The Turian thrall that Sidona had finally owned up to needing her help, his was near the point of being a popsicle thrall, when he couldn't crawl or walk to the wagon she specified to get warmed up and to eat, she ended up draggin him across the jagged icy ground, which resulted in him acquiring cuts and abrasions. Many of them were superficial and were cleaned out and then had honey covering them, the others which were a bit deeper, were also cleaned out, then green powder sprinkled over and into them, then agrimony salve, then bandaged. He is still in the wagon being warmed up slowly, he was given broth to drink, and I had orders for hot water botas to be placed at his feet, armpits, neck and at his waist to help thaw him out. George is staying with him, with help from the other thralls in the wagon as well, and if anything is needed, george will summon a healer to help.