I can not at this time sign off on the modification in red on page 1. But I would like to explain why...
My msn is an rt addy, an states My rt name.. If a friend comes to Me there venting in rt, an needs a shoulder to lean on , I will give it. That doesnt mean Im gossiping or backstabbing or even venting right back. What it means is, Im giving a friend support, words of encouragement (exp. telling to take a breath , offering a hug, or to simply encourage them to let whatever is upsetting them go).. If I dont take this into rp in the room, then by simply listening to a friend I have done nothing wrong.
I must draw a line on how far I will let the rules of MTC dictate Me the typist. Now I must ask.. Rags if You as Ubar of MTC, or even as Moderator of this section of the boards feel I have read the modification wrong, please let Me know.
the Typist of Vala
Signs My name in with Christina aka Vala...
it is a simple concept whether you like it or naught.
if it affects Tuchuk in a negative way ic... it will be dealt with.
if it affects Tuchuk in a negative way in ooc... it will be dealt with ooc.
at this point... i do naught care if either of you like it or naught.
if you do naught like facing the repercussions of one's actions... then the prudent person would naught continue such actions.
you have the right to do as you wish... as i have the right to protect my room and my family in it.
exchange between the two of you all you wish. have at... enjoy... knock yourselves out... but if such reaches me... then obviously it was naught a simple matter of venting one to the other, as one perpetuated the issue and it continued until it reached me. i will naught dictate what one may say to another rt. such is naught my place. but it is plain to understand, that if two speak of something... and it passes through another, etc, until it reaches me... then it is naught confined simply between the two. it was continued on through others and serves no purpose aside from entertaining busy-bodies and perpetuating a discreet venting session into a gossip topic.
do realise by posting such to the wall in such a way it may well tend to cause others to think long and hard before confiding in either of you... knowing this "venting" to others does take place.
do realise by posting such to the wall in such a way it may well tend to cause others to think long and hard before confiding in either of you... knowing this "venting" to others does take place.
this inuendo was uncalled for at this point in time and seems to have been taken wrong by many. my apologies.
just everyone... give pause when you vent and choose wisely who you vent to. it may be passed along to others. i am naught singling out anyone with this... simply a broad statement and a word to the wise.