Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488861 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #330 on: July 04, 2020, 03:48:48 PM »
Fuck that.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #331 on: July 05, 2020, 12:11:12 PM »
...Accents... ::)

...As I said above, I have an accent...I don't speak "American".  I think that it has to do with the shape of my mouth, and throat.   :)  I have no deformity, guys really liked me when I was younger.  But, the way I pronounce words is different from others.  For instance, I can't speak the word "Rural" emerges as "Rurrrl".   :P  I have a pleasant voice, but CAN'T SING!!!  At Conservatory, I always enrolled in the Chorus Class, I enjoyed reading the libretto, and seeing how the singers and piano accompanist got together.  But, the Teacher would always dismiss me a few weeks before a Concert, and say, "Go practice your cello."  I got to see the pattern, and would bring my cello to Choral Class before a concert, so that I didn't have to go back to my dorm to retrieve it.  I did confront Him, once, and said that I practiced, on my own.  He just laughed, and said, "I need you playing the cello well in the Concert, rather than having your 'strange' voice in the rehearsals."   ::)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #332 on: July 05, 2020, 02:53:34 PM »
...I tried to do my best to cause as much gentle disruption as I could, in the Choral Class, before a Concert.  I LIKE TO SING...but I am not very fingers can handle a cello or a piano very well...but my vocal cords can't be depended upon.   :P  The Choral Professor had told me that I would be excused from singing, IF I JUST PRACTICED MY CELLO!!  and He wanted me to practice.  Often, it would  be just be me, in a quartet, that would accompany the Chorus. 

...I would leave my cello, in its' "Hard Case", standing by the door...and plant my butt in the middle of the Altos...hoping that He didn't see me.  I would try to change my appearance as much as possible...once, I put on a long blonde didn't work.   :P  (I am Hispanic).  The Professor easily spotted me, and ordered me to go and practice my cello.   The Professor would scan the Sopranos, first...once, I tried to blend in with them...the women on each side of me, and behind me, 'pointed me out'...and I walked to my case and left, and went to the practice rooms.   ::)

...The Professor, did like me.  I met Him a decade later in a Community Concert.  He played the French Horn, and He and me and two other musicians were the soloists in a Concerto.  He hugged me, and we went for a drink.  We didn't do anything more, but talked about the past.  He said that He had enjoyed my 'attitude'.   ;D

...  That is why Izee' sings...I... her typist...can't sing very well. 

...I just imagine Her sitting, and comforts me.    :)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #333 on: July 05, 2020, 04:56:41 PM »
Ummm... a few Letterman would have an idea how to make sure your throat was deep and trained enough to handle it.

*Innocent angelic look*

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #334 on: July 06, 2020, 12:39:42 PM »
...I am always passionate when I play the cello..."Cept when I am doing scales and such.   ::)  Often, in a practice room, I would get kinda like this.   ;D   I mean, playing music affects your mind in wonderful ways.  But, "Shakes head"...I saw just SO MANY skilled musicians who didn't PLAY THE MUSIC!!!   :P  I was once judging music scholarships, and keep shaking my head at some young string players, after they left the room.  They would place their fingers in the right place...but...I DIDN'T HEAR ANY MUSIC!!!   :P

...I slightly growled, and stood up, after listening to a young woman who was playing the Dvorak.  I interrupted her, and got her  to hand me her cello.  I sat across from her, and stared at her.   >:(  I told her, "Music is about expressing feelings, not JUST getting the notes in TUNE!"  I played the opening, and said..."Can't you hear the anger and frustration?"  I then played the soft part, and said, "Can't you hear the sadness, and resignation?"  I then got into the faster part, and said as I played..."Can't you hear the resolution to overcome a challenge...and the EXHILERATION as you overcome it?"

...I handed the cello back to her, and she did play better.  She told me, as she left..."I wish that you had been my teacher when I was younger." 

...She went on to become a Music Teacher...and does send me letters and cards. ;)

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #335 on: July 06, 2020, 01:30:58 PM »
...Here it is...


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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #336 on: July 06, 2020, 03:53:12 PM »
...OK, I am verbose today.  I am just sitting at home... :P

..."Bowing"...that you run the bow over your cello, not what a bond does when a Master enters.   ::)

...It is difficult, since it involves all parts of your right arm...and they are doing different things.  You also have to land the damn bow on the right string!!!  In a solo, I once really screwed up...I was all 'excited'...and wanted to impress the audience...I raised my right hand high...(I was trying to capture attention...and it worked!!!!)...The bow landed on the WRONG STRING!!

...I spent HOURS in the GD practice rooms every day...they were the size of closets.  I was trying to figure out how to make my arm do what I wanted it to do. It got down to where I just played open strings, and watched my right left hand was just relaxed and sitting on my lap.  I got my right shoulder, and upper arm to relax...unless I needed their weight to just HAMMER THE NOTE!!!

...The 'note shaping' was much more difficult.  The shoulder and upper arm can make the note loud...but the lower arm and wrist controlled the softer notes, I found.  They can pull the bow away from the strings, or relax.  I worked hard on how to 'shape' a note.  You can drag the bow the same way...back and forth...and all of the notes sound the same.  ::)  I found, that the 'note shapers' are the fingers. Again, I really believed that my hands had their own minds, and I would talk to them as I practiced.  It worked, I felt that they were speaking back to me.   ;)

...The right hand told me that her fingers controlled the shaping of a note.  I let her push hard with the first finger, and the note got louder.  Then, she would relax, and press with her little finger, and the note sounded different.  Again, I spent hours in the 'closet', and would just play a note, and see how much I could shape it, using the weight of my arm, and how I pressed my fingers.   :)  She also told me to just let her fingers do the job in a fast passage.    ;D  If I tried to use my wrist, or lower arm, to play a fast passage...the bow would be all over the place.

...*S*  A difficult memory is when I was in a Pit Orchestra, for "Le Miz".  I was accompanying the Singer in a poignant duet...and it went very well.  There was a lot of aupplause at the end....Me and 'Rightykins' were shaping the notes very well, and we blended well with the Singer.  ((She came up, and hugged me at the reception, and said that she had heard me, and was comforted, because I seemed to know what she was trying to get across, and she said that she sang more passionately, and got into her Char.))I looked around the Pit, and two women were crying at the end...and not because I was playing poorly.  My cello, "Pavane"...had been crying...everyone heard Him.   :'(  "Rightykins" had made Him do fingers were doing things that I was not planning...I just sat back.

...At times, at home...I would be practicing, and a member of my family would come in, and ask me why I was making "Pavane" cry so hard.

...I had no answer...

...I had to calm down

...Later, I will describe at what 'Her Leftiness' put me through.  I could direct her, fairly well, on the piano...but she had her own mind, when I played the cello.  I would, actually, GLARE at her as I held her up in front of me....I would SHOUT..."DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHERE TO PUT YOUR THUMB IN 6TH POSITION????"  She would just nod, and stare at me.   :o

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #337 on: July 06, 2020, 04:43:26 PM »
...OK, last rant... ::) :o ;D

...When I was a young woman, my family had made friends with a family who arrived who were Russian immigrants.  We were told that they had been related to the 'Royal Family'.  I was uncertain, at first, and went to the Library, and did research...and...I confirmed it!!!   ;D  I looked at pictures, and the adults looked like their pictures.  I hung around with their son, for a while, but broke off...he was a self-centered Asshole.   :P

...Another reason why I broke off, was because the Family didn't respect me.   ::)  I had noticed that when a female showed up at their House, the Father would stand, smile, click his heels, and kiss her hand.   ;D

...He would just sit in his chair, and wave at me when I showed up... :P

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #338 on: July 07, 2020, 12:27:08 AM »
o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
If known entering the perimeter being welcomed home
If unknown, entering under armed escort
says to ALL
: ...I smile, and wave at the Outriders as I ride...

(02:41:19 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...I easily ride into Camp, I am well known. I have healed many Tuchuk...and my skin color is distinctive. I also have a very bright smile...I usually smile when I re-enter calms the scouts.

(02:45:45 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...I am feeling good, I had gathered a lot of herbs. I had just been going on a ride to clear my head...and...TO GET AWAY FROM MY MOB!!! I told myself, "Drink Slave Wine, every few hands, EVEN IF YE GET COMPANIONED AGAIN!!! Ye can jus look sad, an say, "I know that I only be about 200 years old...but I guess that part a my body be shuttin down."

(02:52:24 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...Problem was, if I was brought to my True, the Ubara, to be examined...She would easily see what I was doing. And, I couldn't predict what She would do. She might go along with my plan, thinking, "Sis, yes, take a break." But, She might look at my new Companion, and tell me, "Drink this, Tuchuk needs more strong children. Just lay back, and let the Gods handle the challenge."

(02:58:28 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...And, I would do whatever She said...I trusted Her Wisdom...we were 'Trues". I would groan at the later stages of pregnancy, and then hold back screams as I delivered.

(03:03:04 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...But, I would be rewarded as the new child grew...watching Him or Her grow, as I taught them. I would then take long rides, by myself...and then come back and get the new babe to behave.

(03:03:57 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...Some times...I would succeed.

(03:07:17 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...Tristan had turned out pretty well, Rags trusted Him, and Tristan understood the Honor granted to Him. Ragnar could entrust Tristan to lead His Orlu into the middle of battle, Tristan is a huge Torvie.

(03:10:28 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...It was 'Interesting raising Tristan, He and Keagan and Johanna are pureblood Torvies I had adopted...and I am a slender red Savage. The three would stare at me as I lectured them...but...they heard what I had to say. I was a Panther Huntress...and understood Life.

(03:15:06 )

o o o

[Tuchuk Approaches ]
Follows the most direct route to their destination within camp
If unknown, escorted to the main area
says to ALL
: ...Tristan was still a child, when He decked me during a spar. He grinned, and gently helped me stand, again, and told me. "Just practice your archery, Mother, I will get into the training classes." I had nodded, and was VERY proud when he was accepted into the 1st.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #339 on: July 09, 2020, 12:59:07 PM »
...I studied this...but just couldn't play it well enough to perform with the Conservatory orchestra.  (The 3rd Movement is a real 'Bitch Kitty'...I'd be sweating very heavily in the practice room if I got through it without having to stop because of too many mistakes...that was rare...and I would usually be sweating heavily every time I practiced it.   :'()


...It expresses so many moods, and is a later work by Bach.  But, listen to the opening... :o :o :o...Those chords sound very modern.  I sat as a cellist, several times, accompanying the pianist...and I would be sweating at the end.  My mind was totally lost in the music, feeling the moods.  Bach certainly was a musical genius... :)

...((I really sweat when my mind, and body, gets engaged in a nice task.  My Ex would laugh at me, when we were 'having fun'...he would say, "Hey, I am having trouble holding on to you."  I would gasp back..."Get off me, and I will take a shower, and return".  He would just do his best to hold onto me.  My body does things that embarrass me... ::)))

...But, my body has also done things that makes me grateful.  I did very well in martial arts, and being able to play the piano and cello has been a wonderful experience.  My body was very demanding of me, though.  I spent hours doing conditioning exercises, and katas in the Dojo...and many lonely hours in a small practice room.

...I counseled young people for many years, and I always told them..."Nobody is going to just give you what you have to WORK for it."   >:(

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #340 on: July 10, 2020, 03:07:19 PM »
...I got an AMAZING letter has my mind going into some better places.

...Perhaps there is more to this World than just waking up every morning.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #341 on: July 10, 2020, 05:29:20 PM »
...I got an AMAZING letter has my mind going into some better places.

...Perhaps there is more to this World than just waking up every morning.

I too hope for better news than of late. It is not easy pressing forward in the face of seemingly overwhelming adversity. I am just too foolish and too tenacious to give up.

Congratulations sis!!!!!

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #342 on: July 11, 2020, 11:46:16 PM »
...Playing a nice instrument... ;)

...In H.S., when I was studying the cello with intense discipline...I was REWARDED!!!  I got a SCHOLARSHIP to the Conservatory!!!   ;D  I was DELIGHTED!!! And so was my Private Teacher.   ;)  Again, I was never a 'Casals'...I sat for hours and hours every day sawing the bow...and would get discouraged at times...and just ride my 10-speed for a few days.  After being admitted, I needed to have some serious work done on my cello, 'Catherine'.  I visited with my H.S. Private Teacher, and since I was now the Principal Cellist at the Conservatory, she loaned me her personal cello!!!!!   :o :o :o :o :o :o :o  It was an ROCCA!!!  look up how expensive those things are!!! 

...Other musicians may have experienced this.   :)   That cello really LIKED ME!!!!  I was so astounded, my fingers never had a problem finding the right place.  My bow always found the right place to sit on the strings, and I sounded...ETHERIAL...and had no problem sitting for hours, practicing.   ;D

...I would call the Luthier, to see how Catherine was coming along...and... ::)...I would tell Him to TAKE HIS TIME!!!  I mean...I WAS PLAYING A ROCCA!!!  I didn't tell ANYONE what the cello was, and guarded it with my life.  It was ALWAYS with me, I would haul it into ALL of my classrooms...and into restaurants when my friends and I went out to eat. I would just tell them, "I am going to the practice rooms when we are done."

...I was able to get away with my scam for about three months,  :P  and then the Luthier made it clear that 'Catherine' was ready.  I returned the Rocca, and drove to L.A.   Catherine was happy to get back in my arms, and I did play her better.  I got some confidence over my ability to play...when playing that expensive instrument...and believed that I could get Catherine to sound as well.   ;D

...I do have to describe an interesting 'sight picture' a guy and I once made.  He was also a cellist.  We had finished a late rehearsal, and decided to eat.  We went into a 'Dennys', and brought our cellos with us.  They were in 'hard cases', so they could stand up.  We pushed aside two chairs at a table, and had the cellos 'standing' beside us, he and I were facing each other across the table.   ::)  My friend was slightly insane, I believe...((I am fully insane...and can pick out such people))...I just wanted to eat some eggs and a few strips of bacon.  The cellos, in their hard cases, had their 'heads' close to the same level as ours, as we were sitting.

...The waitress must have understood what was going on...she put plates, cups, menus, and utensils in front of ALL of us...INCLUDING THE CELLOS!!!   :o  My friend ordered for ALL of us... :o...saying that the cellos wanted their eggs 'over easy'.  I just sat there... :o

...I ate my scrambled eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast, and told the waitress at the end..."Package Catherines' dinner, she will be hungry later."   ::) ::) ::) :P :P :P :o :o :o

...I ate it the next morning... ;)

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #343 on: July 12, 2020, 09:58:55 AM »

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #344 on: July 12, 2020, 05:14:26 PM »
...Another cello orchestra...

...IMHO the Cello is the most expressive instrument...((Although, I will sit on the edge of my seat when an oboe or English horn is playing.  Once, I was leaning way forward in my seat in the Audience, my face in my hands as I listened to a was very beautiful...I was moved...I had to wipe tears))  Listen to this, please... :)


...I attended a Cello Congress, years ago.  I had fun, I helped with Seminars, and bought a lot of stuff.  I sat with many people at the was at the College Cafeteria.  A Woman liked me, and we spent some time together.  (Nothing improper happened... ;))  She just wanted some company, and thought that I was funny, I was enthusiastic, and my mouth wasn't very restricted.

...It got to the last day, and we had a 'CELLO ORCHESTRA'!!!!  83 Cellos!!! You just had to pick your own seat as you arrived.   ::) 

...I wandered in, a bit late...and looked for a place to sit at the end of the 1st Cellos.   :P  I was actually setting my butt in the last stand, and I heard my name called out.  I looked forward, and the Woman was sitting 1st Chair of the 2nd Cello Section...and the seat next to her was EMPTY, and she was gesturing me forward!  I was DELIGHTED as I walked through everyone, and sat next to her!!!

...She told me that she had been saving it for me. 

...I later learned that She was a very experienced Professional, a World Class performer.  She was nice to me.   :)