...Panther Girls CAN be very honest...

I made a good friend in HS...by being brave and honest.
I had signed up for the 'Wordworking Course'...I wanted to have a break from all of the other courses I was taking. I enjoyed cutting on a piece of wood, and shaping and polishing it into a vase, or box, or just something interesting. A new guy arrived, one day...and if you called 'Central Casting" for a 'Nerd"...they would have sent him to you. As usual, in HS...nobody reached out to him.
One day, at the end of the period, the teacher told all of us to sit on the tables, and said...
..."Mike says that someone stole His coat. Did anyone see him wearing a green coat when he came in?"
Everyone was silent...but I just couldn't...I had seen one of the class "Thugs" leave the class...and I had seen Mike wearing the coat that morning...we shared a lot of classes. I raised my hand, and said..."Yes, he was wearing the coat when he came in." The Teacher nodded, and said,
..."OK, we will all just stay here, until the coat is returned."
We all sat for about 10 minutes...and then the 'Thug' left the room, and returned with the coat. He glared at me...and I glared back, and clenched my right fist. He looked away...everyone knew that I was a Blue Belt in Karate. I was a cute young woman, and that was one of the reasons I studied Karate...if someone attacked me, or tried to rape me...they would HAVE TO WORK FOR IT!!!!!
Mike and I became good friends, and did a lot of 'Science Things' together. I went to Conservatory to become a musician...He went to UC Berkeley and became a Nuclear Physicist.
