wonderful....smiles...just let Me know Muse...
will list what I know of Valerian ..also the reason why I opted to give Sahara valerian as I did mention Chamomile which does act as a mild seditive to help sleep, Sahara mentioned it was not helping Her.....(commonly used in tea 1 two 2 tsp of the dried flower)... Valerian however works to help with insominia although I use it mostly in prescribing for pain due to injury...*smiles*....1 to 2 tsps. every four hours...
Valerian is a wonderful herb and has many many uses....
Valerian on earth it is used as a tranquizer, treatment of insomia, nervous tension, pain reliever, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart, muscle spasams etc..in gor it is a very strong sedative and it must be used with care, composition is Rhizone, Stolons, and Roots,usage is mixing 1/2 to 1 tsp. no more then two tsp at one time of the dried herb infusing it for 10 minutes...Can be used for insomia, pain, headaches.
Warmest wishes....