Author Topic: SLAVE DANCES  (Read 22314 times)

Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2005, 07:24:33 PM »

« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2005, 02:46:31 PM »       

zah danced for Master Gryphon this day:  here is the dance

~Sounds of the tabor begin to echo about the camp as if calling out to her~ sound of her heart thundering within  matching  the music’s beat, zither being strummed, lifting her from the furs, the music mirroring her movements, she being carried by the melodic phrase of rapture,~ lithe form creating the rhythm of desire her heart beating only for Him, small feet finding their way to the sand, it’s warmth caressing little toes~

~ willowy arms reaching above to elongate her svelte body as dainty hands graze across sun kissed flesh, they slithering upward along exquisite silhouette,~delicate fingers feel a gentle tug as billowy curls entangle about them,~lips of crimson part slightly as she arches her limber back, ringlets of spun gold float about her as if embraced the wind~

~soft pink pearls stand at attention upon orbs of silken flesh, as the music ignites like the flames within her belly,~ she following the sound of the music, slowly straightens her curvaceous form,  turning head slightly, soft lips touch the softness of  inner arm, rounded hips gently roll from side to side, perfectly carved calves quake as she sways, a guttural moan escapes her throat, as her carnal need emerges,~

~ welcoming arms ease downward, tapered elbows  brought outward, small hands lifting deliberately, wrists turning as palms face the heavens delicate fingers slightly curling inward~exquisitely pointed toes lift her gently from the sand, wheeling her about gloriously~tiny waist feeling the gentle wisp of long mane, it encircling her captivating form as she rotates about in the sand~~ sapphire eyes peek through flaxen locks, as they light upon elegant features, sapphire eyes peeking to Him, as her body aches for His touch~

~ slowly her luxurious thigh eases upward,  the muscles quivering slightly as it rises, sensual knee bending slightly as inner thigh is exposed, perfect toes sharply points, she perfectly balanced, holding her stance, displaying her sweet slave flesh just for Him, that He might want  what she so willingly gives  ~

~lost in the music, hands make their way down her neck, grasping the kolar, her full breasts heaving as she tugs, feet now pressed to the sand~ pulling herself downward, rounded ass high in the air as she falls to her knees, elbows making small divots in the sand,upper body balancing, palms lower, fingers splaying wide, her hips begin to rock, she inching herself forward, searching, yearning, nipples sensitive and swollen yearning for His touch~ 

~wanton body now claimed with need and desire, she begins to writhe in  frustration ~  she places her head to the sand, golden mane fanned upon it’s surface, with desire rosey nipples brush over the roughness, hips begin to thrust ~a sheen forms over her heated skin, lust filled body burning with desire, needing, wanting to be His possession~

~hands  push her to her knees, pink little tongue moving over crimson lips, as her thighs part wide, hands slowly slither upward, dainty fingers seeking out full ripened breasts, completely lost in the music, moans escape from tight throat~  gasping, body quaking~

~falling forward, golden tresses splaying over the sand, from beneath mounds of curls, hands sneak, dainty wrists cross, she revealing her total submission to the One that has conquered her slave heart, body, mind and soul~  La kajira~
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2005, 07:25:12 PM »

« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2005, 05:01:32 PM »       

a girl danced for Master Michael per His command:
hearing the command to dance, full breasts heave as a slow even breath is taken,deep blue orbs lift to the heavens holding there for an ehn, lashes flutter down in a long kiss to her soft cheeks~  dainty hands slowly drop to the furs, pushing down into the softness, lithe form easing up to full stature yet not so much as to attract observation,~ golden curls from features are flung with a flip of splendid fingers, exquisite shoulders rolling as tresses fall about slightly curved back~gray eyes look back to the Master who’s command sent her to rise, turning head toward the pit, steps fall upon the soil, heels grinding as balls of feet hit flatly~

~warmth of the sand touch chilled toes, they digging into the roughness, thighs spread slightly as stray tresses shroud reddened face, sapphire eyes track the camp, mirroring the flames in the fires ~releasing little fists, hand rises out before taught body wrists flicking as if swatting vermin, signal for the music to begin~crash of the symbol resounds bringing attention of the Men, hands loudly clapping above golden halo, thighs pulled tightly together, chin held high turned to the left, full lips now a thin line, etching her usually soft features ~

~drums begin to pound loudly, finely arched brow furrowing slightly as heart begins to match the cadence, hands held like a dina bud,slowly part,  thumbs leasing outward palms opening tiny fingers flattening as if she proffering a vessel to a Master~rounded hips rotate slowly following the rolling melody of the zither, knees bending slightly rocking curvaceous hips from side to side,~once tense form following the call of the sensual music eyes open wide, for a moment, vicious strong will consumes her, her expression contorts her face slightly, though still a beauty she can not deny that she is nothing more then a animal to be owned,~

~sounds of the drum hasten, heart begins to pound, zither being strummed harshly, it's melody sending chills over wanton flesh, jaw clenching as inner turmoil is fought,  once demure form now seductively responding to the rhythm of desire, uncertainty flowing through her, as little feet move her from the sand~unable to fight what slave belly and heart demand, chin lifting, whispers of an untold prayer leave quivering lips, ~please  allow  this wanton beast to show desire for Him~trembling form begins to rock to and fro, golden mane swaying over gyrating hips as captivating face begins to move from side to side,~

~ dainty right hand moves to lowered left shoulder, with one little tug, from alluring body  vest clings, gently rubbing over full ripened breasts, bringing to attention pink nipples,  leather falling to rest at rounded hips, head falling forward, massive curls cascade down over slightly parted thighs, she kneeling at a Free Man’s feet~ bending at tiny waist,soft full lips kiss the leather of His boots~rounded hips moving to the erotic music, tempting smile crosses full lips,  as she dances before Him, rounded elbows pulled out, eyes sparkling as bended knee lifts exquisitly, pointing delightful little toes sharply,  elegant body is displayed before Him, holding stance just for an ehn, so that His eyes may view what she so willingly gives~

~He waving her away, eyes widen, heart feeling the grip of shame, lips begin to quiver slightly, filling her lungs full, reviving inner self,  elegant foot is placed to His knee, trying once again to gain His attention, large hand lifting , quickly pressure He feels, pressure is felt as she kicks out, tempting hips quick to buck with an instinct of animal need as she floats  about the fire, before another Maser ravishing body falls before Him, desire pushing her to show her need, boot she feels upon her shoulder, pushing back,  gasping in frustration,  knees tucked beneath finely curved ass straighten, she floating back from Him nearing the fire pit,~

~ flames licking toward the heavens she flinging herself in circles, dancing about wildly, swaying as a serpent charmed, sweet sweat of desire glistening upon deprived sex,  before a Master’s furs, dainty feet linger, her scent calling out to Him, needing His touch, with each beat of the tabor, feet hasten, throwing her into a frenzied pirouette, spinning about to offer an enticing view of curvaceous ass, fiery flesh untouched and free of mars, the evidence of  excitement shimmering in the fire's light as sweet petals grows damp, peeking across sun kissed shoulder eyes hungered and fierce as they dare to look at the Free Men~

~short distance from Master, dainty feet light, webs of spun gold covering flushed face, hiding carnal need, sapphire eyes sparkle from between curls, slowly magnificent body eases down upon awaiting heels, splendid thighs parting wide, full hips high in the air, music soft, she begins to crawl to Him, bewitching body slinking near, sweat of desire glistening upon wanton flesh~honied treasure completely visible for His eyes to feast upon, leaning back elongating heaving chest, willowy arms snake upward, pressing palms within softness, rhythm of the music lifting her, arching back into a high bend, golden tresses splayed over furs blanketing them as crown of  head rests gently~

~ hands continually moving sensual arms snaking about, undulating hips beckon Him ~body writhing, need like fire burns out of control, heart aching for the strong touch of a Master~ little moan escapes crimson lips, silent plea her body makes submission guiding her every move, she now knowing heart mind body and soul what it is to be ….. La kajira~
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2005, 07:25:41 PM »

« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2005, 11:35:42 PM »       

finally...lure danced her very first dance ever....full of nerves and all. though not nearly as breath taking as her sisters this was from the heart...for any who might like to see...
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2005, 07:26:20 PM »

« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2005, 07:06:45 AM »       

ivy got to do her chain dance this night and thanks to her bestest sissy wylde for again hosting it for her, its the second one on this page... 
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2005, 07:27:29 PM »

« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2005, 12:23:48 AM »       

ice offered to dance without remembering she had lost all of hers in a reformat   so this is what she danced off the cuff

22:09:42 )
= ice =
Bid on by Caton

in the sand dancing for ALL: a cloaked figure emerging from the shadows of the wagons... wraithlike, intense behind the hood... stalking feral into the sands as the flutes begin a low tremolo of suspense.. what lies beneath the shielding, what moves in the measured streides within the cooling sands as the thnder of drumbeat begins a primal rhythm? ~ a crash of cymbals ~ and the cloak is thrown to the breezes, a lissome form revealed to the lamplight, torched flaring as mush as the she-beast's eyes... seeming to challenge the watchers at the circle, a confidence and terror explicit in every gesture
cassie (8:57 PM) :
(22:16:13 )
= ice =
Bid on by Caton

in the sand dancing for ALL: the woodland gaze smouldering as she feels the eyes upon her... she might be made to dance, she might bear the steel encircling slender neck like a band tightening, clutching at her very breath... full breasts heaving to lift and fall shining leather as she lifts palms to the Moons as if somehow seeking respite in the rays... spinning suddenly, feeling the eyes upon her flesh, taunting in THeir certainty of what she is to become, grains flying to shimmer in the torchlight... a briefest of flicker of panic pulling tight her belly as the form of a Guardsman steps to the side of the pirt with a smirk twisting at His lips, the boskwhip unfurling in His hands... a ~ crack ~ of leather atop the drumbeat sending her leaping, tabuk-like, flaring the dampened mane behind lush form... thsi was something she could recognise, could defeat! ~ whirling again as the snap of leather sends her instictively away, teasing with her proximity a moment as footfalls dance her closer to Him, unconsciously finding the rhythm in the savage drums... darting away again with a laughter bespeaking triumph

2:22:53 )
= ice =
Bid on by Caton

in the sand dancing for ALL: a shriek of anguish and anger mingling fiercely in a single cry as the braided leather finds taut flesh, searing a scarlet weal where would lie the brand, the flesh still virginal and unmarred except for this screaming welt of dominance, suddenly turning with a greater understanding of HIs strength, the tears coming unbidden... panting with the efforts to out-dance the leather, a sheen of dew standing across the sultry form, emphasizing every nuance of flesh... a viscious tug of the whip wrapping about carven ankles sends the she-beast falling heavily to the sands... arms instinctively catching, a lowered head on hands and knees, the curve of flanks lifted high as she loses sense of everything but the thunder of the drums, the footfalls approaching and her own inner conflict... eyes widening suddenly, head thrown back, back arching savagely, catlike feeling a rake of leaherbound handle in the slaver's caress, cursing inside even as the enlivened body cannot help its response,,, sensing the smile upon His lips
cassie (8:58 PM) :
(22:30:52 )
= ice =
Bid on by Caton

in the sand dancing for RAGNAR | | | | | | | | |: the handle jerked away as swiftly as it had sought the swollen need she denied within... He had gotten what He wanted, there could be no escaping the desire that had ravaged the form, shivering as the breezes tear at heated flesh, thighs quivering with the chill and arousal... pain and pelasure now cojoined with an aching admission deep within, falling to the sands only to slither again to kneeling, thighs splayed as he sands cling to dampened flesh, shimmering against pebbled nipples aching in newfound need... a low moan at the crescendo crashing thunderstorm through the night and falling again, the music falling as the girl lowers helpless against the sands, a sleen-crawl dragging through the pit... an impulsive hand tugging forth the knot upon left hip letting fall the chatka to the grasses, wrapping the red cording of the curla about slender wrists in an offering of agonised submission as she pulls into kneeling, the breaths quieting with the drift of the music to memory... the bound wrists offered over bowed head as she whispers... ~la kajira~
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2005, 07:28:11 PM »

« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2005, 12:43:10 AM »       

aphris  danced  for  Master  Ubar  tonight  smiles  brightly 
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2005, 07:29:11 PM »

« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2005, 06:45:26 PM »       

kadi was asked to dance by Mistress Brooke for the Free and Visitors

~rising from the soft furs....icy emerald obs glance and glitter over the crowd....mane of deepest black weaves down sunkissed back....a look of haughtiness crosses face as with grace she walks arrogantly to face the pole in the centre of the dance pit....sheer silks cling to glowing skin like a lovers caress.... standing tall and proud as she draws a calming breath....

the mucic begins to moan its sweet sound around the camp....body tenses then relaxes as the beat of the music starts to seize her slave form.....silks ripple up and down satin thighs as lush hips grind in a enticing....sultry....rhythm of their own....she unknowingly allows her moist tongue to move over ruby lips....suddenly feeling His eyes burning upon slave flesh....she shudders....

deep green eyes that have darkened with need slowly lift to His....chills run up her back at how close He is to this one....bitting ruby lips trying to stop the quivering mass of succulent slave flesh....sooty lashes sweep low on faintly blushed cheeks....the beat of the music captures the girls senses...

.the pounding of the drum, echoing the pounding of her heart....
desire laps at slave belly....joining with the fire that burns within....untieing the knot that holds sheer silks to satin soft body....letting them slither to the floor....pooling round her feet....stepping out she kicks the silks to Master....with a giggle she moves to the pole....wrapping tiny hands round the smoothness....feeling how hard and smooth the pole is....

watching as He returns to His furs....offering the pole a glimpse of voluptuous curves....a low whimper comes from ruby red lips....trembleing as tiny volcanoes start to build within.... joining the fire that burns in her belly.... with erotically swaying hips....moves to the pole....each movement sleek and erotic as she moves her body closer....

dragging delicate hands over tantalizing curves perfected to the touch....fingers slowly move over quivering flesh....the flesh of a slave begging to please.... gasping from the tender touch....nipples harden with longing....trailing silky fingertips down over heated belly till thighs are reached....breasts thrust forward as back forms a sinful curve....

a lingering moan escaping red stained lips....lifting the heaviness of dark hair from tanned shoulders....tiny fingers caressing the ko-lar round swanlike neck....breath catches hoping that she will always be His....a slender hand trails over the smooth unyielding surface of the pole....leaning closer hot breath caressing the surface....

the pole nestled between the deep valley of generous breasts.... chest rising and falling from heated breaths as she glances over tanned shoulder....smoldering eyes searching....the fires deep in belly awaiting to be explored....twirling faster....arms reaching high....muscles ripple under wanton slave flesh....blood hot and pulsating as body comes to life....

knowing a slaves heart and soul has been captured....she twirls  round the pole....feeling the burning need consume within....knowing no fire on Gor is as hot as the fire that is inside her... passion filled orbs seeing only Him....the need so strong....knowing only this Master can tame her....a tortured cry comes from parted lips as she slips to knees....

sand sticking to moist flesh....thighs spreading wide as she presses up against the pole....coating it with her oils of submission.... hoping the coolness of the pole will sooth the fire that burns in slave her mind seeing Him....purring as she slowly moves up the pole....the smoothness of the pole finding the silken flesh of her precious treasure....HIS treasure....crying out as she is sent so close.....

she sobs and drops down to knees again....lowering head to the base of the pole....kissing as if it was Masters feet....letting go of the pole....knowing she can no longer fight the needs and desires that burn deep....crawling towards Him that can bring relief....hips and rounded bottom sway suductively as she air teasing heated flesh....

moving with the stealth of a wild thing....emerald eyes look only to Him....reaching His furs....crawling till three paces from Him....kneeling up....palms lay faced up to the moons....creamy thighs open wide showing the dampness from slave heat....arched back and pulled back shoulders thrust breasts up to Him....

long mane of darkest black cascades down a flawless back....head held high with pride at being what she is.....a slave in lust....sparkling eyes showing need lower in a voice like honey she says.... La Kajira Master.... La Kajira....slave loves You....
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline familure{TD}

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« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2005, 01:12:12 AM »
a girl danced this night for Master Necron~s~

if A/any would like to is here...

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. - Steve Prefontaine

Offline Amore / Daniella

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« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2005, 06:10:48 AM »
My Master commanded me to dance last night.


(21:01:49 )
••Venturous Tuchuk••
Saddle Makers

is at the main fire and says to .:| amore |:.{Caton}| ma: takes a swig from bowl of paga.....have you been trained to dance from your past experiences on Gor?

(21:03:00 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
is at the main fire and says to ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -Sapphire pools burned, lifted slightly when she heard the question poised to her. The girl felt the catch at her throat, and nodded her head- "I was the favorite of Pashas, Master." -And pirates too, and the girl shuddered for an Ihn-

(21:04:08 )
••Venturous Tuchuk••
Saddle Makers

is at the main fire and says to .:| amore |:.{Caton}| ma: lifts the bowl up as a feeble attempt in gesture......well, let me see you dance, amore, have at.....*grins*

(21:05:15 )

Clan of Hunters/Clan Elder
is at the main fire and says to .:| amore |:.{Caton}| ma: feeling an old tugging in My heart as I glanced to you then looked back around to My Ffamily and followed the converstations

(21:05:36 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
is at the main fire and says to ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -An intake of breath, the girl exhaled, and nodded her head- "Yes... Master" -A lithe sinuous beast, the girl knew she was, raking her nails across the smooth flesh of her thighs, palms resting upon the ground, lifting her haunches high, and crawling slowly back, turning her sleek, curves to face away from him, feline in her movements, the rounded curves of her ass kissing the air, her supple spine deeply arched, so that too her heavy, swaying breasts were well displayed. Too, having thrust her chin high, even as she crawled, displaying the steel locked about her slender throat, long, flaxen strands spilled around her form, offering a sort of veil to tease the eye. After crawling a few mere taunting paces, the girl then pushed herself to rise, unfolding her legs, her luscious form tensed with nervousness and excitement both. The girl loved to dance, it was her outlet, it was her forte... As she turned away, she tossed back the flaxen strands that defiantly swept over bare shoulders to hide her breasts from view, a flash within the darkened storm of sapphire pools glimmered, and she walked first to two women, leaning close, and brushing her soft lips across their cheeks as she growled to their scent, whispering in their ears, and felt their nods as they hurried off. Upon their return, items they laid near the dance pit, simple things that might be needed as the girl progressed in her dance. At this time, she knew not which, for it would be the belly of her that would lead her onward, divine the course of her dance-

(21:06:47 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
is at the main fire and says to Vala Clan of Hunters/Cla: -As the girl turned away, she felt eyes falling to her, observing and she turned, seeing the woman there, and felt the stirrings of a place long ago left. The girl offered a smile, a nod of her head, lifting fingers to her soft lips and cast a thrown kiss to her-

(21:08:22 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -The girl then turned, watching the women hurry off, and walked to the dance pit, the gentle sway of her hips framed by the caress of flaxen strands curled against the lush curves of her body. With her stance tall and proud, her chin tipped high, the lights casting off the band of steel encircling her throat. Sapphire pools sparkled their dark stormy depths, her full lips pursed holding emotions within her in check. As she reached the pit, she turned to face him, twin pools of sapphire coolly regarding, as she, sliding her right foot forward in the sand, raked her toes gently, her sculpted right thigh extended now. In tandem, the girl slowly lifted her hands upward, stretching them high above her silken head, flashing heated glances of sapphire hues, as hands kissed back to back, slender digits fully extended, the heat of the flames reaching out to caress the sweet curves of her slave flesh. Displayed well now before him, the slopes and rises of her slave curves taunting, the girl then parted her full lips, and exhaled a soft heated breath, before drawing in another deeply, and thought it was too bad she carried not the marks of his whip to enhance the dance, but then, the girl kept silent her thoughts, and knew she had best be careful exactly what she wished for. Another soft exhalation of breath from her pursed lips, remaining still, waiting for the music to begin-

(21:10:21 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -The drum beats seemed to drive into the very ground itself, beneath the bare pads of her feet, almost consuming her to be a part of them in her dance. And so she did, her feet moving within the beat itself, the fullness of her hips swaying, her hands remaining so poised as when she readied for this dance, that he could see the undulating of her lush curves, his eyes to follow the gentle sway of them, alluring, sensual, intoxicating. The girl knew she was desirable and beautiful and proud --- she had danced before great Pashas, before pirates of Thassa!! Slavers applauded and fought in their bartering for her!! --- and the way she held her chin tipped high, professed this pride without words. As the girl danced, tips of flaxen strands danced against her naked flesh, teasing the sweet swells of her round, firm ass, the flesh of them rippling, mirroring the beat of the drums. She danced for he alone, wanting, needing him to see the beast he owned, to lust for her sweet treasures, and to be pleased that she was his, that she would be found worthy to live another day. Brushing away the teasing wisps about her delicately chiseled face, the girl was swept deeper into the dance, the sheen of perspiration already glowing upon her tender flesh, small toes leave their soft breaths shaped as cloud swirls within the sands, as she glides effortlessly in sweeping twirls, pausing to lift long willow arms high above her entwined-

(21:12:37 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -As the girl swayed her hips in those gentle sweeping motions, her feet finding the rhythm to offer a force to each thrust of her hips, slender fingers entwined, unraveling themselves from the tangle, twin pools of sapphire glittering the dark mysteries of her. The girl slowly turned her stance, the curves of her waist tantalizing in this seduction of dance, captive to the rhythm within and allowed it to take her deeper still. Stepping slowly, feet against each other, causing the fullness of hips to thrust, eyes hot, wide with an almost fury within them, her hands lowered slowly. The girl stopped save for the perpetual pivoting of hips, her hands reaching the ripe swell of her hips, sliding along their smooth soft sides, the nails of her fingers marking her with faint lines, drawing his eyes to gaze upon this flesh that he owned. As the delicious swell of womanly hips sway from side to side, the beat of the music compelling, her feet move over the sand lightly, the movements tight and deliberate, slowly, as if a weight was being lifted, stretching her slender arms to the sky, moving against each other, the whisper of flesh as they seemingly kiss, a challenge beheld within those dark pools of her eyes, recalcitrant, impetuous ... As the girl danced nearer to the flames, she gasped softly, the flames seemed as if to consume her, surround her, draw her to their embrace, and she lifted then, her hands, to hold them near the flame, the burning heat torturous ----- yet, it invigorated her and mesmerized at the same time. The girl knew she could not afford to become damaged and quickly pulled her hands back, lifting them to trace fingertips along her face, the heat searing delicate skin as the girl was forced deep into memories. Wild-eyed, the girl stepped back from the fires, frightened that any might have noticed those thoughts mirrored upon her face, shivering with emotions raw and compelling-

(21:15:03 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -The girl swept her head in a sudden arc, bowing the supple spine of hers, the jarring of her body against the sand unfelt, for her body continued to sway in beat with the music, dancing her silken form, knees sliding, impregnating the sand with the deep groove they created as sleek thighs parted widely, and eyes slowly close, the curves of her waist seductively rolling, the left hand lifted as slender digits trailed over the soft ridge of her jawline, joined by her right hand, as fingers splay, sliding over the mounds of her breasts, a gasp heated from the girl's plush lips as blood-thickened nipples react with a sharp ache. The girl's hands continue their journey, that slow, tormenting downward arc, dancing against the softness of her belly, the heat scalding the delicate pads of her fingers, as she exhales heated breaths, fighting the raw emotions of grief, of despair, of outrage, of vehemence, of turmoil. As the girl continues the sultry dance, her thoughts drifting to days past, the many lands she had traveled and lived, leaving behind the tragedy of her home, the tumultuous exchange of hands her flesh had grown accustomed to, those days of hunting in the forests ....... As her spine bowed deeper into an arch, her full breasts swollen, thrust to the sky, her hips still gyrating in tandem with the beats of the drum, the girl still fights with her emotions and feelings, what she has had to endure, who she had lost. As her body remained held in this yielded pose, moving still with the music, the girl sobbed, felt the raw sting of tears, for she knew she was but a mere beast, a whore, a slave of passion and lust, and she thought of those men she had been thrown to upon the ships, commanded to taunt them with that which was her being.-

(21:17:46 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -Raising her torso, the girl lifted again her arms above her head, the swaying of her hips continue their delicious taunt to the eyes watching, sapphire pools slowly opening once again, revealing glittering orbs dark, enigmatic, haunted by abandonment, the storminess held in sapphire orbs mirrored the storm within her, but still the girl was undaunted, still the girl kept the rhythm of swaying hips, deliciously slow in movement, still the girl offered him the sweet song of her body singing its beauty and desire, the breeze of the plains teasing through billowing, flaxen strands, small hands tremble with uncertainty and fear. Sapphire pools glittering in the light of the fire and the tri-moons, thrusting her chin high in the air once more, sliding her orbs as they narrow, the girl felt the anger rise within her, burning within her eyes once again, and she wanted to yell at him, to kick the sand up at him, to scream, to fight, and the girl felt her heart pounding faster, yet even still, the sway of her hips remained constant, undulating the flesh of her belly, fingers clenching white-knuckled. It wasn’t fair!! The girl screamed out, howling those words to the wind, her face lifted to the sky and saw the stars twinkling their joy!! The girl suddenly pitched forward, flinging herself to her belly upon the sand, her long flaxen strands spilled around her to cloak her nakedness, her fingers digging at the dirt, fighting …. so much fighting within her. Why? WHY! Hands delved into the softness of the grains, and lifted them, spilling them from her fingers, the girl felt the heat risen within her, the burning that consumed her, and her silken head lifted from the sand, turning and looking over her shoulder, fists unclenching, the sand spilling, the tears wetting her cheeks as they freely fell and a soft growl erupted. A primal growl, and slowly... the girl smiled... a long, slow, smile... a swipe across her face, fingers pulled away moistened-

(21:20:37 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -As the girl smiled at this man who now owned her, and as her breathing remained deep and slow, tendrils of flaxen strands clinging to the supple curves of her slave flesh, the shimmering light of the tri-moons above bathing her sinuous form, sapphire pools dark and blazing, the girl slid her knees beneath her, the sand coarse against her already-raw flesh, folded now, as slowly, gracefully, tauntingly, she raises up, and slides those shapely thighs of her wide, her flesh glittering with the tiny gems of sand that clung. As the girl kept her eyes toward him, that heated gaze of a she-sleen, the sweet cradle of her hips rocked in that delicious dance of raw sensuality, her navel moist and christened with the beads of the sand, she grasped the nearest bucket, half-filled with water and lifted it high to the moons above, her head tipped far back, an arch to her lissome spine as the girl urged the bucket slightly, sending a cascade of water falling to her wanton flesh, splashing droplets of the cool water from the heat of her and to the sand below. The supple flesh of her lips parted and a guttural growl vibrated over them, exhaling the moans of anguish that she could not abate that fire, those purrs of sweet desire and the vitalness of a woman knowing who and what she is, slowly opening those dark pools of sapphire gems feral, awakened in that hunger she had almost thought no longer existed-

(21:23:27 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -As the girl's hips sway and taunt to the beat of the music still, the water clinging to her heated flesh, unable in her desire to cool the burning of her being, curls of her hair caught in the waterfall tenaciously caressing those lush slave curves of her, her thighs unashamedly wide, the folds of her sweet sex parted, revealing the effects of this dance, her loins wet with the dew of her being, she lifted her hands again, teasing them over fevered flesh, nipples thick with her heated slave blood, taut and erect. With a deep exhalation of warm breath, the tendrils of silken hair falling about her, slender digits working intricately upon flesh pebbled, sliding them upwards to meet the silken strands of her thick flaxen mane and lifting it high, displaying that steel that encircled her neck once again, sapphire pools smoldering with the heat that surged within her. And as she danced there before him, her beauty and her need, her body moving sinuously, her naked flesh rippling, her head falling back as her fingers entangled in her hair, exhaling raspy heated breaths and she sobbed again, those silent whimpered moans, the tears that could never be explained in words. As the girl dared to lift those flickering orbs of dark, rich sapphire, she laughed suddenly, and thought "Let him whip me!!! Yes! Let me feel that sting of his leather!" and still her face beheld that rapture of knowledge -- she was a slave, and rejoiced in that, arching her back deeper, thrusting her swollen breasts high, the girl continued to dance before him, unashamed of what and who she was, the slickness between sleek thighs glistening, trickling-

(21:25:54 )
.:| amore |:.
| mat ~ tp |
in the sand dancing for ••Venturous Tuchuk••°Cát: -Then it came, the ebbing of beats of the drums, the ceasing of music, only the soft kiss of the plains breeze, a wisp of hair latching upon the golden veils of her lashes, fingers tugging the errant wisps that teased about the delicate contours of her face. The girl simply glowed before him, her lush form glistening from the moisture of perspiration, particles of the earth clutching to her flesh, twinkling those tiny prisms of sandy gems. The whisper of her flesh as she slowly, deliberately, positions herself before him, her torso straightening, hands supple in their movements fall to slide between those heated thighs, up along those sleek curves of them to rest, exposing to him those sensual curves of the palms' arc, the glistening sweet dew of her coating the delicate tips of fingers, she could feel the ache and burn of muscles, her heart-shaped ruby lips part, allowing her tongue to curl to the soft edges in a hungry sweep. As those stormy-hued sapphires again lift for an ihn's breath, the flesh of her belly quivering, the scent of her sex pervading, thick and musky, sand-captured tears staining her cheeks in glittering formation, the ache of her loins making her feel heady, she slides her hands along her thighs, lifting them high to offer him that sweet nectar of her, then folding her torso in half and stretching to reach his boots, brushing those parched, full lips across each boot of his, her tongue lashing across the leather, tasting the dirt that clings to them, kissing them in the purest supplication with the knowledge that he is her Master, and she only his beast. The girl then eases back enough, that she might fold her arms crossed before her and rests her forehead to the ground, wet strands of hair clinging, though the slope of her spine offered, should he not be pleased, her flesh his to strike his displeasure, her heart hammering, racing through her as if touched in her mind by him, her voice but a melody whispered from parted lips, small but heavy with the need to have that fire within contained, controlled, by him.- " .... my Master"
« Last Edit: June 23, 2005, 07:58:02 AM by amore {Caton} »
Treat your friends like family; treat your family like friends.

Offline Thalia

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« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2005, 12:27:28 AM »

Living in the land of sun, sand, and Thassa breezes, where the only rule is common sense.  What's not to love?

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2005, 08:14:52 AM »
(00:32:52 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: the lights dim as kettle slaves at every torch between the path leading from the slave kennels to the dance pit cover them up........a hush comes over the crowd round the fire and pit........waiting with bated breathes for the beauty to come before Them.......bump.......bump....bump.......bump.......bump........oh all they hear as the slave falls down the steps of the kennel wagon....

(00:33:55 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: They hear the rattle of chains as the beauty starts to walk towards Them.....then a voice like the sound of a vulo having its neck wrung.......are You ready Masters and Mistresses the voice calls.......a cheer is enough to tell the girl that They are.........nodding to the kettle slaves and each takes the cover from their torch.......the girl waits to hear the praises for the beauty that is before them.....but all that is heard is gasps of shock.........

(00:35:01 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: for before Them has come the biggest slave ever seen........not tall.........not slim........but big and round.........growling at Them for the gasps the slave waddles towards the pit......chains on wrists, ankles, round tubby belly and one on silver collar........reaching the sands she stands in the middle and waits for six warriors to come out into the pit........glaring as they dare fight among themselves as to who is NOT coming into the pit...........

(00:36:03 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: after a time six warriors come into the pit......each one taking a chain up in their hands.......a smile comes to the slave girls face as she watches them.......planting her feet firmly in the soft sand......they sink down half a mile........nodding to the music makers......she starts to sway as the music begins..... her belly wobbles like waves on the seas......the warriors turn green as they watch the belly move.......

(00:37:18 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: lifting her arms up bringing them together to weave like a snake, the warriors holding the chains to the girls wrists try to pull them back down.......she just glares at them and lifts arms higher and the warriors start to leave the ground........*think You can stop bitsy from dancing do You* the girl says to Them......dropping strong arms and then goes to walk round the dance pit........the warriors on the chains at large ankles pull on the chains trying to stop bitsy from moving....

(00:38:12 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: looking at Them bitsy just laughs and moving first one leg then the other the two warriors come together with a bang and drops to the sand.......on she walks pulling all six warriors behind her.......lowering down onto the sand.......the slave now looks like a beached whale....breasts the size of verrs hang down either side of body.....thighs the size of tree trunks open wide......her belly falls between her thighs hiding her heat........placing her hands on her belly she pulls the flab back up........

(00:39:20 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: lifting her body from the sand she moves it up and down in a thrusting motion.........loud thuds heard as her ass hits the sand each time........the six warriors fighting to stay on their feet as tidel waves of sand move over the pit.......the warriors try pulling bitsy up by the chains, but is was like trying to pull Berat when He didnt want to move.....bitsy lifted her arms and legs jerking the chains which bring the warriors forwards to fall over her great belly.....

(00:41:05 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: rising to her knees.....she starts to crawl towards the Master.....a smile on large rubbery lips.....the six Warriors trail behind her trying Their best to stop bitsy moving......turning her head to look at Them with a growl.......They just drop the chains and run to the edge of the pit.....smiling atr Them bitsy turns her head back and carrys on crawling towards the Masters.....her eyes scan along the row of sitting Masters as if picking One out.....

(00:42:20 )
Tuchuk Beauty

in the sand dancing for ALL: slowly she stands to feet the size of planks.......grinning she starts to run.......she couldnt pick a Master out so she would take Them All.......the chains draging behind her as she reaches the edge of the pit......she leaps up and pounces on All the Masters sitting there.......laughing as she hears growns benearth her.......rising she looks at the Masters rolling on the ground in joy that bitsy had chose Them All(in pain)......bowing to Them she moves off back to the kennels the chains following behind.......
May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..

Offline ice{LM/TD}

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« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2005, 07:26:11 PM »
a dance ice performed off-the-cuff for Mistress Sati ~smiles soft

= ice{LM} =
senior mat slave
healer slave in-training

in the sand dancing for ALL: emerging from the wagon in a shimmer of sapphire silk rendered

ebony in the slanting moonlight, gauzy and ephemeral about the curves of feline form... a

shimmer of silver catching the light adorning the nip of slender waist and ringing cygnus

neck in an embrace of servitude... everything and nothing resting in the jewelled band ... a

flash of firelight, gold and crimson, catching the links of a narrow chain clutched in

slender fingers, dragging behind her as the girl curls toes into the sands

= ice{LM} =
senior mat slave
healer slave in-training

in the sand dancing for ALL: tender arms lifting overhead, a visage tilted back to drink in

the moonlight like kalana wine, the nacks of hands touching as a carven leg cocks in flex,

awaiting the rumble of the first tribal drumbeats to roll across the grasses, bending the

very blades before the thunder like so many kajirae before the feet of a Master... spinning

suddenly at the swirl of the double-flute, a savage motion flaring silk and waterfall of

mane in firelit frenzy, the chain snapped against the sands at the end of the spin kicking

up granules of glistening sand scattering in the winds

= ice{LM} =
senior mat slave
healer slave in-training

in the sand dancing for ALL: woodland eyes seeming feral in the cast moonlight, ringed

nostirls flaring to the exotics of the night as body seeks a rhythm from the depths of

being, matching the rush of heatbeats and pulsing in the tempo of the drums... rocking

heel-toe in a simple motion that spoke volumes of the primal urgency of the beast within...

not a beat of sensuality beyond that of the simplistic lust of life itself, but instead a

rhythm of a chained spirit... fettered by the silver about lithe neck and the need to please

yet flying free beyon terrestrial bounds, a heart freed by the embrace of chain

= ice{LM} =
senior mat slave
healer slave in-training

in the sand dancing for ALL: the links of steel slithering serpentine behind the beast

gracing the sands, weaving its own pattern of slavery clutched in a delicate fist... arching

back at the apex of a tremolo, falling achingly to knees in gesture of pure submission to

the Moons overhead... grazing the links chill along the heated bow dragging along the

silk... a waterfall of tresses lingering in the sands, shoulders rolling the same primal

beat in the aching offering of being to the Skies... her place confirmed in the emptiness

above her, weighting the very air against flesh and chain

= ice{LM} =
senior mat slave
healer slave in-training

in the sand dancing for ALL: thrusting from knees to snap from the bow as if startled

suddenly from the aching examination of the girl's place amonst the stars and the earth

below, an owned beast offered to the winds and steel...the heaving breasts straining at

gossamer seeming in the same pulsing drumbeat that echoed in the Camp and in her soul...

whipping out the chain to cast skyward, shining silver symbolism, whipping around in another

dervish spin, eyes seeking again as if somehow seeking a challenge to the acknowledgment of

spirit...a set of jaw in sultry challenge, flashing the woodland eyes about...the drum and

flute building to climax, wrapping the chain about lascivious curves in a snap leaving a

weal of scarlet staining sunkissed flesh... falling hard to the rounded knees, splayed

agonizingly in the posture of submission... wrapping the chain about tender wrists and

extending in plea of time immemoral, the words cried as the thunder stops abruptly leaving

the Camp in eerie silence but for the pleas of the embonded one... ~la kajira~
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Offline chiana {M}

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« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2006, 10:51:42 PM »
chiana {M}

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« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2006, 11:51:30 PM »
-delilah's Chatka and Curla dance-

*The attention of the patrons of the Chatka and Curla are drawn by the roar of "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT" and by the laughter of the fleeing dark-haired slave girl affectionately known as deemon... Among the slaves in the tavern, I stand out like a bright-petaled flower in a fire-blacked field, clad as I am in the yellow silk commonly seen upon the wenches in more standard Paga tavern alcoves -- the effect marred only by the golden nose ring that flashes at my septum.... I had "traded" a bath house wench for her attire, and now I planned to trade again... Not that the trading ever seems to be consentual between me and other female slaves... Emboldened by Paga, the bottle still in my hand, I slow to a she-sleen saunter, approaching the dance floor with a wicked sparkle in winterpale eyes...*

*The music had begun some two ehn ago, and the low, barbarous, haunting melody guided the yellowish-haired wench through a series of gentle undulations which I found quite boring... Bending to set the Paga bottle on the floor with a snap, aware that I have already diverted attention from the she-tarsk who so poorly imitates a Tuchuk slave, I slowly straighen, a sinuous motion, to lace my fingers over my head and stretch indolently back... * Masters, it is only the first ahn of the morning... Do you wish sleep yet? *As the haughty scrap of a slave hisses like an injured sleen, I laugh to their raucus calls of NOOOO!!!* Then, Master, do not watch this city girl... Watch a REAL Tuchuk slave... Watch delilah...

*My fingers still laced over my head, my body still bent in a lovely backward arc, I pause for a heady moment, letting the anticipation build... Suddenly, my hips *deign* to catch the beat of the music, their sensuous grind and roll almost condescending to restrain themselves to the subtle pound of tabor and strum of kalika... The men cry out almost angrily, seeing the obvious arrogance of the wench before them, and I toss my head, the golden nose ring glinting, and turn with a snap, striding to the musicians to instruct them in how better to display a wench of the wagons... The head musician, he with the czehar, sends me from his presence with a stinging slap across my backside, and I hasten from him with a throaty laugh -- for his haunting strings now pick out a truly erotic melody, and the drums suddenly pound with all the intensity of a kaiila's galloping strides...*

*The wench of the Chatka and Curla still stands upon the dance floor, an ignored and abjectly pitiful figure, her expression wavering between fury, embarrassment, and uncertainty... Should she still dance?  Was the REAL slave of the Tuchuks allowed to do this?  I pay her no mind for the moment -- her time will come -- as I stretch my arms wide and whirl, my feet taking me 'round in a giddy worship of the Skies above, though they be hidden to me by the upper tiers and roofing of a wagon-themed tavern, though their view is limited by the press of nine walls... There is all the freedom of the Plains in my whirl -- and then I snap to a halt, my hair settling around me -- for the flute calls me to attention, the czehar informs me of my duty, the drum directs the carrying out of my task.. Beneath the suggestion of covering offered by the yellow silk, my left hip flares to accomodate the thrust of that leg, my hands reaching to grasp the silk, to tear it away from the four-horns brand there, to show the men that this is no Kanlara dina, no Kanlara Kajira -- no, this is the Kanlara Tuchuk, fine and exotic, deeply imprinted upon my flesh... *

*As the men stamp in approval, already beginning to pound their fists to their left shoulders, I rip the silk over my head and cast it contemptuously to the feet of the wench of the Chatka and Curla.. I press my hands to my thighs, leaning forward to address my audience in the tones of one sharing a guarded secret -- though my shoulders still obey the music, dipping and swirling to the barbaric throb, my body still heeding the command, my breasts pendulous...*  Wagon slaves do not commonly wear silk, Masters, unless it be in the furs of Warriors, behind the closed flaps of the wagon doors... *I grin wickedly as the ribald comments are tossed my way, having known my words would inflame them...I am shameless, the Paga and the thrill of the dancing making me so, as unconcerned about my golden nakedness as a kaiila or a sleen... Then I place my hands to my neck, fingers curling in the loose Turian collar there, the lift of my arms displaying the high rise of full breasts, and respond to the heady rhythm pounding about me... The time for play is past -- my belly calls to me to lose myself...*

*The beat is teasing, pounding and then --- stopping --- and my slave's sweet curves must obey it... My arms held high, crossed at the wrists, offer no impediment to the vision of my left hip, that which bears the four-horns brand, as it rolls forward and back, then tosses the motion upward, the undulation rippling to my poised rib cage as my hip stills... Then the music pauses for a breathless moment, and my upper body is caught mid sway, leaving a sinuous curve of stilled flesh, not even my navel rising and falling, for my breath is inheld...The men are inflamed by the control I have over the my movements, some of them rising to their feet while others of their crowd push them back down, the better to see... And then the music pound anew, and the ripple of energy is carried upward as though there had been no pause, my chin tossing high, my arms catching the beat and then sweeping around and down to frame my hip...*

*Then the music pounds with steady beat, and I can express myself freely to its siren song, my hands slapping down to my thigh as I rock it out and back, then slithering across my belly and up my sides, allowing the gazes of men to travel the length of my naked body, leaving their hands itching to travel that path... The Paga fires my blood, driving me to ever higher reaches of euphoria as the adrenline of the dance, the knowledge that all eyes are upon me, feuls me further... Now my steps take me through the crowd, undulating and whirling between the tables, my hands reaching for one man and then another but never touching, my hip always flirting just out of reach, my side always drawing back before fingers can grasp, my whirl always taking me beyond the lunge of drunken patrons...*

*And then my eyes descend upon the slave of the Chatka and Curla, that most bewildered and pitiful wench still standing in a circle of forgotten light... Ah, yes, NOW the yellowish-haired girl's time has come... She wears leather garb which rightfully should be upon my own body... Her thigh does not even bear the Tuchuk brand, but that of the Kef, city slave that she is -- and her ears are pierced!  In the lull, a hand creeps around to my ass, and I thrust it away with a sudden savage bump of hip, resisting the urge to slap... And yet I taunt the man with a hand gliding down my hip and around to the pliant, lushly curved globe he had fondled, a quick slap of my own ass leaving him gasping as I stalk, sinuous and wicked, toward the dance floor I had avoided throughout my performance...*

*The little she-tarsk watches me warily, for there is pure devilment in my eyes... *  Didn't I tell you before that you're wearing the wrong clothing? *I announce merrily, to the roaring laughter of the men... She begins to back away, but I reach for her with a chiding Ah-ah-ah, my look warning her that an asswhuppin' will ensue if she denies me this... My hand further stills her motion by latching in her shoulder-length locks, and she screams as I snatch the koora free, a bit of blondish hair coming off with strip of red cloth... I cock a brow at the men as I pluck strands of dark gold from the hairband and prise free the knot that holds the strip in a circlet, my hips having never abandoned the beat of the drums... Then I affix the scarlet tie in my own lush locks, my arms moving behind my head and causing my bosoms to lift high upon the proud set of my ribcage...The girl trembles, knowing that there are three more articles of clothing...*

*I reach for the girl again, my hips swaying almost intimately close to her, the men inflamed anew by the sight -- but only so that I may grab one flap of her kalmak and then shove her with the other hand, setting her spinning out of the vest... She stumbles and spawls to one side, and I offer a derisive laugh, my glittering eyes warning the half-naked girl that she had better soon find her feet... Then I whirl to face the men, that I may lean far back with the prize aloft and allow it to slither down over my hands and along the slim, elegant columns of my arms, my sway settling the vest upon the delicious expanse of my shoulders yet offering scant protection against the eyes of the patrons... Bent back as I am, the haughty thrust of my breasts is still bared to their view, the flaps of the kalmak covering naught but my sides...Behind me, the city slave scrambles to her feet and wrenches at the knot of her curla, now desperate to aid me in the conquest of her clothing...*

*Just as I stalk forward again, the knot pulls free and the Chatka and Curla girl wrenches off those namesake items to hurl them into my arms... Then, grabbing up the bit of silk I had earlier cast to her feet, she flees for the back room, weeping to the ringing laughter of the men and their mocking applause... I turn back to those patrons, my eyes glittering like pale glass, and there is no doubt that a fierce wench of the Wagon Peoples stands before them... And though I wager they have never seen a slave dress herself while dancing rather than remove her clothing bit by bit, their roars are defining as I tie the cord low upon my waist, and tightly, that the sweet curve of my hip be harshly enslaved by that red bit of braided leather, then draw the strip of black slowly and sensuously through it, obscuring from sight the treasures THESE men will never touch -- for they, too, are of the cities... *

*Now Clad Kajir, I gesture high with one hand, to the golden nose ring, the other hand sweeping low, to frame the brand I wear as I again thrust my leg forward...The four-horns Kanlara is well revealed by the ebony breechlout, my legs bared from delicate turn of ankle to the delicious yielding of my flesh to the bite of the red cord... *  Masters, be not deceived by the wenches this tavern offers --- a TRUE slave of the Tuchuks stands before you!  *So saying, I dip to retrieve my bottle of Paga, for I had ended precisely where I had begun, and stride haughtily back to the table from whence I had fled several ehn before...*

Living in the land of sun, sand, and Thassa breezes, where the only rule is common sense.  What's not to love?

Offline Thalia

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« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2006, 11:55:15 PM »
-chanz's Coin Collection dance-

02:17:50 )
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: moves with her sister to the dance area an tosses her auburn tresses over her shoulder.. lettin them float back to caress her calves.. bendin at the waist she almost folds in half to allow her head to brush the ground.. then tippin her face forward she rocks a bit allowin her lips to nibble a coin up...   
(02:19:27 )
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: slidin her left leg out she lowers softly to the floor.. then extends her other leg out straight to the other side... bendin forward pressin firm breasts to the floor.. to nibble another up   
(02:22:57 )
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: flippin over to her back.. she bends her knees keepin her shoulders pressed to the floor.. then liftin her arms to snake them back an around to the sounds of the music as it begins.. followin the girls movements   
(02:24:41 )
~ delilah ~
senior trainer
: *With the coin pouch in one hand, I lower to my knees and a bent arm, crawling about the floor with my ass raised high, collecting the coins upon the pink velvet of my tongue to slip them into the bag... I am aware that the men eye me hungrily, but I'm still in a devilish mood... The collection of the coins would have been expedient with my fingers, but I had not been told I was permitted to use my hands -- only that I must collect the coins... *   
(02:25:10 )
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: pushin up with her shoulders she lifts her body with her legs.. holdin the postion for a moment.. then tippin back her head to bend almost into a circle.. firm breast pushed up towards the ceilin where the skys should be.. her lips grasp another coin.. then stretchin her arms back an over her head to lay palms flat to the boards she lifts her legs up an over to split her body exposin the nekid slaves area of delesiouse fire(02:27:25 )
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: seein her sister knelt to gather the coins she flips back to rise.. movin closer she lifts her foot to rest it across her sisters back then runs her hands down her thighs to her toes.. turnin her head to the side as she does so.. **knowin her hair would caress you ** she smiles*   
(02:29:32 )
~ delilah ~
senior trainer
says to chanz{MTC}**************: *Lifting my head at the press of your foot, I bring my other arm to the floor, the bend of my body deep, the archof my back of the high thrust of my ass exquisite... Leaning as you are, my head raised as it is, our tresses mingle, auburn and mocha, like a fall of autumn leaves upon the rich loam of a forrest floor...*   
(02:30:29 )
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: raisin an lowerin her body her hips grind to the sounds of the drums.. a fire erupts in jade eyes as her head thrashes back an forth auburn tresses whip across your skin... with the gentle caress of a feather... liftin her arms once more her breast begin to heave.. pushin them further out she speaks softly to those around ... do not be fooled this one is truly a slave of Tuchuk she does with shame only wear the K of a brand that of a captured slave.. one day she too will bear the mark as this beauty **noddin to her sister** wears...   
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: liftin her head she smiles softly then she lifts her leg up.. pressin it up to the side of her head... an turns on her toes.. displayin her body completly... for all to see

on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: droppin her leg she turns catchin the eye of a Master she falls forwardpressin her breasts to the floor.. crawlin forward she spreads her thighs wide.. an lifts her hips.. then lifts her head to bow her back... makin as if ordered to kiss she purses her full red lips an waits.. jade orbs glitter still with mirth an mischief..   

~ delilah ~
senior trainer
says to chanz{MTC}**************: *My body shudders under the teasing lash of fiery tress, and I slide down upon my belly to lift up another coin upon the wet heat of my tongue, the movement seeming choreographed as your leg lifts high, your amazing sensuality and flexibility displayed..Common kajira brand you wear, but run-of-the-mill slave you are not...*

on the ground level amid the tables
says to ALL: feelin a hand wrap to her ankle she flips over.. pullin her other leg beneath her.. to push up.. lettin her captured leg be held.. her eyes never leave the one who grabed her.. as she stands fully before him... shakin back her locks she allows her body to quiver an almost seem to melt at his touch.. she grins sweetly.. then spins.. sendin him crashin to the wall behinds.. .. lookin to her sister she winks an whispers.. **the music fades now** sis is time to go...
on the ground level amid the tables
says to ~ delilah ~{K}**********: scoopin the last of the coin into her lips that her sister had earned she grins.. an lifts a cloth from a table.. lettin these coind drop one at a time into the cloth... knowin if they stay on the dance area the wannabe wagon girls would not dare come on... *gigglin with wild abandon*   
(02:38:56 )
~ delilah ~
senior trainer
says to chanz{MTC}**************: *I see your ankle grabbed, and I know what is coming... I don't even have time to wince, for I am rolling over and over, my hair tangled deliciously about me -- my real purpose to gather all the remaining coins I see... As the crash resounds against the wall adjascent, the sound of the broken glass of Paga bottles from an overturned table adding to the general din, I'm already on my feet, shoving the coins in the pouch, and dancing on my toes, waiting to haul ass...*   

at the double iron gates to the red lantern lit tavern where Men and Women are welcome
says to Mithras: makin her way outta the inn.. she grins to her sister as they arrive just as the sounds of grumblin an loud voices reach the outside.. foldin down all innocent like she just smiles an waits...

Living in the land of sun, sand, and Thassa breezes, where the only rule is common sense.  What's not to love?