...As I sit here, in the Home of my elderly Mother (That I will inherit if I can manage to live longer than her) I am SURROUNDED BY DOLLS!!!! She is a collector, and they are all over the house. I look at the ones in my bedroom, as I get to bed, but do smile at them, and bid one 'night night' as I climb into bed.
...Some are very valuable, she sold some a few years ago... and got $4,000. When I moved in with her, I told her not to sell any more, and not to worry about finances. I pay all of the bills, and have paid for improvements around the home. She wants the house repainted, and told her

to go ahead, I will pay for it.
...There are two, large, 'stuffy dolls' in the living room, leaning over a wood frame holding pictures of our family. One is male, dressed as a Cowboy. The other is female, wearing a red dress, and a red ribbon in her hair. I asked my Mother what that was about, and she smiled...and said..."That is you and your brother."
...I wanted to tell her..."I didn't wear ribbons in my hair"...but ...my memory might not be correct.