.  I would wash, and ask my mother what she wanted me to do.  Usually, it was wiping down tables and counters, but I would take my turn at the front counter.  I learned to operate the cash register, and I enjoyed talking to the employees.

...A somewhat very casually dressed guy came in, when I was just starting to help, and I looked at my brother.  He told me, "That is one of the Security Guys, he is dressed down to blend in."  I poured him coffee, and took a couple candy bars from behind me, and he smiled, and paid.  He was a regular, and he would stand and talk with me if there were no people behind him.

...One day, business was light, and I got bored, and told my mother and brother that I needed to get out for a while.  They told me to go ahead, and so I went out into the Macy's area, and did some "I wish I could afford this' shopping.  I was standing at a jewelry counter, when the Security Guy came up, and stood beside me.  He quietly said, "Hey, walk with me, and talk...act like we are together."  I said "OK", and I walked with him, smiling, and softly talking about whatever came into my mind.  He would smile back at me, and reply with equal nonsense.  At times, he would stop, and I would stay with him. 

...Suddenly, without saying anything...he just took off...running.  He disappeared into the maze of counters and clothing, and I just stood there.  For a brief moment, I thought of running after him...he had asked me to WALK with him...but...he had not told me to RUN with him.   ::)  So...I went back to the Havasnack, and wiped down the tables, again.

...When he would come in the days after, I didn't ask him what had been going on, and he never told me.  We just spoke of minor things.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #302 on: June 17, 2020, 01:17:25 PM »
..."Chupacabras"   "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"  *Waving hands in the air*

...When my children were young, they once asked me what a "Chupacabra" was.   :)  I went into an immediate panic, screaming, and waving my hands in the air.  They just stared at me...and I went into a very elaborate fantasy of how I had actually seen one, and been attacked by another, when I was a child, and our family was visiting my Great-Aunts in South West Texas.  I was halfway through a description of what they looked like...and they started laughing.   ::)  I laughed, too, and said that I didn't know if they really existed.  But, it became a Family Joke.  Someone would say "Chupacabra", and all of us would scream and wave our hands in the air.   :o

...We then would blame every misfortune on the creatures.  For instance, when the kids came home, complaining of losing something, or getting a bad grade, I would look at them, and say..."Could it have been...*Pause for effect*..."Chupacabras?"  We would all scream, and wave our hands in the air.  I would come home from work, grumbling about the Moron Judge who had denied my Motion...and the kids would say..."Could it have been..."Chupacabras?"  we would all laugh as we screamed and waved our hands in the air.

...We almost had a real loss, though.   ::)  We were moving into a new house, and my son and I were carrying in a Grandfather Clock that I had inherited.  It stood over 6' tall, and we each had one end, and it was in a cardboard packing box.  My daughter was following us, and just HAD TO SAY..."Could it have been..."   :o  My son yelled..."DON'T SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"    ::)  She didn't, but I almost dropped my end, I was laughing so hard.   ;D

...Anyway, here are the creatures...


Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #303 on: June 17, 2020, 02:42:44 PM »
HOLY SHIT!!!!! We have one of those in OHIO!!!!!

My ex wife. *Shudders*

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #304 on: June 19, 2020, 12:13:35 AM »
...Why it is VERY HARD to kill a Torvie...

...My Lair Leader had ordered me..."NEVER TANGLE WITH A TORVIE!!!"  But, I was full of myself, I had captured a Southerner, in one-on-one combat...(which got me promoted to 'Huntress')...and had been tracking a huge Torvie who had washed ashore.  Her instructions had been made very clear, She said..."Only way to kill a Torvie is to cut off the head...and SHRINK IT!!!  And, EVEN THEN you can't be sure!  Just stay clear of a Torvie, when you see one, and alert the Lair.  We will pack up our Lair, and move to somewhere new."

...I had followed Her orders...until I met the Huge, Blond Torvie who had washed ashore.  I alerted the Lair...but...decided to see if I could capture or kill Him.  I was on Shinfaxi, and I had my bow, and figured that the odds were fairly even...if he charged me...I could fire off a few arrows, and then guide my kaiila to trample Him.  But, as I looked at Him, sitting at a fire, drying mind decided to speak with Him.  I put away my bow, and took up my lance...I planned to gallop by Him if He got aggresive...stick Him...and keep galloping away.  But, I stopped a bit away from Him, and let Him look at me...I put on my BEST Huntress face...

...He briefly looked at my face, and then looked at the rest of me...taking His time...and smiling...I was in my 'Taluna' clothing...which wasn't very much...the Jungle was very hot.  I yelled at Him..."You are MY PRISONER...kneel and YIELD!"  he just nodded, still sitting, and pulled a tin of candy from His pocket, and said ..."No salt water got into this."  I stared at the tin...I hadn't had ANY candy for several months.  I told Him, "I be a verra dangerous Huntress."  He nodded, "I understand, Huntress, I will stay seated."  I got off of Shinfaxi, and carefully walked towards Him, and sat across the fire from Him.  He handed it to me, and I opened it, smelled it, and ate a couple of pieces.  He was just sitting, relaxed, watching me, His green eyes seemed to be amused. 

...((Finish later...*S*...this did happen))

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #305 on: June 19, 2020, 01:02:39 AM »
...I asked Him what His name was, and He said, "Marcus Hrolfson, now, what is your name?"  I ate another piece of candy, and pondered for a moment...I could emit a whistle...three short bursts...and my Taluna Sisters who were watching us would swarm down...and He would have to submit...or be killed.  I told Him, "My name is Izee' Tatoke."  He nodded, and said, "You are a Red Savage, I can see that, your name has a meaning, what is it?"  I bristled for an ihn, but relaxed, He was a VERY handsome Torvie, and was not making any threatening moves.  "It means 'Medicine Deer', I be a Healer, an a pretty good Huntress."  I ate a few more pieces of candy, and then looked at Him and asked, "When did ye eat, last?"  He just shrugged, and said, "About three days ago." 

...I was feeling an attraction towards Him, He was not threatening me in any way, and seemed to be amused by what was happening.  Somehow, He had been lost at Thassa, had washed up on shore a few days armed Taluna Huntress was sitting with Him...and he certainly knew that I wasn't alone...that many arrows were likely aimed at Him right now.  I told Him, 'Jus relax, by tha fire, I got some food."  I rose, and walked over to Shinfaxi, and took several pouches out of the saddlebags, and walked back to the fire, and sat down.  I opened the pouches, and laid out dried fish, bosk jerky, and four roasted vulos, along with two botas of water, and a bota of mead.  "Doan eat too much all at once, Marcus, I be a Healer.  Try tha vulos, first, I roasted them this mornin." 

...He ate all that I had set out, and thanked me, and sat back.  I pondered for a while...I really didn't know Him...and he was a Torvie!  Even if ALL of my Sisters came down, we probably wouldn't be able to capture Him...he had a HUGE Battle Axe !!!  I told Him, "Ye certainly know what I be, but, there be a Village not far away.  I will escort ye there, an ye can go on with yer life."  His brows lifted a bit, hearing what I was saying, He wasn't sure that I was speaking the truth.  I got back onto Shinfaxi, and brought out my bow.  I pointed to the left, and said, "There be a fishin village not verra far away.  Start walking, I will follow, an signal my Sisters tae leave ye alone.  But, do not think a tryin to get away, er beat me.  My Sisters be watchin, and they will fill ye full a arrows if ye try anything."  He just smiled and nodded, and walked along the beach.  I followed, and would whistle and make hand signs to signal my Sisters that I was in control.

...We arrived at the Village, and I stopped, and told Him to go ahead, that He could find work there.  I also told Him that we Talunas had a safe 'Exchange Point', where we would trade hides, dried meat, furs, and occassionally a prisoner, in return for flour, spices, and steel weapons and tools.  During the Months that followed, he would often be at the Exchange with other Villagers, and at times, after the trading was done, we would sit and talk. day...we decided to travel together...and I left the Lair, and joined Him.  We had MANY amazing adventures.  *S*

...(Here is the clip I had been watching...*S*)


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #306 on: June 19, 2020, 01:19:29 AM »
...Torvies EAT this STUFF...and...and...and...STILL LIVE!!!!

...In my Primitive 'Past Lives'...I probably starved the first time someone said..."Let's EAT this!" 

...But, in my 'Modern Life', I will eat pretty much any seafood or shellfish.  I LOVE raw oysters, and always save the 'crab butter' when I get a fresh crab.  My r/t daughter was disgusted when she saw me eating the 'butter' along with a fresh crab I was cleaning/eating.  She was a Frosh in Biology in College, and explained, in DETAIL, just what 'crab butter' was.  I listened, nodding, chewing a mouthful of 'body meat' that I had SOAKED in 'crab butter'.  I just swallowed, said, "Interesting"...and kept eating.  She snorted, and walked away.  I almost CROWED...I had GROSSED OUT my daughter...'Parenting' just can't get ANY better!!!

... :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #307 on: June 19, 2020, 04:28:45 AM »

But even you must admit, cool mud and cold clammy eggs left over from morning meal stuffed into the toes of your boots does make for a rather unique experience after bathing when pulled on.

 ::) ;D

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #308 on: June 19, 2020, 02:49:02 PM »
...Rags needs to take we FW to THIS PLACE!!!!   ;D

...It doesn't seem to be real, but we would have a BLAST!


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #309 on: June 20, 2020, 11:00:26 PM »
...More on Music... :)

...When I was very young, my Parents always had some music going in the evenings, and weekends.  They mostly enjoyed the 'Big Band' music, but also put on some Classical music.  They had one record that I would sit and listen to, it had Russian music on it.  This Composition, "Meadowlands", was my favorite.  I would get them to play it several times.  One thing about the Russians, they know how to write lovely, lyrical music.  When I got to 4th Grade, I vowed to play a String Instrument, and started with the Violin.  I briefly flirted with the Viola...but started the Cello in my Frosh year of H.S.  It resonated in my Brain, and I learned to play it fairly well relatively quickly.   ;D   (After taking private lessons, and doing a LOT of PRACTICE!!!    :o)

...I was really happy, when a Community Orchestra I was in performed this work, an arrangement of "Meadowlands".  Here it is, and...I think it kinda sounds Tuchuk.   :)


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #311 on: June 22, 2020, 10:24:31 PM »
...Aslaug and Tiveri sing to the Warriors...they join in.   :)


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #313 on: June 23, 2020, 02:08:31 PM »
...Luthiers... :)

...These are the Men and Women who make, service, and restore string instruments.  I have dealt with several during my career as a cellist, starting in H.S.   :)  Always, I was very inquisitive, (and 'Charming') when I brought one of my cellos in for servicing.  Usually, it was just new strings, and an 'adjustment', and my two 'performance' bows to be re-haired.  There was a very fine Luthier I used a lot, His shop was in the Central Valley.  He would let me visit with Him, and would show me cellos that He was working on, and I would watch for a while as He labored on making one.   :)

...One year, I was going to perform a Concerto with a Community Orchestra, and my cello just didn't seem to be responding well.  I took it to the Central Valley Luthier, and he found that the upper front was coming loose.  He glued it back together, but 'Pavane' still didn't sound right.  I called Him, and he said that he was ill, and couldn't work.  He gave me a phone number to Robert C, a Luthier in L.A.  I called the number,,,a Man answered...I told Him who I was, and what I wanted, and He told me to 'forget' this number.  I hung up, and looked up His business number, and called again.  The same voice answered, and He laughed when I said who I was, and said..."I didn't mean for you to hang up, but that was my 'private number', and I don't use it for business."  I said, "I understand, I have a cello that needs some work."  He said, "Bring it down."

...I had a case working in L.A., so I brought my cello along, and drove to Cs' shop during a break.  He was very open, and friendly.  He was a very enthusiastic Man.   :)  He was also very familiar with cellos.  He took Pavane from me, and sat and played, exploring ALL of the registers.  He said, "The repair looks OK, but you have the wrong strings, and the soundpost isn't in the right place, I will need to make a new one."  I just nodded, and said, "OK, and can you give it a good polishing?"  He shook His head, and said, "Your cello looks fine."  I said, "I think it will look better after a polishing."  He just smiled, and wrote up the work order, and I left.

...A few weeks later, I got a call from Him, saying that my cello was ready.  I was really excited as I took the long drive to L.A., and entered His shop.  He brought out Pavane, and the cello looked wonderful!!!  He then said, "I am going to show you something.  It has the strings that you had on it when you brought it in.  Play it."  I sat, and played the opening to Brahms 1st Sonata, and it sounded better than before.  He then said, "You need these strings on the C and G."  He replaced those strings, tuned Pavane, and said..."Now try it." 

...I could REALLY hear the difference...the new strings had overtones and volume that the ones he replaced didn't have...they woke up the A and D strings, and Pavane sang much better.   ;D  I thanked Him, paid my bill, and left.  Pavane really sounded great.  Musicians were asking me if I had bought another cello, and said that it sounded better than my other one.  I just told them, "Take your instrument to Robert C, you will be pleased."

...So, thanks to a really artistic Luthier.   :)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #314 on: June 23, 2020, 05:08:24 PM »
...In my Frosh year at Conservatory, I studied the piano as hard as I practiced the cello, and I was a Cello Performance Major.  I got a 'C' in Music Theory, because I was practicing my instruments more than I was studying that subject.  I just took 'Piano' as a class, since it was two units.  When I could play this, my Piano Instructor urged me to 'Double Major' in Piano and Cello Performance.  So, I spent a LOT of my time in a closet sized practice room, alone...either sawing on my cello, or getting my hands to romp all over the piano keyboard.  I did that for two years...thinking that if I could graduate with BOTH Majors...that I would cause a sensation at the Graduation Ceremony.  The 'Performance Majors' would come forward, and play a short movement of a Concerto with the Conservatory Orchestra.  I had visions of being called perform the Dvorak on Cello, and the Emperor on the Piano.   ;D

...Here is the work I could play back then... :)


...Rags can probably imagine how I looked after I performed that in a recital.   :o  I just sat, my hands holding on to both sides of the bench, letting my mind clear, and feeling my body getting some strength applause filled the Hall.  I had to really focus as I stood, bowed, and carefully walked out.  A friend helped me drink some water, and pushed me back out for two curtain calls.

...I realized that Music just took too much out of me, that life would be Hell if I tried to make a living performing, and/or teaching.  So...I became an accountant.  But, I continued to play cello and piano as an Non-Professional...although I would make a few thousand dollars every year...playing in semi-Professional orchestras and wedding gigs.   :)

...Music is quite an Artistic Endeavor...and there is NOTHING like it!