Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488547 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #255 on: May 14, 2020, 10:56:54 PM »
...Performing Music.   :)  It awakens parts of your brain that can't be accessed any other way.  Einstein played the violin...and I became a Lawyer...*LOL*...I had wanted to become a Marine Biologist....but my Mental Health issues caused me a lot of puzzlements in my early life.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #256 on: May 14, 2020, 11:23:03 PM »
...I REALLY enjoyed playing this piece.  I didn't know what the work was when the Professor of Piano assigned it to me.   :P  I labored through the first part, several times, and then got to the 'juicy' part...and stopped...thinking..."I have heard this before".  I then REALLY got into the mood of the work.  I would get very quiet as I approached the theme...AND THEN JUST HAMMER THE KEYS!!!   ;D

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #257 on: May 15, 2020, 10:49:40 AM »
...Here is a video of a Woman actually playing this.   :)  I could actually play it as took a LOT of PRACTICE!!!   :P  I am starting to get out of my funk...I wonder if I had contracted that virus...I just felt tired and depressed all of the time...and slept a lot. I will try to get back into the r/p.  For some reason, I just couldn't get into I/C, although I tried a number of times.  I guess that they have no use for me, which is deserved...I disrespected so many when I made my exit...I had been Honored there.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #258 on: May 15, 2020, 02:10:48 PM »
We are in the Nexi wilds on the move again.



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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #259 on: May 15, 2020, 10:31:48 PM »
...Izee's Senior Recital Performance at Conservatory...why she was denied a Diploma...and went to 'Law School'... ::)

Offline NightStorm

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #260 on: May 16, 2020, 06:35:51 PM »
We're back in Webmaze.  No excuses.
I am selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best...~~~Marilyn Monroe~~~

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #261 on: May 16, 2020, 10:36:39 PM »
...I don't think that my mind operates normally.   ::)  After HS, I took some Summer Courses at the Community College, so that  I could get the 'Liberal arts' classes on my credentials.  I took cultural anthropology and marketing one summer.  The Professor of the anthropology class awarded me an 'A', and said that students should ask me for copies of my final essay for ideas of how to answer a question.  (There were only two 'A's' awarded)   ;D

...But, I 'cut loose' on the Marketing assignment.  (My Bipolar Illness was in the 'high stage')  We had to give a 'sales presentation' on something, and I looked at the list that was passed around.  There were things like, shoes, shirts, and such...and I wrote down 'Nuclear Oven."   ;)  I had no idea of what I was going to do.   :o 

...But, I had a good friend, who was attending UC Berkely, and studying Nuclear Physics.  We got together, and made a 'Nuclear Oven' out of a carboard had dials...and blinking lights ALL OVER IT!!!   ;D  I dressed up VERY OUTRAGEOUS when I did  my presentation, and my friend had his white Lab Coat on.  I introduced him as "Dr. Fig", and got into my sales pitch.  I put a cup of stuff into one side of the Oven...and there were a bunch of interesting sounds...and I opened the other side...and brought out a chocolate Hostess cupcake...I gave it to the professor.   ;)

…I then got into my INTENSE SALE PITCH!!!!   ;D  The Oven began making unusual sounds... :o...We had a little tape recorder inside...and we had rehearsed the 'skit'.   ::)  I had to talk louder as more noise arrived.  Dr. Fig got VERY worried, and interrupted my "sales pitch', and asked me for the cadmium rod.  I pulled it out of my pocket, and started to explain what it was, and why it would shut down a nuclear explosion...Dr. Fig grabbed it from me, and went back to the Oven...and set off a flash camera we had set in there.  I was almost shouting as I finished my sales pitch...the tape recorder was VERY LOUD!!!!! 

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #262 on: May 16, 2020, 10:45:35 PM »
...I was REALLY shouting at the end...Dr. Fig carried the Nookly Cooker out of the room...and there was the sound of a HUGE EXPLOSION as he exited.   ;D

...I just got a 'B' in the course...but...I had had some fun.   ;D

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #263 on: May 19, 2020, 11:08:36 AM »
...Don't get a Panther Huntress angry...when she is wearing a Black Robe... >:(

...the Presiding Judge had asked me to become a 'Judge Pro Tem', and I agreed.  I raised my right hand, and repeated the Oath..."To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"... :)  So, several days a month, I would put on the Black Robe, and preside over a Court.  They usually assigned me to Traffic Court, and I would have to work fast...the Courtroom was packed.  I had sought counseling from the oldest Judge in the system, and he had just smiled, and said, "Just set a fair fine, something that the defendant can pay that day.  You set a large fine, that the defendant can't pay right away, he will have to return again and again...and we have other more important matters to attend to.  And, people need to get on with their lives, not burdened with a huge fine for just driving a bit too fast." 

...The Bailiff was always happy to see me arrive, we would drink coffee in my Chamber, and look over the schedule.  I would tell her that I would get through the easy ones, first...I didn't go by the list.  She would smile, and nod.  She was about 5'2"...but built like a fireplug...and she HAD A GUN!!!! 

...I would make my 'dignified entrance' as she announced my name, and plant my butt behind the Bench, and give my usual speech about what was going to happen...and HOW I EXPECTED EVERYONE TO BEHAVE!!!   :)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #264 on: May 19, 2020, 11:37:01 AM »
...I worked fast, I would question the defendant, and size them up.  If the defendant was a rich jerk...I would set the fine high.  I was kind to the poor...I would ask them to show me what was in their wallet...and set the fine at $10.00.   :) 

...A Big Jerk showed up, once.  He kept arguing with me...he had been cited for driving an old VW Bug that was in very poor condition...and had been speeding.  I tried to be calm, and explained to him that he needed to just pay a fine, and fix up his car...the taillights didn't work.  I kept speaking to him...and he kept arguing with me.

...But,,,HE STOPPED!!!!!   ;)

…My Bulldog Bailiff had walked up to hum...and was standing beside him...GLARING AT HIM!!!  I was ACTUALLY scared of her at that moment... :o

...He stopped arguing with me...accepted my Judgement...and the Bailiff went back to sit beside the Bench.

...I went onto the next case...

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #265 on: May 20, 2020, 11:09:59 AM »

...I once performed this...I have been blessed...but I ALSO WORKED HARD!!!~  I would sit for hours every day at Conservatory in a closet sized 'practice room', and saw away at my cello.  My "Manic Phase' hit me hard, once...and I vowed to practice SIX HOURS EVERY attend classes...and eat something.  That lasted a month...I was thinner...and my mind wasn't quite right.  My roommates set me down, and spoke with me.  I asked..."Is my playing better?"  They laughed, and said..."You are going to be busted from 1st chair to 3rd chair if you keep doing this...and then to playing the 'song flute' with the liberal art majors." 

...They took me to Dennys, and made me eat a burger and fries... ::)

…I limited my practice to just two hours a day, and made myself take a walk, or go to the gym...and to EAT THREE MEALS A DAY!   I got better...but decided to change Majors...I needed music to be a 'hobby' with me...not a Profession.

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #266 on: May 20, 2020, 06:54:18 PM »
...I am not trying very hard to get into the r/p right now.   :'(  I am going through 'issues'...and don't want to make my life more complex...and sad.  I had loved the r/p, and spent hours every day, getting Scagnar to become a very active and fun place.  It really came 'alive', and I visited MTC and did my best to make it interesting.  I planned festivals, and pm'd with typists to make them have fun.  The room would fill...and I would sit back and watch.   ;D  But, that meant NOTHING to Jonas. 

...he stripped me of a High Honor for no reason.   :'(

...I was hurt...r/ affected my r/t life.

…I just don't want to get back into the Gorean r/p...and get hurt again.

…I will probably go into the Forests, and 'Panther' alone

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #267 on: May 20, 2020, 08:55:08 PM »
...I am not trying very hard to get into the r/p right now.   :'(  I am going through 'issues'...and don't want to make my life more complex...and sad.  I had loved the r/p, and spent hours every day, getting Scagnar to become a very active and fun place.  It really came 'alive', and I visited MTC and did my best to make it interesting.  I planned festivals, and pm'd with typists to make them have fun.  The room would fill...and I would sit back and watch.   ;D  But, that meant NOTHING to Jonas. 

...he stripped me of a High Honor for no reason.   :'(

...I was hurt...r/ affected my r/t life.

…I just don't want to get back into the Gorean r/p...and get hurt again.

…I will probably go into the Forests, and 'Panther' alone

If you are still stuck on Scagnar, indeed you DO have some issues. It has been what... 2 - 3 years now at least? A long time at any rate. What you do in another home prior to coming is is usually not my concern. This, however is, as I have very close ties with Scagnar and those in it. I kept waiting to see the effort in Tuchuk you claim to have put into Scagnar.

He stripped you of nothing. You offered the Honor to him and he accepted. That was on you. I have seen the posts.

RP affects all of us to some degree, or you are not doing anything but putting in time. Be it sadness, hurt, excitement, joy, you feel something or you would not do it.

None have hurt you in MTC, and none hurt you when we visited the Isle together for the Althing. You tend to see what you wish to see sis... not what is actually there.

If you seek to go Panthering, then I will not stop you. But know before you actually do something you may come to regret later down the road, being a Oath Breaker once is tough to overcome. Doing so twice... that is a  whole new level of foolishness. That does not speak well of Gorean Honor.

Naturally if you go I wish you well, but do so fully understanding that should you decide to ever return, Tuchuk has an even longer memory than The Isle of Scagnar, especially after speaking on your behalf to make sure you would even be welcomed there for events.

You know how to reach me if you wish to talk. If you do not wish to talk, then at least think long and hard of what you are about to throw away. A home that has taken you in, stood up for you returning with us to a home you had already broken your oath to, Marcus of Scagnar standing up for you before Law Rock seeking to allow you to come and go with us, and now your breaking your oath to Tuchuk. Is this how you wish to be seen on Gor? An Oath Breaker? One not to be trusted? One whose word means nothing? Not exactly a stellar recommendation to any home you may wish to become part of down the road.

So please think what you are about to do and the ramifications down the road.

Ever stop to think that maybe Gor is not the place for you? Shelve if you must and go earlier in the evenings to visit Castle Mac upstairs. Nate is a good guy. Hartlyn is easy to get to know. Try applying yourself to their Medieval home. You may just find your niche.

But bluntly put, do not make a Gorean ass of yourself and throw away any faith or trust you have managed to rebuild.


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #268 on: May 20, 2020, 10:09:10 PM »
…*shrugs*...ask Thor of how much work I put into Scagnar.  I wasn't adopted by Him, and granted the "Golden Pearl" because I just sat around the cookfires.  I worked hard.  But, that meant NOTHING to Jonas.   :P

...I was pushed beyond my limits... :'(

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #269 on: May 20, 2020, 10:40:43 PM »
…*shrugs*...ask Thor of how much work I put into Scagnar.  I wasn't adopted by Him, and granted the "Golden Pearl" because I just sat around the cookfires.  I worked hard.  But, that meant NOTHING to Jonas.   :P

...I was pushed beyond my limits... :'(

Shrug off whatever you wish. It still changes nothing. What is done is done, and long ago. I was given good advice not long ago.

"Look ahead, not behind."

It has proved true.

Now it is up to you to get over what is ancient history and move on, or keep living in the past and remaining as miserable as you are.

Your call.