Yeeow! You're definitely in My prayers Sis, I do hope it's only carpal tunnel. I know how you like your job.
Duckie, of course I will continue praying for you and your family, and for as long as it takes (and prolly awhile afterwards LOL).
On another note ... unfortunately I must also ask the the Family pray for My own little one. We jsut got the results back from the baby's quad test, and although Down's syndrome came back negative, the test was positive for spina bifida. We have an appointment on Tuesday with a specialist, who will do a detailed ultrasound on the baby's spine to determine if the deformity is present and if so, to what degree. To say Kay and I are worried would be an understatement, since a severe case of SB could leave the baby paralyzed from the waist down at birth. We will love our child no matter what happens, but this is scaring the living shit out of both of us. Please, guys, pray for our child.