Gossip, nitpicking, backstabbing, undermining, etc, if discovered taking place and proven to the Ubar's satisfaction will be deemed unacceptable. This will NOT be tolerated nor condoned.
This is considered as a treasonous offense and detrimental to our home and Family.
Any found guilty of such will face serious repercussions up to and possibly including death.
Engage your brain before you engage your mouth.
All members of our family will sign off on this as having read it and having knowledge of it. Claiming ignorance of this Law is unacceptable and will afford a violator no reprieve or lesser sentence.
it has come to my attention that by some saying they are engaging in conversation in a rt setting and not an in character setting they can skirt this issue.
this is an illussion in their own mind. gossip and backstabbing is still an issue regardless of how it is done, and still affects a room in a negative manner.
since this is not an in character issue it will not be handled in rp... but rather from a room leader point of view in regards to operating a chatroom.
the ramifications can be even more severe than the in character aspect. claiming ignorance of this is unacceptable. adults chat here. be an adult.
this is in effect immediately.