...Just to clarify...

...I didn't give the 'backstory' to the woman, i just explained that I was very familiar with the forests here in CA, and saw how they were being mismanaged. You SIMPLY can't let forests grow so thick that their branches are stuck together, and dead trees are standing all around them. The dead trees EXPLODE when they get on fire, and...well...there goes the Forest.
...If anyone wants to prove me wrong...
...HAVE AT IT!!!!
...I looked on line, anyone can do it, and saw pictures taken of forests in the 1880's...and now. The old pictures showed very mature trees, that were far apart. The recent pictures showed trees side by side, with dead trees intermixed, in the SAME AREA!!!!
...Now, the pictures of the areas would show...IMHO...burnt out areas.
..."DON'T clear out deadwood...DON'T thin trees...DON'T set firebreaks around...
...If I seem to be EMOTIONAL...it is because I am EXPERIENCING IT!!!! Smoke lies around our neighborhood...day after day...week after week...now for over a month!!! I read in the papers of people getting sick...my asthma keeps me awake, unless I am wearing my breathing mask, getting clean air PUMPED into my lungs!!! I am very worried about my elderly Mother, I read in the papers of Hospitals being overrun, and about how we all have to stay inside. Again, it ISN'T about the virus...it is because the air is UNHEALTHY and at times HAZARDOURS to breathe!!! Because of the G/D FIRES that a wise Gov't could have prevented...and a wise Gov't DID prevent such...until the Liberal Democrats took over. The Liberal Democrats whined..."Oh, we cannot cut down a tree..."
...My advice to all other States...is VERY CAREFULLY look at political candidates. If they are talking the 'Utopian Crap' that our Governor, and others, are talking...VOTE THEM OUT!!!!
...The GREAT U.S. doesn't need any more Californias.
...I keep speaking to my elderly Mother, who I am watching over, about moving. We could sell the house for a lot of money, and buy a better one in another State...and have money left over. *Sad Smile* That is what my Ex and I did when we moved to Kansas...we bought a BETTER house there with just the equity we had in our CA house.
...But...my Mother just doesn't want to move. This is Her home of over 50 years...She is very elderly, and a bit weak...and dragging Her to another State, where She wouldn't have Her friends would not be kind. *S* They play pinocle twice a week...and if one can't make it...I sit in so that they can play partners pinocle. She has stopped the games...we have been under a 'lockdown' for several months, by order of the Governor, and the games stopped.
(They made a rule that my Mother and I can't be partners...we just seem to know how to play the cards to win...even when we have a very small meld. We don't cheat...we just seem to know how to do the 'play'...

...I will hand it off to Her, and She will hand it off to me, and we collect the cards. She tells me that She can tell what I am thinking...and I believe it. I was VERY WELL BEHAVED in H.S.

I couldn't hide anything from Her.

...We just stay inside, and don't go out. Hopefully, the rains will start soon...and the air will clear.