...It is good to know the Judge...

I went to Law School at night, three nights a week, since I was working full time as an Accountant, for four years. A few weeks into the 1st year, a guy named Rick invited me to join a 'study group'. I agreed, and the five of us would meet during the week, or on a weekend, and study the cases, and discuss the Professors. It helped all of us, we would take sides in a case, and argue with each other, and learn what a case meant. Sometimes we would just socialize, drink some beer or wine, and just visit with each other. We all graduated, and I was the Valedictorian!!! ;
Later in my career, Rick was appointed to the Bench, and after a few years became the Presiding Judge.
I appeared before him often, when he was handling Law and Motion Court. He was very professional, and treated me like any other attorney. But, it was a lot of fun for me when I went into his Chambers to handle a complex motion, or a Settlement Conference. We would shake hands, but not hug, and he would take off his robe, and ask me, "Hey, P......., how are things going?" I would address him as 'Rick'...I had been addressing him as 'Your Honor' in Court. We would briefly talk of mundane things, as the opposing attorney just watched...and then we would get to business.

I usually won the Motion, or the case settled within my authority. The other attorney would throw in the towel.
Rick respected me, I had usually conducted our Study Group in Law School, and often explained a case to the class. For four weeks, when we were studying Business Law Finance cases, the other students often didn't understand a case. The Professor would call on several to explain it, and they couldn't. I would be waving my left hand in the air...I mean...I was already a CPA...so cases like that were easy for me to figure out.

The Professor would sigh, and call on me, and I would explain it.
Anyway, it was good for me to know the Presiding Judge...
He appointed me a Judge Pro Tem...and so I got to put on a Black Robe and sit at the Bench a few times a month...
I got $150 for each session. I would cash the check, and hide the money from my H. When I accumulated enough, I would buy myself something nice.