Author Topic: OE vs. Kim Practice Spar  (Read 3495 times)

Offline LadyMuse

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OE vs. Kim Practice Spar
« on: March 19, 2006, 08:57:40 PM »
(23:15:57 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: just for fun... I promise not to cut off a breast as long as you promise not to de nut me *ss* 3 post 5 action each plus stance.. and no time limit if that is agreeable to you?   
(23:16:45 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: agreeable to me....never done 5 action but a new day   
(23:17:35 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: it is usually 2 defence and 3 attack... but you don't have to use al lthe actions *ss*   
(23:18:00 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: Ohhh I will use assured....LOL   
(23:18:40 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: * tuckign my arm into my chest and bows* after you MY dear Kim.. after you   
(23:18:41 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: **mutters about hoping I can still make sense of a spar...haven't done one in years...LOL**   
(23:19:58 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: ** chuckles* I have not done any sort of spar in at least two years... and really it's been at least 4 so this should be entertaining for all))   
(23:20:53 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: YOURS?....OHHH I don't think so MY dear OE....*smiles sweetly and moves within 3 feet of you....pushing with my left hand outward turning my spear until it is pointing toward you....trying to nick your right side with the razor sharp blade....then pulls the spear back while turning it to hopefully knock the butt of my spear into the outside of your left knee and at least make you hopefully say ouch....and resumes my stance.....((not sure how many but is a start))   
(23:28:01 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: *grunts as you go right in for an attack on my right side and having seen your attack comign I slip step back putting my right foot behind me and turnign my left side to face you.. even thoug hI sawy it comign you are still much faster then me and you cutt a shallow creasae across my ribs... presenting you with the heavy leatehr of my leg and arm braces and the steel reenforcements the help hold me together,, I quickly retreat to the weapons rack and retrevel a 7 foot tarsk hunting spear and giving it a twirl over my head I move back towards you.. comign with in three paces of you adn swingkgi nthe heavy bladed and cross guarded spear down for your left collar bone*   
(23:28:58 )
||||One Eye||||
: (( just dies of embrassment from typos and poor form))      
(23:32:02 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: *grins as you gallavant all over the camp getting things and then come back at me with your spear I quickly step back leaning back as the spear only grazes across my belly a bit leaving a light diagonal scratch and I hiss softly then as you move I step back in toward you and sweep my spear head from my left to right down across your thighs from your right to left hoping to open a nice memorable gash there then moving my spear back again toward my left hopefully to open another diagonal memorable gash across your calves before returning with my hands parallel in front of me holding the spear shaft defensively across my middle awaiting your move*       
(23:34:22 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: ((ok ok shins not calves...*groans*))   
(23:39:54 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: 1) as my spear swings down and you gracefully step back and out of the way the heaf bladed weapon slams point first into the soft soil. throwing me off balance for a moment and also neatly blockign your first slash a my vulnerable mid section. 2) usign the spear as a pivot I swing around the shaft to my right your left 3) and as I pivot.. .planting my left foot firmly i nthe ground and snap kicking out with the full extetion of my right leg aimign the toe of my boot to strike your left side rib cage. 4) as my foot drops from the kick and I shift my weight forward I rip the spear from the earth the but end towards you and swing it down to try and brain you withthe heavy iron shaft.. 5) then finsihgi nthe swing ot the spear and bringin it up into a guard across my chest agai nas I face to to your left side front*   
(23:44:22 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: *as your foot connects to my left side and I go flying several feet away and land in a heap on the ground I gather myself up as your spear hits the ground in-between us because I'm too far away and I shake my head and get up attempting to breathe and mutters under my breath about big lugs and then moves back close to you my spear head lowered as I attempt to jab the spear into your right thigh my left hand still behind the head of the spear and then pulling back and again swinging with the butt end of my spear toward your right shoulder hopefully to hit you with enough force to knock you on your ass and returns to my previous stance with the spear in front of me*   
(23:52:53 )
||||One Eye||||
says to Kim Caridwen Associate M: 1) the heavy tarsk spear held diaonally across my chest the but end two high on my right to fully block your jab as i drop it.. turnign your jab into a ratehr vicious slash through the inside of my thigh and gruntign in pain as you did some damage on that one. 2) the slow drop however does put the upper half of my spear into a positon to block your smashing attack at my right shoulder not allowing it to even get close to strickign my uper arm. 3) switchign the grip on my spear and swinging the spear's butt end up to strike at your lower left leg.. between the knee and your thigh.. 4) and spinging the spear still following through on the butt attack the heavy leaf blade glinting iwickedly in the light as it aims to tear you from pelvis to ribcage just under your guardign spear shaft.. 5) swinging the heave blade back in towrds me and holding it crosas wise a mirror opposite of you other then the complete size diffecene between us.. *   

(23:55:17 )

Kim Caridwen
Associate MTC-tp
is at the main fire and says to ||||One Eye||||MTC: *moving to the right and back as you try to swing the spears butt into my lower leg and having moved back out of the way the other swing misses me barely as well as the blade flashes and leaves a bit of a cut but nothing bad as it oozes a bit and I grin and wink*....nice job....*backing away further now*