...You got that right, Nate, cats are smarter, or more sneaky.
We had a semi-feral female cat that hung around our house on five acres. We fed her, after my kids pointed out that she was catching and killing gophers. I kept saying that we needed to catch her, and get her neutered.
Nobody listened to me!!!

She was away for a while, (We called her 'Rita', after a cartoon character). One day, I was at the side of our house, and looked at our back door, and Rita was sitting there...WITH FIVE KITTENS!!!! I went into the house, and said, "Rita brought her kittens to us!" My two children raced out, and captured the kittens.

So, we had to buy more cat food. The kittens got to trust us, it was kind of nice. Rita would lay down in her bed, and the kittens would swarm around her, and she would bat them away.

My daughter arranged for 'adoptions', she would take a kitten to school, and give it to a friend who wanted it.
We did get Rita 'fixed'. We kept two of the kittens, they were males, with jet black fur and huge yellow eyes. They were tame, since we fed and played with them. But...

They were ALSO HUNTERS!!!!
We didn't have anymore trouble with gophers or ground squirrels...