Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488411 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #450 on: October 21, 2020, 11:56:20 AM »
...Yeppers... ;D

...The peaches were ALL GONE...but I had a few more coins in my piggy bank.  The next year, we hauled the wagon right to Her house, first, and the sale of the crop was easier.  She would buy about half of the harvest...and then we would haul the wagon around to sell the rest.  It was a bit of a challenge...but my friend and I wanted to earn some coin.  The residents probably bought them out of we were...two little girls...sweaty and not too clean...hauling a wagon around...selling peaches.

...Later, we sold friend had an almond tree.  We decided that we could sell them, easier, if they were shelled.  So, we would sit for hours, shelling them, and placing the same number in plastic bags.  We would be exhausted, after we finally sold all of the baggies...and she got the quarter, first, since it was HER TREE, and then we divided the rest of the coins.

...But...BEING ME...I said that it would be easier to sell them if they were BLANCHED!!!!

...So, we would get into her Mother's kitchen, and blanch the almonds...and place the same number in each baggie.  We had to peel the skin off each one, it wasn't fun...and then we would place the baggies in the wagon, and head out.

...We knew, by then, which houses to avoid...they weren't dangerous...they just didn't want to buy anything.  But...there were a few houses that we just walked by.

...People seemed to want to buy the blanched almonds, very quickly...and we were happy when we hauled the empty wagon back, and then counted, and divided the coins...she got a quarter right was her tree.

...I wouldn't let a small child loose like that, now...but things were safer back then.   :)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #451 on: October 21, 2020, 01:21:54 PM »
too yrue on things being safer at the time  and seems you learned quickly who to go to and who not to good business sense

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #452 on: October 21, 2020, 07:12:04 PM »
Screaming, and running away...a 'Brown Belt' skill I learned... :P

I was very aggressive when I was learning karate...and I was very good.  I have good balance, and am aggressive...I was bullied a few times when growing up, and I beat the crap out of a girl who was bullieng me.  I looked around at her gang, and said, "Yay, you can probably beat me up, but...I KNOW WHO ALL OF YOU ARE...AND I WILL CATCH YOU WHEN YOU ARE ALONE!!!" 

They left me alone...

I kept my attitude when I got into the higher ranks...I was actually TOO AGGRESIVE...I would keep going after my opponent after I got her on the ground...and would get hauled off.  I actually beat a few male opponents...and thought...


The Owner took me aside, one evening, and HARSHLY SPOKE to me. 

"You are very skilled, but you are small, and your punches aren't all that hard.  A large man would probably be amused, and just grab you, and...well."  He shook His head, and said..."Don't get into a real fight, unless you have to...just run away."

I thought long and hard on what He said...and it made sense...

One late evening, I had got off of the bus, and was waiting for the next one to arrive.

An ugly, drunk guy approached me, holding his hands out, grinning...I figured that I might be able to take him...but...

I just screamed and ran away

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #453 on: October 22, 2020, 07:00:21 AM »
best move of all if there is trouble dont be there so it was wise to leave the area. I too learned and used to teach tae kwon do but never once used it outside of sparring. size does not mean much though as I saw a small woman kick hard enough to break a man's cup once though she was disqualified for illegal move still impressive ampunt of force.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #454 on: October 22, 2020, 11:06:44 AM »
Yes, Nate...we women were taught to avoid a real fight with a man, whenever possible...I mean...

...YOU CAN GET HURT IN A FIGHT!!!!   :P :P :P :P :P  And worse can can get hauled away...and be lucky to wake up, later...wondering where you are.

...The Owner took some of us higher belts aside, and instructed us on what to do, if accosted by a man, and couldn't run away.

...He told us to scream, cower, beg, look helpless, and offer our purse...and then...if that didn't work...

...We would do the 'really nasty things' we were taught...once the attacker got really close

...I insisted that my daughter study martial arts, when she got older.  She studied at a Dojo, and the Instructor liked her...they later got married.   :)  One Christmas break, I challenged her, and we both brought our Gi's and padding to my parents home. My parents probably had mixed feelings as we sparred...they were probably rooting for her.   :o

...Not sure who won...but I was surprised at times...I really had to work to block her punches and kicks... ;)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #455 on: October 22, 2020, 11:38:38 AM »
sounds like she learned quite well.  Avoiding fights or violence is not just for women. As mentioned, outside of soarring, I have not engaged in fighting nor do I plan to. I tend to avoid such situations.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #456 on: October 22, 2020, 12:36:59 PM »
... :)...sparring was pretty close to a real fight.

...I would actually get scared, or angry during a spar...but would just keep punching and kicking.  I would calm down, afterwards...and be surprised at myself...I mean...I usually liked my opponent...we would bow to each other before we started, to show love and respect...but for a few minutes...I was trying to KNOCK HER OUT!!!  But, *Shrugs*...she was trying to do the same to me.   ::)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #457 on: October 22, 2020, 01:16:57 PM »
you are competitive a good thing

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #458 on: October 23, 2020, 02:09:41 PM »
...Thank you, Nate... :)  Yes, I have been competitive all of my life.  Usually, the attitude served me well, I pushed myself to excel in School Subjects, and the Honors I won, and all of the initials after my name showed that I was successful. I earned a LOT of money, and cases usually settled when I told the other side..."That is my last offer".  I won my Jury Trials...I even won three where my client had rear-ended the car stopped in front of them.  I did very well playing the cello and the piano, and became an instructor in Martial Arts.  (I also looked 'pretty good'   ;))  I had to work hard to get my mind to be realistic when things didn't go the way I expected...I mean...


...I am struggling with that, now...I didn't foresee a divorce...but, I keep getting myself to focus on what I have.  I am also learning that I really need to get back into life.  I made a huge mistake, after my divorce, when I just stayed, alone, in an extended stay place for a year.  I didn't go out, except to buy groceries, and my body got very weak. I had to have food delivered, the last few months.  My Family hauled me out, and took me into a facility, so I could recover.  But, living like that does things to your mind.

...Quick story of when I was an Instructor.  I was a Green Belt, and the Black Belts would have me help teach the White and Orange Belts.  They pointed out that 'You LEARN by TEACHING".  That was so true.  Trying to explain what to do, and working  on how to demonstrate, takes an effort...and you do learn.   :)  I had seven White Belts lined up, and was teaching them the basic 'Fighting Stance'.  Our School 'Stance' was would face your opponent, slightly sideways...feet just partly apart.  I liked it, I had good balance, and could kick and punch easily.

...One punk wasn't listening to me.  I walked down the line, and looked at each one, and threw a few easy punches and kicks, and they were able to block me.  I would smile, and bow to the young man, and go to the next one, and repeat the challenge.

...I then got to the punk...he was larger than me...and he was crouched down in some kind of exaggerated 'Bruce Lee' position, his hands in front of him...and...smirking at me.  After all, I am a woman.  His legs were far apart...I was tempted to kick him in the nuts...but didn't...I was teaching a class...not in a real fight.

...I just grabbed the front of his Gi, kicked his front leg out from him, and threw him to the ground.

...I went onto the next student.

...All paid attention when I taught them, during the following months.   ::)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #459 on: October 23, 2020, 02:25:53 PM »
sounds like you were a good instructor as well using your skills to determine the best way to reach them.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #460 on: October 27, 2020, 12:58:46 PM »
...Learning to fight... >:(

...We Humans are not animals...we don't, instinctively, know how to fight very well.  Anyone seen chickens fight?  They seem to know what to do.  Men learn to fight, with their games and such, we Women don't know what to do, since we usually don't fight.  As little girls, when we get into a fight, we slap and pull on each others hair, until one gives up, or we get pulled apart.  Little boys slug each other... :P

...So, entering Martial Arts, as a young adult, I was told, "We will teach you to fight."

...They did...

...I was amazed at what I could do after 9 months.  There was one of those heavy hanging bags that we would punch, and kick.  At first, the bag wouldn't do much when I punched it, and only swung a little bit when I kicked it...once it took ME down when it swung back...I was on one foot...and was out of balance.   :P

...I was just hanging around, and was practicing katas, and studying my stance, and kicks as I looked at myself in the wall mirror.  I didn't have much of a social life, and would go to the Dojo to study, and be around people.  The Black Belt Instructor called me over, He was teaching some white belts.  He told me, "Kick the bag, show them what you can do."  I was already somewhat 'pumped up'...and I emitted my 'Angry Scream'...and ATTACKED THE was swaying all around, and I kept Screaming and punching and kicking it.   >:(

...He called out..."Enough"...and I stopped...breathing very heavily...and walked off to the side...the bag was swinging.

...The Instructor, looked around at the young Men, and said...

..."That is what She calls 'foreplay'...

..."If you get Her into bed...


..."Good luck.."

...I just started laughing... ;D

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #461 on: October 27, 2020, 01:06:24 PM »
It did not result in a trip to the ER, therefore it does not rank as great foreplay.

 ::) ;D

Check your IM's on this board. NightStorm sent you a message.

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #462 on: October 27, 2020, 02:50:43 PM »
if it can end in laughing, it went well

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #463 on: October 27, 2020, 05:21:53 PM »
Foreplay can end in many ways, but if you think laughter is good, you need to pause and re-evaluate something!!!!!

 ::) ;D

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #464 on: October 27, 2020, 05:53:46 PM »
laughter is good