Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488378 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #495 on: November 11, 2020, 01:43:09 AM »
...Another indication of the DEPTHS OF MY INSANITY!!!    ;D

...I was a cello/piano Performance Major for two years at Conservatory.  I spent a LOT of time alone, in the little closet sized 'practice rooms'...making my hands romp over the keys of a piano...or telling 'righty' to hold the bow properly...and yelling at 'lefty' to get into the right position on the cello fingerboard, and move her legs faster.  I especially scolded them when I practiced the piano...I would think that we had a passage figured out...and then they would stumble over each other the next day.

...I went TOTALLY INSANE one evening...I was exhausted...and had heated up a TV dinner, and had set it on the counter beside me...and asked my left hand..."Should I eat this?"

...She 'woke up'...and walked on all fours...(The middle finger was the head)...and 'sniffed' at the food, and turned around and nodded at me.  I almost passed out...I was laughing so hard...but...I felt that I had TWO FRIENDS who would always be with me, and watch over me.  I named them 'Sniffies'...since she had 'sniffed' my food.  I ate it.

...My music got better...I got to regard them as having their own ideas of the music...and when it was time to stop practicing.  I would buy salmon, cook it...and they would look it over before they put it in my mouth.  Any observer would think that I was TOTALLY INSANE seeing me...sitting hands on each side of my hands on all middle fingers pointed at the food...but...


...Just a 'gentle insanity'...IMHO


Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #496 on: November 11, 2020, 09:18:20 AM »
nah, just self entertaining   smiles

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #497 on: November 11, 2020, 04:22:03 PM »
...Musical Instruments... :)

Like all musicians, I have a close relationship with my instruments...I was actually very upset during my divorce when my piano was taken away from me.  (The jerk just sold it) But my two cellos, Katherine and Pavane, and my gamba, Rose...stayed with me.  I was actually SERIOUS when I told him..."You come after will NOT go well...I can fight, yanno...and I know where you are living with that BITCH."  I agreed that he could take half of our savings, and half of my retirement account if he just left them alone.

I am watching over my elderly Mother...and Katherine, Pavane, and Rose are in their hard my Study.  They sleep in their cases, and I take them out and look them over. 

I am especially fond of Katherine.  She is very old, and has a nice, soft voice.  Pavane has a loud small groups, I have to calm Him down.  Rose...*Shrugs*...has six 'gut strings'...and I can't predict how she will sound.  The humidity affects Her strings...and playing six stings is difficult.  "Righty' can get the bow around four strings VERY well...and 'Lefty' can jump from string to string .  But, they get confused when there are SIX strings. 

Often, at Conservatory, I would practice in the small practice rooms for hours at a time.  I would start crying...because the music was speaking to me of what my life was every young was confusing at times...

I would just hug Katherine...and she would calm me down...

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #498 on: November 11, 2020, 05:51:47 PM »
most musicians form such bonds with their instruments. I do hope you still play  and sorry about your piano.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #499 on: November 12, 2020, 01:37:12 PM »
...Panther Girls CAN be very honest... :)

I made a good friend in being brave and honest.

I had signed up for the 'Wordworking Course'...I wanted to have a break from all of the other courses I was taking.  I enjoyed cutting on a piece of wood, and shaping and polishing it into a vase, or box, or just something interesting.  A new guy arrived, one day...and if you called 'Central Casting" for a 'Nerd"...they would have sent him to you.  As usual, in HS...nobody reached out to him.

One day, at the end of the period, the teacher told all of us to sit on the tables, and said...

..."Mike says that someone stole His coat.  Did anyone see him wearing a green coat when he came in?"

Everyone was silent...but I just couldn't...I had seen one of the class "Thugs" leave the class...and I had seen Mike wearing the coat that morning...we shared a lot of classes.  I raised my hand, and said..."Yes, he was wearing the coat when he came in."  The Teacher nodded, and said,

..."OK, we will all just stay here, until the coat is returned."

We all sat for about 10 minutes...and then the 'Thug' left the room, and returned with the coat.  He glared at me...and I glared back, and clenched my right fist.  He looked away...everyone knew that I was a Blue Belt in Karate.  I was a cute young woman, and that was one of the reasons I studied Karate...if someone attacked me, or tried to rape me...they would HAVE TO WORK FOR IT!!!!!

Mike and I became good friends, and did a lot of 'Science Things' together.  I went to Conservatory to become a musician...He went to UC Berkeley and became a Nuclear Physicist.   :)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #500 on: November 12, 2020, 03:06:27 PM »
good on you for standing up for your friend, that is excellent. my senior year, I became the antibully, any time I saw someone being picked on by a bully, I targeted the bully. It got to the point that they were looking around corners before picking on anyone to see if I might just be coming.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #501 on: November 12, 2020, 05:57:13 PM »
...Getting on television... :P

I got on TV News a number of times, usually as part of a case I was handling.  But once...I was taken by surprise.   ::)

My H and I had our two young children with us, we were going to see a G rated movie at the theatre complex...and a TV Crew walked up to us.  We stopped...and my H stood BEHIND two children got on EACH side of me...and PUSHED ME FORWARD.  >:(  I gave the crew permission to interview me, and they asked me some very intense questions...about minor children seeing R rated and X rated films.  I said that I didn't believe that a theatre would sell such tickets to a minor...but did shrug and say..."It is difficult to control what children watch...they can go to a neighbor...and pull out a VHS Cassette...and watch ANYTHING."  I did explain that we were doing our best to raise our children so that they would not want to watch such films.

The news clip ended, showed my H opening the door to the theatre...and my children and I entered.

My Boss and co-workers were excited for me...they said that I looked, and spoke very well.  I said...

..."They should have given me 20 minutes to 'Freshen Up' before they questioned me.  I wasn't wearing my best shade of lipstick"   ::)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #502 on: November 12, 2020, 06:27:04 PM »
lol on the appearance but sort of defeats the purpose of on the spot reporting.  Good response though now it is even more difficult to keep minors from such movies and the like.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #503 on: November 12, 2020, 10:49:19 PM »
...I guess that I must be 'photogenic'...or maybe people can sense my 'Attitude'

I got on TV in Japan.  I was chaperoning kids in Tokyo, and a TV Crew came up to me.  They had an interpreter...I just knew about 15 Japanese words...and they quizzed me about US/Japan relationships.  Things were a bit tense at that time.  I answered their questions, and pointed around at the kids around me, and said, "We are enjoying our visit here.  You have a wonderful culture...and...I LIKE the food." 

The Japanese chaperones gave me a nice gift a couple days later...they said that they had seen me on TV...and approved of the way I spoke.   ;D

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #504 on: November 12, 2020, 10:52:30 PM »
...I WAS wearing my best shade of lipstick in Tokyo... ;)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #505 on: November 13, 2020, 12:13:02 AM »
...Thinking back...I should have walked into the US Embassy while I was there...and asked...

...Got any openings?

I probably would have ended up being the Ambassador....

...After I learned to read THREE different ways of writing... ???

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #506 on: November 13, 2020, 06:42:44 AM »
you probably would be good as an ambassador. there is obviously something about you that attracts the media which is a good thing.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #507 on: November 13, 2020, 05:48:25 PM »
Not with her temper...

 :o :-X

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #508 on: November 13, 2020, 05:59:28 PM »
...WHAT??????????????????  Brother???????????????

Are you ACUSSING ME of having a....


 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #509 on: November 13, 2020, 07:51:57 PM »
...Desert Tortouses... :)  (sp)

I had two, when I was a child...they were for sale in pet shops when I was young.  They are a 'Protected Species' now, I believe.  I took good care of them.  I had the female, "Lilly", first...and she owned the back yard.  She roamed all over, and ate my Mothers petunias.  My Mother would get angry at me when Lilly did that.  I would give Her some of my allowance to buy more.  I then bought 'Mr. Thomas'...I was hoping that they would breed.

I, in my romantic juvenile frame of mind...put Mr. Thomas and Lilly side by side...and put lettuce in front of each of them.  I figured that they would eat, and then look at each other...and...well... 8)

Mr. Thomas walked over and...


She just stared at Him, and then walked away.

I saw that my career as a turtle breeder wouldn't come to fruition.    :P