begging forgiveness for not posting last eve when she was exhausted and out of sorts-
Treated Master Haldir's fight injuries... required IV fluids for loss of blood (coupled with exhaustion these led to loss of consciousness) from the injury to front of lft thigh, a broken staff tore through skin and muscle layers to the bone, cleaned out splinters and disinfected/ stitched as appropriate, concern whether the rectus femoris muscle will heal completely. Possibility of orbital fracture around lft eye from staff contact but the eye itself uninjured, treated with cool cloth for swelling. Rt forearm staff contact, packed with moss paste for bruising along with the sternum, lft inner thigh, under the chin, and the right knee. Rt wrist is splinted and elevated, possible fine fractures of carpal bones. Valerian administered to assist in his sleep, He may not desire further painkillers when He awakens.
Edit to say: that should be LEFT forearm bruising and fractured LEFT wrist, (slips off mumbling about being up too late recently and getting her rights and lefts mixed up)