For those who know about my rt, my Hubby's family all lives in Texas, and his parents live halfway between Houston and Corpus Christi, so... when Rita was a big bad 5, it was heading straight for my inlaws house.. which is less than 20 minutes from the coastline. They evacuated wednesday and went to hubby's Sister's place in Nacogdoches... but it seems Rita has a liking for them, since it turned and headed straight at them in Nac! *lol* Fortunately Nac is a decent distance from the coastline and we got a cell call from them today. They are ALL fine, no power, but fine. Mom and dad will be heading back home as soon as they contact someone to go see what kind of shape their house is in and to get back to the 3 donkeys that they unfortunately had to leave behind in the pasture to fend for themselves. 2 dogs and cat will fit in the minivan... three donkeys will not. *chuckles* But the livestock should be fine given how much Rita had decreased and was a good distance from Matagorda Bay.
The only concern left is how much, if any, damage has been done tothe house and outbuildings since the folks have a modular. Thank god for hurricane insurance!