there is a few people I would like placed in thoughts and prayers.
first of all my step-mom Lori, she has a torn cartledge in her knee, she is having the scope surgery done wensday the 9th. she has been in alot of pain lately
second one is her nephew Ronnie, he was has having arm movements and he was not doing it on his own. he went into the doctors to find ou what was going on and he found out he has three tumors in his brain. starting at the part that contols the arms all the way to the front. he was told that they are inoperatable. and they did a biopsy and it turns out they are cancerous. the doctors are going to start chemo to try and shrink the tumors.
and the third is a woman named Renea. she is a good friend of my step-mom's. she had to have both legs removed due to no circulation in either of them. she is on kidnet dialises and there is a calcium desiese that one out of so many get, well she is that one. she was in the hospital but she is at home now on hospics and she was told she has 6 months to a year left. and she has a 2 month granddaughter.
so please have those three in thoughts and prayers.