Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488839 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #360 on: July 24, 2020, 12:56:00 PM »
These are not protesters, this is filth, scum.

They make no effort to send a clear message other than they are half-wits and only wish to destroy or steal for their own gain.

Shoot the useless bastards. Declare open season on looters and arsonists and kill them outright right where they stand. The point they make to me is they don't care about anyone or anything but themselves. But hey... kill them. They will be dressed in the nicest stolen looted items they could lay their filthy dick-beaters on, price tags still blowing in the breeze like some trophy of accomplishment.

It isn't about race, it isn't about injustice, it isn't about this plague, or unemployment, or lack of businesses. It is no longer about the miserable state of Law Enforcement in this Country or even rallying against a government they may feel let them down.

This is about greed, stupidity, useless lazy wastes of air out to get whatever they can for themselves because they lack the dignity, respect, and moral standards to do the best they can to earn these things... to save what you can until you can afford what you want, or even having the self respect to realize that anyone with any standards or decency see this garbage for what it is... a blight, a pestilence on society that should be eradicated with extreme prejudice.

This filth has no specific race, color, religion, or gender... no sexual preference no nothing but their own gain at the cost of others.

Come... force your way into my home. I just hope you are ready to die for what you think you can take from me. I am willing to die defending it, and that is what it will take.

I am willing...

Are you, filth?

...A good statement, Brother.  (Hugs Rags)

...I mean, life is all about working and learning...and that takes an effort, and self discipline.  I have a lot of things, right now, but they weren't just handed to me.   :)  I took a bus, and then hauled golf clubs all over the Country Club when I was in HS, following the golfer, and sometimes giving advice, ("Aim to the left, you will have a better approach shot to the green", on a dogleg) to earn money so that I could buy a nice cello.  I would often go into the back room when things were slow, and help the Caddymaster wash the Members clubs, I just didn't like sitting, and waiting for a call.  (He was careful about what he let me do when I first entered, I was watched closely, and I learned how to properly wash an expensive wood.  Irons were easy, you just stuck them into a batch of hot water, and then scrubbed them clean.)  Later, I spent late hours in the County Law Library, alone, to study Law and earn my JD.  When I was working, I spent long hours helping my clients...and would often discount my bill.  I would get enraptured reading about the issues, and would read more, to educate myself.  I didn't charge them for that.

...I am going to get my guns out of the storage unit, but I won't let my elderly Mother see me do that.  I briefly discussed doing that with Her, and she got upset.  She was born in Texas, and her Aunts told her that "The DEVIL is in every gun."  That may be true...

...But, if I hear our front door being pounded down...I WILL let the DEVIL help me try to SHOOT the thugs...

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #361 on: July 24, 2020, 05:44:26 PM »
2nd Amendment sis. Exercise it.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #362 on: July 24, 2020, 06:17:33 PM »
...Tristan and His Orlu sing before going into battle... >:(


...Such a simple tune, but I get tearful when I hear a performance like this.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #363 on: July 25, 2020, 09:18:33 PM »
...Just an idea of the INSANITY that goes on at Conservatory.   ::)

...I was in my Soph year, being a double Major in PERFORMANCE!!!!  Cello and Piano.  I was challenged by the idea...I actually thought that I could earn BOTH!!!   I spent long hours, alone, in the little practice rooms, and would walk back to my dorm, the cello strapped to my back, and clutching the bag that held cello and piano music.

...My Cello Professor was gentle with me, He would call out the problems I was having with technique, and tell me what to do to correct it.  My Piano Professor was NOT gentle!!!  He could tell when I wasn't practicing enough, and the lesson got cut short a few times.  I would leave His Office after He yelled at me, and walk into a practice room...cry a bit...and then practice.

...I was having one of those bad lessons with the Piano Professor...I had spent ALL my practice time on the cello...I was going to perform at a concert.  He easily saw that my playing of a Beethoven Sonata hadn't improved from the last week, and He was making the lesson difficult.  He kept making me play certain passages over and over...and quietly criticized me.  I kept trying to play better...but I was losing my composure.   :o  I could sense Him getting angry...and then...!!!!


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #364 on: July 25, 2020, 09:32:50 PM »
...A young Black Vocal Major came in, and the Professor yelled at him for disrupting a lesson.   :o  I just stopped playing, and looked down at my hands.  The guy asked the Professor how he was doing, and the Professor yelled at him.  The guy said...

..."I brought you a sandwich."

...The Professor almost came unglued, and yelled at him more...and then said...

..."What kind of sandwich?"

...The guy said..."A ham and cheese."

...The Professor yelled at him more for disrupting the lesson...and then asked...

..."What kind of cheese?"

...The guy said "Cheddar".

...The Professor yelled at him more, saying..."I like Swiss."

...The Professor took the sandwich, and told me to practice more, and kicked me out as he ate.

...I walked across Campus to the other building, and sat in a Practice Room.

...I didn't get much done... :o :o :o :o :o

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #365 on: July 25, 2020, 10:38:09 PM »
Sis... Musicians are never wrapped too tight to begin with. *G* We all tend to march to be beat of a different drummer.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #366 on: July 26, 2020, 12:53:52 AM »
...I don't know what to call this... ::)

...I was President of the Student Council, at Conservatory.  I was given a key to the building, so that I could open it to meetings.  One evening, I had been practicing cello in a practice room there for several hours, it was close to midnight, and  I wandered around to clear my head.  I decided to try the key on other doors...


...I entered Professors Offices...but left...I didn't touch ANYTHING!!! 

...I entered the Deans Office...and left...I decided not to seek my personal file...I may have not liked what was inside.

...When my term elapsed, I told the Dean to make a key that just opened the side door to the Conservatory.

...I had NO intention of causing damage or problems, but someone after me could have caused problems.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #367 on: July 28, 2020, 01:05:52 AM »
...Here is a piano work that I could play...but it was hard on me.

...For anyone who has never tried to play an instrument...I say...


...Yes, it is hard.  You have to sit alone for long times, and get discouraged when your hands just aren't working...

...But...they can do this...

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #368 on: July 30, 2020, 11:09:23 PM »
...I could play this...and my newest cello is named 'Pavane'.  'Catherine' was made in 1910...and my viola de gamba, 'Rose' the baby of the group.

...Pavane has her name on Her label, pasted inside of Her, by the Luthier.  I had met with the woman who made Her.  She, the 'Luthier', let me take Pavane home with me, and I did a wire transfer to pay for Pavane.  I have never regretted my decision, Pavane and I led many orchestras.  She has a loud voice, and I could lead the section...and when I had a solo...I didn't have to struggle.   ;)

...I would bring Catherine when I was playing Chamber music...she has a very soft, 'woody' voice...and blends well with other strings.

...Rose is a Bitch!!!!  She has six strings, and is tuned kind of like a guitar.  My left hand is always trying to find the right string to press down on, and my right hand gets confused.  She understands how to play on four strings...but she has problems placing the bow when faced with SIX strings!!! 

...I will just start practicing Rose more... ::)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #369 on: July 30, 2020, 11:10:36 PM »
...Here it is...


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #370 on: July 31, 2020, 10:42:33 PM »
...Performing music...nothing like it in the WORLD!!!!   :)

...I JUST LOVED IT...when I could play this!!!   ;D  Again, I didn't just open the score, play it, and walk away.  I spent hours and hours practicing it.  It is a VERY DIFFICULT  work.  My fingers would stumble many times, and I would play a passage very slow...and I WOULD TELL MY HANDS...REMEMBER THIS!!!!   Often, they didn't...and I made them SLAP EACH OTHER!!!   Sometimes it hands would focus and the work went well...but...usually...they just GOT MAD AT ME...and I would give up, and walk to the dorm.  I was not going to throw them into the creek as I walked across the bridge...I did NEED THEM!!!!  (And they protected each other)

...As Rags has said...we Musicians aren't wired normal.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #371 on: August 01, 2020, 02:03:25 AM »
...Total Insanity...Bi Polar

...It is hard to cope with, but can be done.

...I have struggled with it since HS. When my mind was alert, I didn't have to worry about anything.  I got good grades, was the Valedictorian at Law School, and once I became a Trial Attorney...the other side had to WATCH OUT!!!  I pulled 'stuff' out that they didn't see coming.  The IRS also had to watch out...they changed a Regulation after they went after a client of mine...I got REALLY PISSED...and stood before the Federal District Court...and explained that the IRS didn't understand the Law.

...The Justices ruled in my favor.

...But, as anyone else who has this disease pay a price.

...I left the Law Firm, when the depressive cycle kicked in, heavy time.  I would go home, and do my best.  The last time it happened, my H just moved away, and divorced me.   He took 759K, and will get half of my pension.

...So, I moved in with my elderly Mother, and we are doing well,  She is happy to have me, she had been thinking of selling the house, and moving into one of those assisted living places, and didn't want to do that.  That is probably good, that disease is hitting those facilities hard.  So, we just stay in the house, and I clean up, and go buy food every week.

...Not the Life that I had expected...

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #372 on: August 01, 2020, 10:20:48 AM »
Life is seldom what we expect sis.

All we can do is face what comes and do the best we can with what we have.

 :-* ;)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #373 on: August 04, 2020, 12:15:40 PM »
...I think that it is clear that I am in a 'Depressive' cycle right now, and fight with my mind every day.  I take the drugs, and make myself eat and get some exercise.  But, having gone through this so many times in my life, I will sometimes laugh at my mind...I mean...I have so much right now.  I keep telling it..."GET BACK TO NORMAL!!!!"  It isn't doing that, right now, so I just do my best to get through the day.  Working helped...I would be distracted by a clients case, and would focus on that...and even though I was depressed, I would get the job done.  I won several Jury Trials, even though I almost pulled my car over, and wanted to call the Court and say that I was sick.  My illness is usually 'hypo', not 'hyper', so I can function fairly normally in either phase.  Most of the time, my brain is normal, so that is why I have been able to accomplish so much in my life.  I have explored so many things...Law...Accounting...Cello...Piano...Youth Leader...

...Backpacking alone at Lassen, I really liked that.   :)  I would be out, alone, for a week.  I knew that it was very dangerous, if I got injured, it could be a while before aid could get to me.  And, being a woman, alone, if thugs found could have not gone well.  Especially when I camped by a small lake, and got naked to bathe myself.  Once, I was in a lake, and noticed two guys watching me.  I figured that it would be best to pretend that I didn't see them, and continued my bath.  They watched for a while, and then left.  I quickly got out, dried off, and put my clothes back on.

...I was having mixed feelings as I prepared my dinner.  Mostly, I was relieved, that would have been awful, to stand, naked, before two strange men...anything could have happened.,,and I looked very good back then.  But, my Izee' mind was thinking..."That could have been fun, they should have joined me."

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #374 on: August 04, 2020, 04:57:41 PM »


Ummm... going to show us pics? No pics = never happened. Inquiring minds and Oprah want to know. LOL