Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488405 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #315 on: June 23, 2020, 05:40:28 PM »
Looked like you were rode hard and put away wet!!!!!   ;D ::)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #316 on: June 24, 2020, 02:23:11 AM »
...Izee' would teach her children many aspects of what a Red Savage was...she told all of them..."Ye be HALF Red Savage, I saw tae that!"  Tristan, Keagan, and Johanna would just stare at her, the triplets were pureblood Torvies...they had been adopted by Marcus and Izee'...when the three were just small children.  Still, Izee' taught them Red Savage Culture, and always treated them as if they had emerged from her loins.  Tiveri LOVED being half Red Savage, she liked her light, copper colored skin, and her dark hair, but she didn't like her piercing green eyes.  Izee' just shrugged when Tiveri complained about her eye color, saying, "Momma, I want dark brown eyes like yers."  Izee' just said, "Next time I get pregnant, I will try harder tae produce a Torvie, er a Savage."  Tiveri would just shout, and walk away.  Izee' would silently chuckle, and think, "That daughter gonna grow up tae be a real beauty, an no way will she accept a collar, she be verra smart, an has ideas of what her life is gonna be like.  Tha Man who decides tae Companion her gonna have an interestin life."

...At times, Izee' and her children would pack up a couple kaiila with food and cooking utensils, and ride off, a ways from the Camp.  They all had weapons, and had plans of what to do if Rogues tried to attack them.  They would set up a Camp, and participate in Red Savage Ceremonies.

...Here is a song they would sing...


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #317 on: June 24, 2020, 03:56:13 PM »
...Izee' Missed Marcus Hrolfson very much, He had been her first 'True Love', and she submitted to Him...after she had tracked Him down in the Jungles.   ::)  (And you MEN think that you do the choosing...GUESS AGAIN!!!   ;D)  Marcus often sang to Izee', and she just sat, and listened.  But, when He sang certain sings, she jumped up and danced...not caring that she may have looked like a bond at those times.  Marcus enjoyed His Companionship with Izee'...she had many moods.  He actually enjoyed when the 'Panther Huntress' appeared...He would just grab her by the back of the neck, and throw her down...and have fun.  She would wake up before He did, and prepare a nice breakfast for the two of them, and sit on His lap, naked, as they ate.  H

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #318 on: June 24, 2020, 11:24:20 PM »
...Izee' is a very passionate FW, although she hides it very well.  She just keeps her face looking passive, the corners of her mouth turned down.  Men would briefly look at her, and think, "That woman has potential, but she just looks too tired, and not very appealing."  But, a Man had seen through her scruffy look, and claimed her as His Companion.  She had risen to His challenge, and had become a very honored, and beautiful FW.  (*G*...during that time, typists sent me many lovely Pics.  I selected one, and used it...I had to change it out.  It was a VERY LOVELY pic of a woman, a few times Men tried to collar me. *LOL*  The pic was just TOO PRETTY!!!  But, I did like it.  I finally took it down, the pic didn't really look like what Izee' is.)

...Marcus had a lot of fun with me.  We had a GREAT COMPANIONSHIP CEREMONY...I was rushing around, planning the Reception, and being somewhat stressed, r/t.  I wanted it to be totally Gorean, and had read several books to see what a Companionship Ceremony was...*G* can read one of His Novels very quickly if you just ignore the..."Master, please take me" episodes.  I think that Marcus sensed what I was going through, the end of the  Reception...a PIE FIGHT BROKE OUT!!!  I was actually surprised, and confused, I, like any Bride, was planning a 'PERFECT WEDDING"...and my plan DID NOT INCLUDE A PIE FIGHT!!!  Izee' ran around, VERY CONFUSED, in her Companionship Gown, and then...she just picked up a pie and threw it at the nearest Warrior.  She picked up more, later, and got hit many times.  Marcus carried her out at the end, and they both washed off the 'Pies', and then went to bed...and to conceive children.   ::)

But, when He died, (r/t)  Izee' just withdrew back into her self.   Here is a nice song...


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #319 on: June 25, 2020, 12:40:31 PM »
...At times, when I was studying Martial Arts, I was called to help with teaching.   :)  I would feel challenged, I had my Green Belt, and the White Belts would look at me.  Again, I am small, and was slender back then, and looked PRETTY GOOD.   ;)  One evening, after my group class...the Instructor had REALLY worked us hard!!!   :o  I was told to instruct the White Belts, the usual trainer was ill.

...I led them in stretching, and got them all loosed up.  I then said, "Show me your 'fighting stance'...they were lined up, side by side.  I then slowly walked in front of them, looking at them, and at times gently correcting one.  I stopped in front of one young man, he was all "Bruce Lee'ing' me...he was crouched down, left foot in front, right foot well behind, and holding his hands in front of his face.  I looked at him, and he smirked, and I grabbed his Gi, and kicked his left leg out from under him.  He fell down, surprised.  I walked to the next student, who was in the proper 'fighting stance', and did the same thing... :D...He blocked my hand, and kept his balance as I kicked his ankle...and then punched me on my right  shoulder.  (*G*  He had been aiming at my face, but lowered the punch...I was wearing my glasses) 

...I stepped back, and he bowed to me, and I returned it.  I looked at all of the students, and said.  "You are being trained in the school of two very World Class fighters.  Do as they say, and do listen to those of us who they trust to help train you.  You listen, practice, do as we say, and you will become very dangerous people."

...I then directed the class in VERY HEAVY conditioning exercises.  I did them along with them.  About 1/3 dropped out, and sat against a wall.  I did the 'duckwalk', and they ALL groaned.  We 'duckwalked' back and forth for ten minutes, and several just collapsed, and crawled to the wall.  I would talk during that time, and say, "You need to have strong legs to be dangerous, and have good balance.  If you ever get into a real fight, it will probably be unexpected."  I then looked back around, and said, "Three more laps, and then we will take a break."  We finished, and we were all just sitting on the mats, and a Senior Trainer came in, looked at us, and said, "Ok, let's get to work.'  I just got up, and went into the back room, and changed clothes, and drove home and took a nice bath.

...*S*  I could have blocked the punch, but I let him hit gave him some confidence.  He worked very hard, and rose to Black Belt.  I would bow to him when I entered the Dojo.   :)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #320 on: June 25, 2020, 11:09:39 PM »
...A real fight that I had.   :(

...I had been studying karate during college.  It was a Southeast style, and was very difficult.  The Katas were very complex.  We would do them slow, and the Instructors were VERY insistent that we did them well.  As I rose through the ranks, they explained, "We really aren't watching where your arms and legs are, we are watching where you Ki is."  I would ask, what 'Ki' was, and they explained that it was the energy of my mind and body.  A few times, when I was being tested for the next level, they would just smile, and say, "Keep your belt."  I asked what was the problem, in my mind, my body had moved through the punches, kicks, and blocks very well.  They told me, "We did not see your Ki."   :(

...I practiced the katas very hard, at home, and tried to let my Ki loose.   :)   I finally got to feel it, and let it guide my body.  It is hard to explain, but when I did a kata, my mind was blank...but my body was moving in very complex motions.  I would stop, and take a few deep breaths, and think of what I had done.

... :)  I was really astonished when I learned the 'soft punch'.  I was pretty good, at  'Yellow Belt', I could kick and punch the bag, and it would rock.  Once, an Instructor pulled me out of my class, and had me help him with a group of white belts.  He had me kick and punch the bag...then he pulled me away...and said..."Calm down, go back to your group."  As I walked away, I heard him say, "She is just a Yellow Belt, but look what she can do, any mugger will be unpleasantly surprised.

...Me and three other Blue Belts were taken aside by Ron, and were taught the 'soft punch'.  It is AMAZING!!!     

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #321 on: June 25, 2020, 11:53:30 PM »
...I could punch hard, with either hand.  I would pull my hand back beside my right breast, and then lean forward as my clenched fist hit the bag.  During 'Kumite', I would soften my punch so that I wouldn't hurt my opponent...although...once...I didn't hold back.  The jerk hit me in my face, with full force, and I fell down.  I waved away the people who came to me, and got up.  I smiled at my opponent, and said, "Lets go".  I didn't hold back, I kicked, and punched at him, with all that I had...and when I punched his face, and swept his leg...he fell down.  I just walked away, and changed my clothes and drove home.   ;D

...Anyway, back to the 'soft hand'.  Usually, when you punch, you make a fist.  The 'soft hand punch' is different.  It is actually more of a 'Roundhouse Punch'.  I would bring my right hand back beside my shoulder, and step forward with my right foot.  I would keep my hand open as I swung, until it was very close to the target, and THEN make a fist.  :o  It would land VERY HARD!!!  I cannot explain it.  I would practice at Home, I had a bag hanging in the patio, and would punch it using both techniques.  The 'soft hand' made the bag swing more than when I made a fist.

...The 'soft hand' did help me, once.  It was late at night, and I was coming out of a grocery store, with three bags of groceries.  A young guy was standing near my car, and asked what I was doing.  I told him that I just wanted to go home, and to leave me alone.  He smirked at me, and said..."I will take you home."

...I set down my groceries, and just stood there.  He didn't notice that I was arranging my balance...and he smirked as he reached for me.   :P

...I gave him my 'soft hand', to the side of his face, and he fell against another car, and just sat there.  I was really tempted to kick him, but with my adrenalin running, I could have killed him...and he wasn't trying to stand up.  I just gathered my groceries, put them in my car, and drove away.

...I insisted that my children, and other children, study the Martial Arts. 

...I never bullied anyone, or tried to cause a fight...

...But I felt that I could hold my own.   :)  I was also taught some really 'NASTY' things to do in a real fight.   :P

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #322 on: June 29, 2020, 12:09:35 AM »
...Nice songs...*S*

...I liked Michael Jacksons song, "I'm Bad'  He was a very talented man,

...But, liked this one better..."I'm Fat".  My good friend, Glen Chin is in it.   :)   He is the Chinese Guy wearing the headkerchief with a Japanese symbol on it.   ::)  I asked him about it, and he just shrugged.  "Hey it was a paying gig, and I got to dance."  He then pinched me, and said, "You white people can't tell Chinese from Japanese, anyway."  It got to be a challenge...I am a mixed Hispanic...(He just saw me as white...*JDL*) and we would be in S.F. or L.A....and he would point at an Oriental, and say..."OK, Japanese, or Chinese?"  I missed at a lot, at first, but I got better.  I would point at a white person, and say..."English or Russian?"  He would laugh, and say, "All you white people look the same."

...I apologize if the post sounds racist, it was intended to be fun.  Glen and I were very close, and when I got married, I persuaded my 'Intended' to have Glen as his Best Man.  Glen is in my marriage album.  Glen and I were very close, and I was very sad when I was told that he died.   :'(

...In this lifetime, we make good friends, and people seek us out.  We need to love each other, and help each other.  We also really need to have a sense of humor, and not get all hurt or agitated over small events.  Anyway, here is His video... :o


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #323 on: June 29, 2020, 02:37:30 AM »
...OK, it is late...but I need to type one last description of my earlier life.   ;D

...I was really planning to become a professional cellist, but, despite hours and hours and hours of practice...I just didn't have the skill.  I asked my cello Professor to tell me, honestly, what my future would be if I continued as a cello performance major, when I was a Soph.  He told me, "You don't have the skill to make it into a major Orchestra.  You do have what it would take to get a Masters, or Doctorate, in Music Theory or Music History.  You could get, after a while, a job in a College, and you could play in a secondary Orchestra, like the Oakland Symphony, or such, and teach students on the side."

...I went back to my Dorm, and cried.  My mind just wasn't perceiving reality.  That was a crossroad in my life, that I just can't backtrack to.  I changed my major to Business Administration, and devoted my free time to Student Government.  I was a 'quiet woman', I was appointed to be the Social Director, and handed a 30K budget, after I got another girl elected Student Body President.  I had wanted to get elected, but everyone told me that I just didn't look right.  (That was a lot of money back then... ;D)  But, I really DIDN"T look like a "Social Director".  I was a 'mousy' Hispanic chick, and the Manager of the Concert Hall of the City wasn't too sure that I had the ability to produce a Rock Concert on behalf of the College.  I handed him the reservation check, and signed the contract.  He told me, later, that he expected to see a young woman with hair dyed in different colors, and wearing very heavy makeup, that is what he usually saw from female Social Directors.  (I did tell him..."Hey, if I show up like that, next time, and wearing a miniskirt, small halter top, large hoop earrings, and 6" heels...will you give me a discount?  He laughed and said, "No, but I will offer to give you something else.")

...I was the only Social Director to make money on the two public rocks concerts that were in my Budget.  I had presented, to the Council, that I would lose $2K on each one.  They were happy, past Directors lost $3K to $5K on a concert.  I just snorted,,,past Student Social Directors had been 'DAMN POT SMOKING HIPPIES' who had no idea of what a budget was, or how to plan a concert!!!  I MADE about $2K on each one.  I was REALLY PLEASED when the Police took me back to the Student Center, in the back of their Cruiser...and I WAS NOT HANDCUFFED!!!  I was clutching a shoebox that was STUFFED WITH CASH!!!  I had seen that the jerks that approached me to produce a concert for a very famous rock singer...they couldn't do it...the local City Council didn't want outside troublemakers producing concerts...but they let me...a local troublemaker do it.   ::)  And I didn't trust them. 

...Again, I was not a 'head-turner' in college, even after my breasts finally grew in...but I sat with the City Mayor, and explained that the Artist was not a 'Rock Singer', but that she was a 'Folk Singer'.  I played a few of her songs, and gazed at him with my huge brown eyes.  He bought my story, and signed off on the contract.  (I didn't play her 'other' songs).  (Her last name was 'Fl....')  Anyway, I put in the Contract, that I would get ALL of the cash, since I was paying all of the bills, and would write them a University check for the profit.  The Concert wasn't very successful...the check I wrote them wasn't very much...but then the Police grabbed my arms, and I was surprised, and bewildered, and kept asking...'What are you doing?... and they hauled me into the  back of their Cruiser.   :P  They told me, as we pulled away..."You have a lot of cash, if some of the people figured out what you were carrying, it would have got ugly. so we made it look like we were arresting you."  I chuckled, and said, "Maybe you should have handcuffed me."  They laughed, and said, "No, we needed someone to hold that shoebox."   ::)

...The officers were nice, we talked on the way back, and they stayed with me and the Finance Director as we counted the cash.  They drove the Finance Director to the bank, and I walked to my Apt.  The next day, the Finance Director was furious...he had not understood that I was going to GET ALL OF THE CASH!  I just shook my head...if I had let those Bastards who approached me get me to pay all of the bills, and let them take the cash and write me a probably would have bounced....and my budget would have been wiped out!!  With what would have been left, I probably would have just put on a few "I will play the Records" Dances. 

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #324 on: June 29, 2020, 11:50:28 PM »
...Mimes... ::) ::) ::) :-X :-X :-X :o :o :o   Accents... :o

...When I was the Student Social Director in college, I just didn't put on dances, and lose money on large Rock Concerts...(I made money on the Concerts.   :)  I had gotten the Student Council to approve my budget, which I planned to lose $2K on each of my two, My Successor had $5K when he took over at the end of the Semester.  He put on a huge Campus party.  He hired a well known rock group, and bought a lot of good food.  Everyone was saying..."Now, THAT IS A SOCIAL DIRECTOR!!"  I was pissed, nobody pointed out that I had left a LOT of money in my budget, since I had not lost money on the Rock Concerts.  When I had taken over, I was only left $759 dollars, and I just bought a lot of pizzas for a party as my first event.  That was actually kind of fun.  The Owner of the Pizzaria let me into the back, and I helped package the pizzas, and put them into the back of my Honda SUV, and delivered them to the Campus.  I gave Him the check after I delivered the last load, and the Owner got me to sit down, and gave me a beer, even though I wasn't 21.   ;D  I didn't report Him for 'Contributing to the Delinquency of  Minor'...I was just HAPPY to sit, and drink a beer.   ;))

...I hired a Mime to put on a performance.  I had a lot of different events, not just dances.  He really cracked me up.  He, and his Assistant, looked normal when they arrived.  I guided them to the Dining Hall where they would do the performance.  I spoke to the Head Cook, and explained what was going on, and that they needed a room to get ready in, and to rest.  She was your 'Central Casting Cook'...grey haired, short, and overweight.  She actually said, as she turned around..."Walk this way."  The Mime looked at me, and then he and his assistant perfectly replicated the waddle that the Cook had  ::)  as they followed her.

...I actually had to step back, and cover my mouth...I was getting an attack of the 'Atomic Giggles'.

...I got hauled into their performance...and I wasn't expecting it.  They called for a 'volunteer'...and even though I didn't raise my hand, the Assistant came over, took my arm, and hauled me to the stage.  I won't say what they made me do...but I was blushing bright red when I took my bow.   ::)

...The Mime contacted me a week later, and asked if I could send Him a College 'Sticker; that he could put on his trunk.  I had seen the trunk, and it had a lot of Stickers from Colleges, and Halls.  I was happy to go to the Bookstore.  I bought a nice one, and sent it to him.  He did tell me to contact Him if I was ever in the Bay Area.  I lied to Him, saying that I lived in Texas...I have an unusual Hispanic/Texas accent...he just bought it.  I have no idea why I have the accent.  My Mother is from Texas, but doesn't have the accent.  A couple of her brothers have the accent...I guess that accents can be genetic.   ::)  But it is a pleasant one, Jurors would stare at me as I did my opening and closing arguments, and some would compliment me on my voice.  I guess that my voice is distinctive.  Once, I called Rush Limbaugh, and gave a false name.   ::)  I was surprised when He picked up the phone, and spoke to me...and I knew that MILLIONS of people were hearing me!!!   ;D  Later that day, classmates were coming up, and saying that they had heard me on the radio.  I gave up trying to lie, they insisted that they had heard me, and I finally admitted it.

...Well, enough babble for this evening.  I will do my best to get into r/p tomorrow.   ;D

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #325 on: July 03, 2020, 12:44:58 PM »
...I once, proudly...held the Title of 'NOODLE GIRL'... ;D

...It was when I first studied karate.  I was very slim, and had a natural flexibility.  The school was a 'Hard School', it emphasized physical conditioning, and kicking and punching hard.   :)  Later, I studied with a Chinese style of a 'Soft School', it emphasized body control, and subtle ways to defeat an opponent.   ::)

...In the first school, we did a lot of stretching.  The hardest one was when we would plant our butts on the floor, put our feet 'sole to sole, pull the heels back against our crotch, and lean forward.  The idea was to have your knees against the ground, and the front of your body flat against the ground.   :o  Just try it!!!!   :P

...I practiced at home, and got pretty close.  The Instructors would gently push me down, to get closer, and I would relax.  But, one evening, Ron M showed up, and conducted the class.  We got into the position, and Ron kept commanding us to try harder!!!   :P  He stopped behind me, and said..."YOU AREN'T TRYING HARD ENOUGH!!!"  He then stood on my knees, so that they were planted against the floor, and pushed hard on my back, so that I was flat against the floor.  He shouted, "THIS IS HOW YOU SHOULD LOOK!"  He let me up, and went on with the lesson. 

...He did briefly speak to me at the end.  He said, "I saw that you are very flexible, you just needed some help, Noodle Girl."  :o

...So, that was how I was addressed the following year.  We moved to a different city, and I didn't tell the Owners of the Dojo I joined, of my 'Nickname'.   ::)


Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #326 on: July 03, 2020, 02:13:31 PM »
We would stretch the same, only either sitting straight up or lying back. Instructor would stand on our knees.

Another that really crunched was lying flat, arms straight up with fists. Contract abs and hold your heels six inches off the ground. Instructor would take a walk around the room stepping or hopping stomach to stomach. Heaven help those who allowed their heels to touch or made so much as a sound during the process. It often seemed sadistic until you actually were faced with a situation where you took a shot that just thudded into muscle, or were stretched out enough at all times to take their head off their shoulders with a kick and lay them out.

Then... you smile and say a quiet thanks to your Instructor.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #327 on: July 03, 2020, 07:30:58 PM »
...My mind isn't quite right... :o

...I am a 'Hetero', I love Men, and like to look at them...and enjoyed my Marriage.   :)

...But, my mind will go into unusual places.   ::)

...I had a good female friend in college, we both played the cello.  We would go out, and eat, many times, and laugh as we spoke about the men in our lives.   :o   I played the cello better than she did, but we worked on duets.  We had a good time.  Once, we practiced hard on a romantic duet.  We decided to really 'go over the top' when we performed it at 'solo class'.  We dressed up, very heavy makeup, our hair up, and very high heels, and entered the stage from opposite sides.  We really acted out, as we played...((The cello is a fun instrument to overdo it when you perform...especially for a woman...your legs are spread wide...and there is a huge hunk of lumber between them.))  We made 'eyes' at each other, and REALLY overplayed it.   ::)

...We actually stood, hugged, and KISSED at the finish...and just left our cellos on the stage...and walked off with our arms around each other.   8)

...We both got called into the Deans' Office afterwards... :P

...He said, this is a Conservatory of Music...not a Brothel.   >:(

...We both worked hard in the Music Library for a few weeks, to keep from being suspended.

...We both thought that it was worth it.  Guys would come up to us afterward, and say...'THAT is how to play Boccherini!!!"

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #328 on: July 04, 2020, 09:03:39 AM »
Not too sure about the kiss on stage, but I would have kissed you both after the show. Heh heh heh...

Among other things.


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #329 on: July 04, 2020, 02:44:29 PM »
...Paying with 'Cash'   ;D

,,,Years ago, I made some respectable money with my hobby...Playing the cello.  I, for some reason, didn't want to put the pay  into my bank accounts...I took the checks to a business, and cashed them.  ((I just didn't want to pay taxes on the checks...I was paying a LOT of taxes on my salary...I figured that the Gov't had taken enough from me.))  So, after a few years, I had a LOT of cash.  It filled several envelopes, and I kept them well hidden in my bedroom.  I would take the cash out, late at night, and carefully count it.  It made me happy.  I did resist the urge to spread it out on our bed, and roll around in it, naked ...that was my Izee' mind... ::)...She is 'strange'... ::)

...My cello, 'Catherine', needed some heavy work, once.  I had been in a bad auto wasn't my fault...the other driver was drunk,  My first words to the Ambulance attendants, were..."Is my cello OK?"  They cracked up as they wiped blood from my face, and got me settled down.  They said, "It is still in the case"  and I calmed down.  But, Cathy was very banged up.   :P  I obtained my medical records when I sued the other driver, and chuckled.  The Ambulance and ER records reported that I was more concerned over my cello, than when they sewed me up, put a cast on my left leg, and hooked me up to an IV for the night. 

...When I was recovered, I drove Catherine to a Luthier, and he looked her over.  He gave me an estimate, and I winced, but said, "Go ahead."   :P

...I brought a bunch of cash when I came to pick her up.  He presented the bill, and I asked..."How much if I pay cash?"   ::)  He discounted the bill... ;D...and I handed over the cash... :)

...Now, the Dems want us all to have a 'cashless' will all pay more taxes.   :P