Yesterday was an exercise in just not having any luck.
Truthfully, I'm not sure how to sum up the day.
D had a procedure to determine where the blood loss is happening.
No luck, the test showed nothing. It came back "normal"
We managed to go home and rest for about an hour, then got a call to go to see his Dr early.
Good, maybe we can get back earlier. NOPE! D's looking pale and worn out already, and after that appt to check on his colonoscopy results, he's got a new appt to have yet another colonoscopy.
As we're getting ready to leave that office, D is told go straight to the hospital, you need a transfusion.
It's after 3 by now and we go to the hospital, and it takes till 11pm to get the transfusion done.
We got home exhausted and just irritated beyond belief.
So, prayers and good thoughts that (I keep my sanity) D gets some kind of relief would be much appreciated.
He still needs to have the surgery for the toe!
Thank You everyone.