IT'S OFFICIAL!!!! I'M GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just called and confirmed the room. I got my own room because, *drumroll* as long as no one mucks with his schedule, ROY IS COMING WITH ME!!! You'll all finally get to meet my hubby!!
Now... because they don't have queen beds, only doubles, and I'll be 7 months pregnant at the time, Roy and I are not going to be sharing the room since we'll each need a bed. Doubles and us just don't get along, even when I'm NOT preggers! *grin* BUT, if for some reason the ship decides to screw wiht his schedule and he's not at home, I am most certainly willing to share the room with someone.
I am so incredibly happy! The reason I wasn't sure bout going in the first place was I wasn't sure how healthy I'd be, but since I'm 4 months along and feeling great, Roy and I decided taht I would be ableto go, barring some unforeseen problem. I am also relieved that he's coming with since I wasn't looking forward to that drive by myself.
Roy is not into Gor... I'll try to teach him a little, but roleplaying isn't really his thing. I think he's going more as a favour to me than anything... *chuckles* He doesn't realize that we really don't do any rping during the gathering, and that we do TRY to keep our Gor talk to a minimum... that should be easier this year since we have some coming that aren't from Gor at all.
THis is so exciting.. *grin* I'm literally bouncing in my chair right now... *lol*
oh.. and the colour I would like is deep purple, as long as it's an amethyst kind of purple. *grin*
Kiersten aka Kitya