...Thank you, Nate...

Yes, I have been competitive all of my life. Usually, the attitude served me well, I pushed myself to excel in School Subjects, and the Honors I won, and all of the initials after my name showed that I was successful. I earned a LOT of money, and cases usually settled when I told the other side..."That is my last offer". I won my Jury Trials...I even won three where my client had rear-ended the car stopped in front of them. I did very well playing the cello and the piano, and became an instructor in Martial Arts. (I also looked 'pretty good'

) I had to work hard to get my mind to be realistic when things didn't go the way I expected...I mean...

...I am struggling with that, now...I didn't foresee a divorce...but, I keep getting myself to focus on what I have. I am also learning that I really need to get back into life. I made a huge mistake, after my divorce, when I just stayed, alone, in an extended stay place for a year. I didn't go out, except to buy groceries, and my body got very weak. I had to have food delivered, the last few months. My Family hauled me out, and took me into a facility, so I could recover. But, living like that does things to your mind.
...Quick story of when I was an Instructor. I was a Green Belt, and the Black Belts would have me help teach the White and Orange Belts. They pointed out that 'You LEARN by TEACHING". That was so true. Trying to explain what to do, and working on how to demonstrate, takes an effort...and you do learn.

I had seven White Belts lined up, and was teaching them the basic 'Fighting Stance'. Our School 'Stance' was upright...you would face your opponent, slightly sideways...feet just partly apart. I liked it, I had good balance, and could kick and punch easily.
...One punk wasn't listening to me. I walked down the line, and looked at each one, and threw a few easy punches and kicks, and they were able to block me. I would smile, and bow to the young man, and go to the next one, and repeat the challenge.
...I then got to the punk...he was larger than me...and he was crouched down in some kind of exaggerated 'Bruce Lee' position, his hands in front of him...and...smirking at me. After all, I am a woman. His legs were far apart...I was tempted to kick him in the nuts...but didn't...I was teaching a class...not in a real fight.
...I just grabbed the front of his Gi, kicked his front leg out from him, and threw him to the ground.
...I went onto the next student.
...All paid attention when I taught them, during the following months.