Rags, please dont worry Sweetheart, I've made it through stomach surgery, heart surgery, child birth, gall bladder removal, cervical cancer, and d/c exploratory surgery, ......I can certainly make it through this, the pathology lab from the d/c came back just fine, there is no cancer at this time, this is a preventative measure because of the problems across the board with the females in my family on both sides, matter of fact, I dont think there are too many females over the age of 30 that still HAVE their reproductive organs for one reason or another......
but I have one child I bore myself, and two beautiful stepchildren, and tons of animals, not to mention a one in 10 trillion of a man by my side at home.......I am in fact blessed....
and am quite honestly looking forward to the surgery because it means I wont have to go to the restroom every hour and a half to two hours, no more monthly cycles, maybe I can convince my surgeon to suck out a bit of that belly fat ((YES I HAVE gained weight since some of you some me at the gathering, I've gained 20lbs in one year, and we dont know why))........and it also will mean no longer have uncomfortable bloating when I eat or drink cause a good portion of my insides are just in the wrong place or off kilter.......
I'm honestly not worried anymore, and I ask that you guys not worry either, I'll keep you posted for certain, I'm actually looking forward to getting it over with......
love you guys so much, and thank you so much for the well wishes, they mean the world to me, and I think of them even in the low times when I'm feeling sorry for myself, and then I return to the good place because I know there are people that care.....and care what happens.....thank you so much for that, even though I've been so busy trying to get all of these big zingers thrown my way into some semblance of order......
you guys are great and I'll talk to you soon,