...Russian Greetings...

When I was in grammar school, I would play with a boy who had emigrated from Russia. I liked him, he had pale skin, and white hair, and a nice face. He could speak English pretty well. My Uncle got to know the Family, and said that they had been Russia Royalty who had fled Russia during the Communist Revolution. "Nikki"...that is what I called him...told me tales of those times. I really wasn't sure if I believed him...they were living in a very MODEST house. I figured that if they had been 'Royalty'...they would have brought a lot of valuables with them. Although, maybe they did, and just wanted to live 'Under the Radar'.
As a child, the Father would just nod to me when I entered their house, and then ignore me. It didn't bother me, I was there to play with Nikki.
Our family moved across town, so Nikki and I didn't get together much after that. He would ride his bicycle to my house, and I would get on mine and we would ride around, but not go to his house. This went on for years, so I grew up...and became a woman. Nikki was happy to have me with him as we rode our bicycles.

One day, he insisted that we ride to his house, he said that there was a picture that he wanted me to see. So, we did so, it took about 1 1/2 hours, but, it wasn't difficult. The ground was level, and it was kind of cool. So, when we arrived, my cheeks were red, my face was glowing, my hair was nicely disarranged...and the breasts I had grown were pushing up against my blouse.
We entered his house, and his Father looked at me, smiled at me, and got out of his chair. He walked over to me, looked me over, and then stood straight, and...CLICKED HIS HEELS TOGETHER...and took my right hand, kissed it, and said.."Welcome P--------."
I didn't know what to do, I just nodded my head, and said..."It is good to see you again."
Nikki rode with me back to my house, left, and I sat in my room, a bit dazed. I had never had a man greet me like that, and began to believe that they actually might be Russian Royalty, that were just living very modestly. I tried to cultivate a relationship with Nikki...but the school BITCH claimed him...and we didn't ride bicycles together anymore.
I actually did encounter Nikki, later in life, in a complex business case. He owned one of the companies that I was suing...it was worth a LOT of money. I took his deposition, but was gentle. We briefly hugged and spoke in a side room, and talked a bit about the past...but I had to cut off any contact after that.