Author Topic: just a thought for someone.  (Read 1238 times)

Offline Shadow duck

  • WM Tuchuk Trainers
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  • is she just a memory?
just a thought for someone.
« on: April 03, 2020, 02:17:19 PM »
For a friend..
One step
Two feet
Three breaths
Four blinks
Five seconds
Six bend the knees
Seven minutes more
Eight reasons to stop
Nine reasons not to
Ten seconds reached
Eleven more steps
Twelve feet traveled.....
Take your rest relax and breathe, have some cool water , then repeat often.
You are cared for, you are loved, you are going to be ok, you can beat this.
Remember, the old saying it is still true today....
One day at a time.
Take it one step at a time,we will always catch if you fall.
That's what friends ( family) does.....
You know who you are these are just my thoughts...take care of you first cause with out you the rest get lost.....
duckie rules