Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 444057 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #75 on: December 10, 2019, 05:04:12 PM »

...Here is the activity I was talking about... ;D

I had a brief period of time with making model rockets... until my parents and teachers discovered I enjoyed combining rocketry with my home chemistry lab. I could care less about a chute opening and rocket recovery, on impact there was usually nothing left to recover. Just a nice respectable crater or burnt area. Temporary loss of hearing was also a possibility as was respiratory issues.

*Innocent angelic look*

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #76 on: December 10, 2019, 05:29:44 PM »
...OK, On Rocketry...this was kind of funny... :)

...I was in H.S., and was doing all I could to promote covered a lot of subjects...math and such...and also how to make a rocket.   :)  We made them out of cardboard tubes and balsa wood.  I was asked to help a Jr H.S. group, and had fun.  I watched as they made rockets, and helped them with gluing them together, and shaping the fins.  Of course, they asked me to make one on my own, so they could watch how I did so...and so I decided to 'show off'.  I made a 'three stage' rocket, with elaborate fins and nose cone, and painted it very fancy.

...We went to the 'Range' and I re-examined their rockets, and made sure that they were safe, and we launched them.  A Naval Air Storage Area was close by, there were no aircraft around...just underground bunkers and open fields.  (Look up Camp Stoneman, CA to see what it looks like)  The model rockets didn't get close to the base, they all just landed in our launch area on their parachutes.  We had launched there many times before, and never had a problem, the police came by, once, watched, and just waved and left.  The kids wanted to see my impressive rocket fly...and so I set it on the launch pad...stepped back, and pressed the plunger.

...As an aside...I bought different types of engines to use, all were solid fuel.  There were the 'single stage' engines...they would fire...and then there would be a delay of a few seconds...and a small charge would go off in the top to push out the nose cone and parachute.  Then there were the 'booster' soon as they finished firing, they would IMMEDIATELY set off the charge in the nose, and that charge would set off the next engine', and the rocket would separate and the next stage would fly faster.

...My three stage rocket probably violated a number of Federal Regulations.  The 1st stage engine had little power against the rocket...the rocket was very heavy...and my rocket tipped to a 45 degree position from the vertical...and then staged...The first stage was dropped, and the other two stages headed towards the Facility.  They were much lighter, and were traveling very fast when then next one staged...and the last stage soared into the base... :o

...I just told the kids..."We are done...pack up..." and we left..."   

...I suspect that I couldn't do that now.  As soon as they saw small rockets going off near a Military Facility...the MPs would be arriving pretty quickly.... >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

...So, I didn't design any more three stage this day...I believe that it SHOULD have worked...I think the 1st stage engine was weak, and didn't have the power that was advertised... I had computed that the rocket would work  :(
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2019, 09:40:31 AM »
...Just to let everyone know that I just wasn't always a prude in H.S.   :)  I had explored a nearby creek as part of a school assignment, and had actually waded out into it, and looked for what was in it.  After the project was over, I kept going back, and exploring it more...and I did so at night a number of times. I had a small electric lantern with me, and would turn it on at times to look at what was making the strange sound...and sometimes just quickly move on.   ???  Believe me...A small creek is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING AT NIGHT!!!  Creatures that sleep during the day, wake up when the sun goes down.... :P  A guy was interested in me...I wasn't so interested...but I liked him, we did a lot of 'science stuff' together.  I took him to the creek one night, and we waded down it, and I would turn on the lantern to light up the creature that was making the sound.   :P  One Saturday night, he picked me up, I thought we were going to get a burger, but he stopped by the creek, and said..."Let's walk it".  I said, "I don't have my lantern", and he just pointed at the full moon, and said, "That is enough light".  I didn't want to look like a wimpette...after all...I had demonstrated to him that I was the 'Mistress of the Creek' we just waded boots or rubber overalls...just our tennis shoes and street clothes... ::)

...We did pretty well most of the time, the water was just up to our thighs...until we hit an area where the water was waist deep.   ???  I was walking slowly, feeling my way with my feet...and I slipped and did a face plant into the stream... :o  I was completely submerged for a moment...I was concerned with keeping my glasses on...but I stood up, and shook off a bit.  Now, keep in mind that this was a CREEK!...not a sandy river entering the ocean.  So, I had mud all over my front, and muddy water in my hair and everything else.  My friend was laughing, I just cleaned my glasses as best I could, and said..."Creek walking is over."  He offered to escort me to his place, where I could clean up...but I didn't trust him...I thought that this may have been a rather clumsy attempt to get me out of my clothes.  I had him take me back home, and then I stood on the lawn...fully clothed while he washed me down with the garden hose...and then I said that the night was over.  I also told him..."NO MORE CREEK WALKING." 

...My Father came out while I was being hosed down...looked at us...and asked..."Have you two been drinking?"  I just said 'No' as I walked by, and went to the bathroom so I could strip, and take a proper shower.  I didn't explain much when I was later interrogated over just what the HELL we had been doing...I just said..."We were just looking at the night creatures in the creek." 

...So...*JDL*  that is Izee's idea of what constitutes a 'really neat and proper date'... :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #78 on: December 11, 2019, 03:00:33 PM »
JDL   ;D

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #79 on: December 11, 2019, 11:38:40 PM »
...Another creek story, probably why I was fascinated by them when I got older.   :)  There is one not too far away from where I am living, now, and I often think of buying some boots and walking into it...but...times have changed since I was little...if I walked into the creek now, I would probably die a few weeks later from some obscure I just briefly look at it as I drive by.  When I was little, we lived in a lower middle class place...our house was on the edge of a creek.  I was very young, maybe 4 or 5 years old...I recall that I was not yet in Kindergarten...and I would climb up the wood fence, and get into the creek.  I would catch crawdads...I learned to grab them just behind the head...but I let them go...I didn't know that you could eat them.  Once, I was VERY PROUD when I carried a bucket full of bullfrogs back over the fence, and showed them to my Mother.  She grabbed the bucket, and dumped them back over the fence, as I jumped up and down and cried...I this day...have NO IDEA of what I was going to do with them...I didn't want to eat them...I guess that my little mind thought that I could have 23 bullfrogs as pets... :o

...But, one winter, it was raining very hard for several days, and my parents were getting worried.  My friends and I would put on thick, yellow, rain gear and go out and play, and we saw no problem.  It was quiet in my house, my Mother wouldn't say much.  One day, I looked out the back door, and smiled...I saw the older, next door boy, sitting on the fence.  I had no idea of romance at the time...I just liked it when he would join our games.  So, I put on my rain gear, and went out, and climbed up the fence, and sat with him.  I was astonished when I looked down...the creek...was now a RIVER!!!  We didn't talk much...the water kept rising, and then my mother yelled at me to come back in.  I did, and she handed me a small suitcase, and said, "Pack up your toys."  I sat for a while...I had a lot of toys...and tried different ways to pack them...and I finally just placed my favorite dolls and a few other items in the suitcase.  I was then hauled Father came home, and we went to a motel!!!  I was a bit excited, that was the first time I recall being in such a place...and we got to walk, in the rain;, to a place and eat!  I liked being asked what I wanted to eat, and get it.  I ate a LOT of fish.  We stayed there for three days, and then came back home.   :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

...It was horrible...the floor of our house was covered in mud.  It was a very 'starter' house, it had been built right after WW II...the floors were concrete...and like all of the other Father used a hose to get the mud out... :P :P :P :P  The walls were somehow cleaned, and we moved back in.  To this day, I can't figure out how the walls could be cleaned...wouldn't the mildew and such destroy them?  My parents had placed the rest of my toys on the top of furniture, so I just lost a few.    :( 

...So, now days...when I see videos of the floods that are going on...I stop, and think about what those people are going through...

...Please send them our prayers....
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2019, 08:42:01 AM »

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #81 on: December 14, 2019, 02:54:50 AM »
...Walking with a cane...

...I have been suffering from a mostly mental condition the past few years, that affects my body.  I am a manic/depressive, that has made my life interesting.  It hit me in my Jr year of HS, and I was astonished...I only needed to sleep a couple hours a night...and my mind was very active...I remembered everything I read, and schools tests were easy...and I would practice my cello from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am...and then get to bed.  The depressive side was very difficult...the first time it hit, I actually sat for a while on my bed...holding a gun...and then went to bed, and didn't get up for two days.  My parents got me into a facility...and took away my guns and my sharp objects...and I got counseling.  I got though it...although...for the FIRST time in my life I had to REALLY work to GET A 'C' in a was Cultural Anthropology...I just couldn't focus my mind.  (I had to do the same, later, in 'aural theory'...but my mind was clear, I just couldn't hear intervals or take 'dictation')

...I was placed on drugs,,,they had to try several before they found out what would work...that was hard.  I was in a depressive cycle when they did that...and I would take the drug every day...and they would test me on how I was doing, and I would not be well...I would sleep a lot, had no appetite...was very thin...and then the 'depression' would lift...and I would get better.  The 'manic' would kick in, and I wouldn't need to sleep, I would eat a lot...while I was studying something, and practice my cello and get back into Martial Arts, and gain weight.

...It settled down a bit as I got older, and I could see what was happening.  If I got depressed, I would carefully sit, and write out what was going on in my life...and if it looked OK...I would just say..."You have seen this before, don't let the Bitch kill you" and do my work, and not worry that I was depressed...and the Bitch would leave after a few months.  I actually enjoyed when the Bastard showed up...I would temper my activities, so I didn't do anything too outrageaous, or spend a lot of money...Once, He came in when I had a lot of r/t challenges, and I said..."Every one...just look out!"  I won several big cases, performed the 2nd Boccherini Concerto, and spent a lot of time helping with a Youth Program...and didn't let my H sleep very much.  I was REALLY happy when the Bastard showed up when I was studying for the BAR exam...I did all of my work...pleasured my H...and then sat and read and studied Law until 4:00 am and went to bed.

...Our minds are amazing things

...Now, I am between cycles.  I was just laying in bed for a long time, now I am more alert and going out to walk.  I have a cane now, for a while I was so bad that I really needed a walker.  I felt REALLY ashamed...I am not old...but I needed to get some exercise...and I just couldn't walk.  If I tried without the walker, I would have certainly fallen...and that could have been bad.  As I set out, each day now, I think of leaving the cane behind...but I bring it.  I carry it a bit...but...most  of the time...I have a rhytym.  *S*  Today, I walked to a Store a mile away, and walked back holding a bag of groceries, and a large jug of OJ...and did OK...the cane was tucked under my arm... :)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #82 on: December 14, 2019, 04:24:32 AM »
...Possibly the most beautiful choral work ever... :)

...I was a Freshman at Conservatory the first time I ever heard this work...and...I WAS SINGING!!!  I was a music major, and I had to take Choral Class although I was a Cellist.  I grumbled as I bought the score...I was an alto...when I TRIED to just didn't work.  Probably just because I gave up trying to sing...because I thought that I sounded horrible...but, I sounded pretty bad at the cello at first, until I practiced, I never practiced with my voice.  Once, though, at a Memorial Concert, I was singing in a chorus,,,and I realized that the other women were lowering their voices...I started to sing softer...and they got softer...I saw what was happening...and just let my voice lift... :)  They did the same, and ...the men joined in.  We all finished...and I was trying not to cry.... :'(

...The young man being buried had been a very good friend of mine, and everyone knew it...they allowed me to sing to Him... :'(

...This work is astonishing as it praises those who have moved on..."Requim Etarna"  "Life Eternal"..."Liberate Me God, from Death Eternal"  1:55 starts the amazing chord progression.  The Sopranos hold a long note..."LUZ...'light'  and then the most amazing chord progression proceeds.  The work climaxes at 2:50... :)  When we first sang this the end...we just LOOKED at each other,  The teacher smiled, and let us settle down, and we got back to work.   :)  I always heard that vocal majors had a great sex life...I never understood why...although I spent hours sitting alone in a room holding a huge piece of lumber between my legs.
Izee' Greyeagle
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #83 on: December 14, 2019, 11:55:33 AM » is good to get along with the TA... :)

...I was the TA for HS Chemistry in my Sr Year.  I think that I was tested for that in my JR year.   ???  We had an experiment where you were handed a beaker full of liquid, and had to figure out what was inside...most had a couple substances...the assignment lasted for a week.  The 'total jerk asshole' was given an easy one.  He just dipped his finger into the liquid, tasted it, and said...'salt'.  The teacher smiled, and said, 'You passed", and he just sat and smirked at the rest of us.  I worked for two days, and identified THREE substances, and the teacher just smiled, and said..."There are more."  I kept working, and found a 4th, and she said..."Keep working".  I was getting very anxious towards the last day...everyone was sitting at their desks...except for me and 5 guys who probably shouldn't have been taking Chemistry.  I finally figured out the last substance with about 12 minutes left... :P

...So, when I was the TA the next year, I prepared the the most, I put three substances in, which the teacher said was the maximum... >:(  and then walked while the students analyzed the liquids.  I would confirm if they figured one out.  There was one girl that I was carefully watching, we were friends.  She played 1st violin in our school orchestra, and was a 'Grade Hog'...she was focused on getting straight A's.  I was the 1st cellist, and we played quartets together a lot...but I was more relaxed about my grades...I didn't get worried if I got a ''B'.  She had two substances in her beaker, and was struggling to figure out the second.  I could have whispered in her ear what it was, but that would not have been fair.  I just watched, and sometimes grimaced, watching what she was doing...she was very smart...but didn't have the aptitude for such an takes a mindset that most people don't have. 

...On the 4th day...I just couldn't stand it...and whispered in her ear the procedure to run.  She did, and the teacher marked her off.   :)  In my yearbook, she wrote..."Thank you for helping me get an 'A' in the course, it was hard."   :)

...So, this 'Panther Huntress' isn't always bad... ;)
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2019, 02:28:12 PM »
Rags sits in the class, watches you walking around, checking out your tits, ass, and legs. Waits until I have just enough time before class ends, dumps out the shit you mixed, sterilizes the beaker and dries it off and sets it down. "Contains ambient room temperature air. By the way... great tits. See you after school." Heads out.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #85 on: December 14, 2019, 02:43:09 PM »
...I stare at you, and take the beaker...and watch as you leave.  I tell the teacher..."He figured them all out...and I gave Him a difficult one."  She narrows her eyes at me, and I shake the beaker...She asks..."What did you put in that one?"  I just stand back...and say..."Water...there be hydrogen and oxygen in it, last I looked..."
Izee' Greyeagle
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #86 on: December 15, 2019, 12:32:42 PM »
...I am sitting in the box on the Home Side of the HS Football field...a microphone is in front of my face, and I have a Pepsi and a bag of potato chips beside me.  Two of my friends are sitting with me...but,,,it is MY VOICE that the people I announce..."Stanly carried for 5 yards...2nd and Goal, Walnut Creek."  I have to turn off the mike at times, and ask my friends..."Who is number 84?"  They look at the roster, and tell me, and I turn the mike back on, and say "Schuman was tackled for a 6 yard loss."  This goes on for the first half, and I am actually happy to sit off to the side, and let a 'bubble headed girl' announce the halftime show...she shrieks "AND HERE COMES THE CONCORD HIGH BAND!!!"  I quietly say..."That is their Band"...She shrieks...AND HERE COMES THE WALNUT CREEK BAND"...I just drink my Pepsi, and eat some potato chips...

...((This did ACTUALLY happen...and I had both hands over my mouth...I was laughing so hard!!!!   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)))

...I get back in front of the mike, and get handed a note...and groan...this game is about to get difficult...

...I turn on the mike...and carefully say..."Concord has substituted a new linebacker...Ragnar...number 47."
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #87 on: December 16, 2019, 01:48:04 PM »
That would be the one wearing no helmet, dragging his knuckles, and gnawing on the shinbone of the opposing QB.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #88 on: December 16, 2019, 02:45:01 PM »
...And I would be announcing..."#47, Ragnar, just 'sacked' their Quarterback...There will now be a 5 minute break so that the Ambulance can get on the Field, and haul away their Quarterback...and so that their backup Quarterback can be tracked down, and hauled out onto the field...and Ragnar can be fed a raw calms him down...sometimes..."    ;D
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #89 on: December 16, 2019, 03:15:36 PM »
...I hold my hands over my eyes when an 'Air Head Cheerleader' brings this out to you...I turn on the mike, and shout..." I said..."Raw"...and I didn't mean 'Rah, Rah, Rah!"

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
Daughter to Puma Greyeagle