I know I promised to be around for Migration, and I had every intention of being there for it, and I'm hoping I'll still be around for some, but, I no longer know how much.
My best friend's dad, who's like an adopted dad to me, went to the hospital in Connersville IN sat night, where, in their ineptitude, they found nothing wrong with him and sent him home, even tho he went in with severe chest pains. THEY said it was caused by fatigue. They were wrong. Last night, when he went into work as security at one of the casinos, he got major pains again. The casino put him on oxygen and ambulanced him to Dearborn County hospital, which is where I go. Audra immediately called me, and I went and sat in the waiting room with her until 3am when they finally allowed us into the ER to see him. Last night, they weren't totally sure what had happened, they knew something had happened with his heart, they didn'tthink it was an actual heart attack,but possibly just a warning sign that can lead to an actual attack, but they were still going thru the EKG and blood tests, etc. Apparently when they took his blood, there was so much fatty tissue in his blood that it could BE SEEN WITH THE NAKED EYE... WHY the other hospital didn't notice this, we have NO idea. His blood was also very thick, and his blood pressure very high. OH yeah.. and he's also diabetic and his blood sugars at one point were 400. So, they put him on B/P meds, blood thinners, some kind of patch that starts with an N that caused him to have a major hedache, but releived the pain in his chest. He was, of course, being admitted. I waited till 3:30 so I could find out where they were putting him, but by that time they still hadn't gotten him booked into a room because 2 ambulances showed up at the same time and that had to take priority... so I left, totally wiped, and came home to go to bed.
I just got off the phone with Audra, this morning they transferred him to Good Samaritan hospital in Cincinatti, and they are going to be doing an angioplasty apparently, because he did hav an actual attack.. a mild one, but an attack nonetheless... His cholesterol is also very high, which apparently isn't helping matters. Good Sam is one of the best hospitals for this type of thing in the area, so I know he's in good hands. As soon as I have my non stress test this afternoon (it got kicked back from 11am because docs got called for a delivery and a doc has to be around to look at the NST results) I'm heading out to GOod Sam to be with the family, since they're my adopted family down here. Thats why I'm saying I'm not too sure how much I'm going to be around. Please keep daddy in your prayers, and get him out of htehospital and healthy as soon as possible... altho apparently the family has been lecturing him bout how much he's been cheating with his diabetic diet... *wrygrin* I totally sympathise with him on this one.
Love you all, and Muse, if I don't get a chance to call solli, tell her this is why and that I loves her lots! dee, I hope everything goes well with your grandpa and he gets to come home soon too, because I remember how your grandma was last time. *huggles* I hope you get the teaching job too!! kadi, I'm glad you're home safe... now just take care of YOU!! *hugs*
Kitya aka Kiersten