it might sound funny, but i am almost empathic, sometimes, when reading someones post...(i know, it sounds weird*L*as theyre through a comp)
but sounded like you were enjoying yourself immensely*L*
make sureee to keep the pressure on that extracted tooth, and if you smoke, try not to during the healing time, cause it can cause a hollowing of the area that is left behind....!
glad to hear you havnt kicked any doctors*LOL*
i had 4 wisdom teeth removed at once...(yes, i was a masochist, i just wanted to save money*L*) I asked the Dr if other people had done that before, and he quipped.."a few navy seals, yes" i rowwred and said sign me up!
he was all of 5 feet tall, and, had to stand on something to even get where he could get enough pressure to wrench them out...i did fine during all of their extractions, then, when i went to walk out....
I hit the floor passed clean out.