*takes prism's hand and thwaps it upside My head*L* Yes, thats a good idea*L* My brain has been fried all day...am not thinking quite straight...
*muses* IF I am able and welcomed to attend, im an excellent cook, if its encouraged to bring food, or help with dinners?(will go read it now) and can help make quite a spread!!!
*L* can also make jello shots quite well, and will be the designated sober person! or shot passer out person when others arentt quite able ta reach em*L*
also am a first responder, so can be on hand and sober for any unforseen yuckies or owies!
*edits to add*
I first thought, with tired eyes, that it said BATES Motel*L*
I know that it will be unlike Gorfest*L* but I hope they can handle Us!*L*
Id dearly love to go, that time frame works wonderfully, I may drive(if I have a vehicle, 99percent chance I will by then*L*)
Should I call to see if rooms are available? Or kick in for costs of sharing rooms already selected?
My financial situation has stabilized wonderfully, and, I may have some extra plane tickets lying around, if Someone would like to go, but budget does not provide for, I would be more than happy to donate them!(Id got them for hawaii, but their partner airline goes there, and they dont, so, bleh) Or, if anyone is between las vegas and there, I could give a lift.....I have friends (also from gor)that (i beleive ) are in that state as well, and will see about stopping through after the gathering..
So, would love input, if there are rooms available, or, someone seeking to cut expenses, I can pony up!
If youre in need of a ticket, private message me! Will have to see how close southwest travels there...
Oh Yah..the best guard for the Mt Dew is Me*L*....two sips of it, and i get anxiety attacks....(I cannot handle the caffiene!) So, itll be safe as hell with Me!
*Hopes Taryn isnt talkin about Me, even tho She owes Me a smackin or twenty...oh wait, dont I owe You them?*L*
Just cause Youre bigger doesnt mean you can, oh, wait, yes it does*L* *goes to find uberprotective steel corset as armour*