I won't go into why I feel the need to post appreciation to my loved ones at the end of every year, let's just say, it's making up for opportunities lost in the past for not saying what I meant or felt when it was always appropriate. So please bare with me, this may be a long post, it may be a short post, and I may miss people, but it's Christmas morning.
Poppa - We don't always see eye to eye. I am much younger than you and tend to act my age. I don't always accept that it's "a Man's world". I'm downright infuriating, stubborn, willful and emotional. I am loved. -s- You've made me feel accepted no matter where I go or what I do. You're everything a father should be and more. Protective, caring, loving, stern and cuddly. -grins- You always listen, you never say you don't have time for me. You know me better than myself most times. You put up with my mood swings, my lucid moments and best of all, you love me for who I am, not what I can be if I changed. You're wonderful, and I just wished to thank you for that. I wish my own r/t Father was just as active in my life as you are, and loved me as much as you do.
Momma - I don't see you very often, but that's okay, I still love to catch a moment with you when I can. I am still remembering how nervous I was to meet you for the first time, when Rags wanted me to play his Daughter. He said, You have to meet Karanis first, and she has to approve it. Wooooah. First, I don't get along with most females. Second, I don't know the first thing about Gor, and I'm stepping into the role of an Ubar's Daughter?! Good gravy, shoot me now. -lol- But then, you came in, and it was like, well, like I was talking to myself. You most definitely gave me the most wonderful impression. I may screw up, I may not, but in the end, you'll still always be my mother. I love it when you come in, your presence just lights up the room. And I most definitely cannot wait to see what sharp wit is going to come out next. -hugs-
My butterfly - I wasn't doing so well when we were Migrating and we went into Turia. I was downright, not happy, and miserable. Then this little slip of a girl, blonde hair cascading around her, decided to be an angel and take on the mighty mood of one very big sour puss by buying her a small gift. A stone, her namesake, a small piece of amber. you don't have any idea what that meant to me that night, or how much having you in my collar has meant to me either. you're a little ray of sunshine when I am feeling down. you're absolutely beautiful, charming, and just what I need. I'm proud to call you mine in everything that you do, everything that you say, with every smile that lights your face. Thank you for being you, butterfly. I don't know what I would do without you.
Muse - If there is one person I don't mind sharing Terran with (both as a Brother and the r/t hubby) it'd be you. You've gone to great lengths to make sure I was absolutely okay with everything going on, and I appreciate that. You've even held back and made sure not to bug me on MSN to see if he'll be coming online, ask what he's doing, or what not, and I appreciate that even more. I appreciate you giving me your sisterhood, your snuggles, and your hugs. I appreciate your teasing, your ribbing, and letting me tease back, even if it is about your blasted bloomers. You're simply wonderful, no matter if you think that or not, because I said so damnit!
Taryn - That's twice now that you've broken the pact to not court anyone! Oh well, I am glad that you are once more happy. We both have our mood swings, and in the end, it ends up being either me or you doing stupid stuff to cheer the other one up. In the end, it ends up being us as Sistahs. For you and Muse both, I don't have an r/t sister. I have a little brother, and you two, are the closest people to r/t sisters that I have, and I appreciate that. You've always listened, and in some way, you've always protected me from myself. Just know that no matter what is going on, you are loved and cherished... I still want my cookies!
Strider - ..... Well ..... barring unfortunate r/t mishaps and disasters when concerning your internet, thank you for taking the time to pay attention to me. Thank you for noticing in rp, that yes, I am a woman, and not just a bratty little sister. Thank you for taking rocks to the head, lances to the side, and any lumps, scrapes, bumps, bruises and puncture wounds that may result when you come back and still try to court me. -wry grin- You deserve it.
My lil sisters kelsey, sollaris and dee-mon - How can I possibly express in mere words the beauty you three bring to camp? I can't. your serves, your chores, your deepest care for everyone within camp, it just simply astonishes me everytime I see each of you three in action. you are most definitely doing something I could never do, and that's bring joy to camp just by merely stepping foot within it's boundaries. -hugs to all three-
duckie - -grins- little shadows are awesome, and even though you were ordered to terrorize me, the gifts you've caringly have left for me, have been wonderful. thank you for following through with the order, even though r/t takes you away alot of the time. thank you for thinking of me. -hugs- It's immensely appreciated!
I'm getting extremely sentimental -lol- I know I've probably forgotten a few, but in regards to this. Thank you, all of you for being who you are, and what you are. My family. Each of you has taken a piece of my heart with you wherever you go. Each of you has shaped and molded me in some way shape or fashion in v/t, and has made me feel loved and cherished in r/t, behind the screen. So thank you. Thank you very much.