Seriously did you actually think about what you said? Takes a sailor to find the hideouts? Pray tell how he is going to get there without the Captain and the Captains Ship? I suppose thats why EVERYONE has heard of Sailor Jerry right? And NO ONE has heard of Captain Morgan. What is a sailor without a ship to be a sailor upon? A mere Mr. Jerry cant be a Sailor Jerry without some Captain allowing Mr. Jerry aboard his ship to become a Sailor Jerry. And Mr. Jerry, turned Sailor Jerry by the good graces of the Captain, cant very well party at all without the consent approval of the Captain of the ship. Therefore, Sailor Jerry can party in his hammock while the Captain and crew can very well party anywhere and everywhere, after all, it is the Captain's ship and he doesnt mind if it becomes a mess, because lil ole Sailor Jerry can be a Swabby Jerry and start cleaning after the party. LMAO.
woobs, just make sure they have Captain Morgan's Parrots Bay Coconut Rum on hand.