~sighs~ After calling Ray's mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day, he got some news that isn't good, at least this time it's not his mom, no, it's his step-dad... On May 1, on his way home from his train club meeting, he collects miniature trains which is thorn in the family's side, he started to feel something odd with his arms, so he went to a fellow friend's house because it was getting harder to drive, and from what we were told, he was life flighted to the hospital as he was having a stroke... He's doing okay, as he's coming home either today or tomorrow, but his mom didn't call anyone about it, only called her parents a few days ago to tell them, and then of course, we got told today... The thing is, mom can't take care of him, as she's wheelchair bound and is in a morphine fog all the time, due to her own health issues... So please, can you place both of them in your thoughts and prayers... as well as his mother, who is in end stage cirrhosis of the liver, not alcohol caused, just genetics... the situation at that house isn't good in the first place, and this just adds to the stress level there... Which is more than likely the true underlying cause of his stroke in the first place... ~slips out to do some calculations about making a trip down there if things get any worse~