Author Topic: ...Izee's Thread  (Read 488559 times)

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #540 on: November 27, 2020, 01:12:22 AM »
...Gonna jus ramble a bit...but...our dinner was nice.  The turkey and stuffing came out nice...and I just ate my 'Midnight Turkey Sandwich"   It tasted SO GOOD!!!   I am actually thinking of getting another one, but I won' Mother might want one...and that would be difficult, if, late at night, we were arguing over who got what.  I will let her eat what she wants for lunch, tomorrow...and then...I will...


And somehow get it into my mouth, and chew.   ;D

I watched this video of the Brahms...I could play it, by memory...and when I performed, I was kinda like this woman.  I would lean close over the fingerboard at times, and GLARE at my hands, telling them, in my mind...


Usually...they cooperated... ;)

But, as any musical performer will do have your 'bad days'. 

Probably had to do with my body.  Sometimes my mind was very clear and focused, but my body was messed up, and my hands didn't do what I wanted them to do. Other times I would feel slightly confused, but my hands would romp all over the piano, or my cello, saying, "Don't worry, Mommy, we got this".

That was when I decided that my hands were 'alive'...and had their own ideas of how to live life.

I buy them fish, and crab, when they want it.   ;D

((I eat it... ;)))

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #541 on: November 27, 2020, 09:19:57 AM »
happy dinner was good and the left overs as well.  hands can be troublesome at times trick is getting them to behave.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #542 on: November 28, 2020, 11:39:33 PM »
...This was always a hard symphony for me to perform.  Tears would be running down my face...and it was good that I wasn't a throat closed up.  I would come out of the theatre, and hand my cello case to my H, and stay quiet.  At first, after certain performances, he would try to get me to talk, and I would just croak out a few words.  So, after a while, he could tell, by looking at my face, if I could talk.  He would just leave me alone, and give me some herbal tea when we got home.

I would slowly drink it...spitting up most of it the first hour...and my throat would open up...and I could talk again...

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #543 on: November 29, 2020, 07:34:06 AM »
the mark of a passionate performer. and why most perforners, actors, etc avoid the public for a time after a performance.

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #544 on: November 29, 2020, 12:39:00 PM »
...Thank you, understand what it is like to perform put your body, heart, and soul to express what the notes mean to you.  And your body does respond. I would usually be full of energy as I performed...but a few times my body got very warm...and my mind seemed to go somewhere else...but my hands were doing what the music called for.  Once, when that happened, I just sat at the piano after I body was very weak...and my mind was confused...but...I WAS GETTING A LOT OF AUPPLAUSE!!!  I had to hold on the side of the piano as I bowed, or I would have fallen.  The next performer helped me get off the stage, and set me onto a couch.  I just sobbed...I had played well...I knew that...and the audience had shown their appreciation...but, at that moment...

The MUSIC had taken something out of me...or...maybe

I had sent something of MYSELF out to the audience...

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #545 on: November 29, 2020, 02:09:28 PM »
you put your energy into the music smiles

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #546 on: December 01, 2020, 12:30:34 AM »
...Fingerings... :)

As a string player, you will write which finger of your left hand will play a note, in complex passages.  When I was the Section Leader, I just wrote in my score what was comfortable to me...I didn't consult with my stand partner...or the rest of the section.  In lyrical passages, I would tell the rest of the section to use my fingerings...we needed to sound the same.

One season, I got very ill, and didn't play for two months.  When I returned, I sat third chair.  We were playing a Brahms, and the 'fingerings' didn't make ANY SENSE TO ME!!!  'Lefty' was romping from string to string, and getting stressed out, and was having trouble playing in tune...her 'little foot' was quivering with exhaustion.  I stared at my stand partner, and asked..."Is this the 'fingering' our section leader wants?"

She just shook her head, and said..."The violist suggested them".

I looked over, and the Principal Violist was grinning at me... ::)

I took the score home, erased the fingerings...and wrote in my own...

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #547 on: December 01, 2020, 07:41:58 AM »
well a violinist would have no knowledge of fingerings as they use a bow

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #548 on: December 03, 2020, 07:32:08 PM »
...How to REALLY fuck up a Concert,  and. I DID IT!!!!   :o

I usually sat 1st chair, or 3rd chair in an Orchestra, so I was sitting on the edge of the stage, and my stand partner would turn the pages.  I didn't want to turn pages...and...I thought that I looked cute...and wanted the audience to get a good look at me.   ;)  But. once, in the Semi-Professional Orchestra I was playing, I got ordered to sit second chair at the First Stand...the work called for a cello duet during the work, and I played better than the woman sitting 2nd chair.  So, I grumbled, but did so.

I turned pages for the Principal Cellist...I didn't like doing it...but I liked and respected her.  I would stop playing a few measures before the page turn, place my left hand at the top of the page, and look at her.  She would nod her head, and I would quickly turn the page, and get back to playing.  I never had a problem with music that was bound, like a magazine.


Once, we were performing a modern work, by a local Composer, and the music was on sheets of paper, xeroxed....there were about thirty sheets of paper.  Rags can probably guess what happened... ::)

I reached to pull a sheet of paper to the other side of the stand...and...


We had to stop the concert, as I gathered up the sheets of music, and sorted them out, and got them back on the stand...

I got BANISHED back to 3rd chair after that concert... :P

I was happy...I HATED to turn pages...

When there was a two cello solo after that...I just kept my butt in 3rd chair, and carefully listened to the Principal as I accompanied her.

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #549 on: December 03, 2020, 08:02:29 PM »
could have happened to anyone particularly with such a disconnected lengthy set of copied papers

Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #550 on: December 03, 2020, 09:44:06 PM »
...Fabric... ;D   It means a lot to we feels nice on our times we are out in public...not wearing very much.   8)   Damn Men...who get us to dress up like that.   ::)  But...*Shrugs*...I enjoyed going out in public when I was young, in a minidress, high heels, nice makeup, and seeing the men looking at me.

Later in life, we had a young Russian woman living with us for the summer.  She was a cute blonde, an exchange student. She could speak English fairly well, and got better as we talked.  I brought her with me, when I was shopping for fabric, I wanted to make a dress.  I was fairly skilled with the sewing machine, and I just liked putting on a dress I had made.  We looked at all of the fabrics, and I found the one that I thought I would look good in...but noticed...she was looking and touching a bolt of fabric. 

She gave me a nice kiss, and a hug when she left our home.  The bolt of fabric was in a shipping case, and I told her that I would ship it out, I had bought it for her. 

She sent me a picture, later.  She, and two other young women, were smiling...they were wearing dresses made from the fabric.   :)

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #551 on: December 04, 2020, 07:01:49 AM »
smiled  happy she got to enjoy the fabric and her time with you.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #552 on: December 04, 2020, 05:46:27 PM »
Pssssssssssssst... sheet protectors and a notebook solves loose sheet music issues.


Offline Izee

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #553 on: December 08, 2020, 06:55:08 PM »
...Presiding over traffic court... ::)

...I did that a number of times, I actually enjoyed hearing my name announced, by the Bailiff...with 'THE HONORABLE' title in front of my name.  I would do my best to look dignified, in my Black Robe, but thinking..."Is my hair OK"..."Did I put on my good shade of lipstick"..."Damn, I didn't paint my nails".  I would settle my butt on the bench. and settle down, and get to work.  I was quick, I  worked for a company that handled auto accident cases, so I was very experienced in reading accident reports.

Once, I was having trouble deciding a case, after hearing the testimony.  I looked over the Courtroom, half were police officers, the other half were the defendants.  I called out, "OK, he said she ran a red light, she said it was a yellow.  Who believes what he said?"  All of the officers raised their hands...the other side kept their hands down.

I ruled in favor of the defendant, muttering to myself..."They can't tell me what to do."

I got banished to preside over Small Claims...although the Presiding Judge did call me to handle complex business matters.

Offline MageNathaniel1

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Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Reply #554 on: December 08, 2020, 07:36:34 PM »
cool. I always liked caught in providence  the judge on there always mansged to see through the hogwash.