...The 'Baby BAR'...

Another one of my "Finer Moments' in Life...

...I went to Law School at night, I was working as an Accountant, and my H just couldn't hold down a job. He was waiting tables, and working at the bar at the little pub. Those were fascinating years, my Manic/Depressive Illness made it even more interesting. Because I wasn't attending a daily Law School, I had to take a State test after my first year to see if I was 'worthy' to keep studying Law. We called the test the 'Baby Bar' since it just lasted one day. I took a Review Course, to learn how to properly answer questions...and...

...My Naval Aviator friend drove us to the testing site...and I was full of energy...I just knew that I would 'ACE THE TEST'. Problem was...I forgot about 'Time Management'. There were four situations to analyze, and then write out an opinion...and the test lasted for four hours. I was fascinated at the first two situations, and thought about them, and wrote out a long analysis. I then got to the last two situations...and...

...I panicked...and quickly started writing. I had about 20 minutes left for the last one...and I was sweating like a pig...and my mind was racing all over...if I didn't pass the Baby BAR...I would have to repeat the 1st year!!!! I would actually lay my head down on the table, and breath carefully...sweating very heavily...and then lift my head...and shakely write out my analysis of the issues.
...The Test finished...and I could barely walk as I handed in my papers...and then collapsed on a bench. A couple women came up to me, asking..."Are you OK?" I just waved them away. My Naval Aviator friend almost carried me to His car, and drove me home. I had to get Him to pull over, a couple times, so I could open the passenger door, and throw up!!!!
...I was very depressed the following weeks...until I got my score....
...IT WAS A 'B'...only 37 'B" s were awarded...out of several hundred being tested!!!

...The next year, at Law School, people were amazed that I got a 'B'...usually only students that had attended more well known Schools got over a 'C'. I told them...
..."I think I could have gotten an 'A'...but...
...My Naval Aviator friend would nod, and say..."I was sitting beside her..."
..."I had to revive her with 'mouth to mouth'."
...I would laugh, and say..."I was just trying to get you to kiss me...it WORKED!!!"