Author Topic: All please read and acknowledge, flame.  (Read 4042 times)


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All please read and acknowledge, flame.
« on: January 02, 2020, 09:55:42 PM »

(23:50:39 )
| | | | | | | | | | RAGNAR | | | | | | | | | |

==within the Great Hall==
says to ruby{RgR/NS}mat MTC: "To make this easier for you initially, and to impress upon you the importance of obeying, learning, and doing so in a prompt orderly fashion, you will address siren, flame, and chanz as Mistress when they are instructing you. I grant all three of them whip right over you if they deem it necessary. This is how much trust I have in them to do this properly. I know I need not worry if my Ubara Sana and my joint property will be damaged. Meaning you ruby. If your flesh is unfortunately marked permanently, I will ask how, but I will not ask why. I will already know it was necessary."

Offline flame{NS}

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Re: All please read and acknowledge, flame.
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2020, 05:01:46 PM »
I have read and if that is the way Ubar wants it.  Concerned done!
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

Offline Shadow duck

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Re: All please read and acknowledge, flame.
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2020, 07:08:31 PM »
grumbles and growls but signs as it is an Ubarian you wish Master....then remembers ohhhh whip rights ohhhhh she will get to wear a belt....hehehehe

Aka Tuchuk terrorists duck.....
duckie rules