so to make sure this girl understands, Jealousy is a natural human emotion, and it was displayed in the books, so if there is any jealousy to be played, it is to be played in the camp, and not in pm. There is always jealousy played in the camp by bot, talking about slave girls fighting over who will share the Master's furs that night and such. Women by nature tend to be jealous, but it is based on fear of our own self worth, as mentioned earlier in the thread. This one is recovering from a lifetime of low self esteem, and it is an ongoing process. I can guarantee that i will become jealous at times, but i will not act inappropriately by pming others as some have done. i know my Master would not tolerate this behavior, so i will not display this behavior. i agree that in order to remain favorable before a Master's eyes, a girl must act favorable, and not complain about what attention others are getting. get off your ass and stop having the pitty party, hold your head high and remember you are a Tuchuk slave girl, now THAT is something to be proud of. being a whiny bitch will only make the Free not want to have you serve them, or even be around you, and they will most certainly seek out others who are actually pleasing, not draining to be around.
this girl reads and understands, and adds her 2 cents