I didn't know how better to explain this, and thought that the rest of My family would like the heads up, or rather like an explanation.
Over the past week there has been quite a few new faces about camp. some are new to gor, some are new to HTML chat.
Adilah and His friend Dakkon are the ones new to Gor, I would ask that everyone help them where it is needed, I have given the general overview of how Gor is and how Tuchuk is, but I know each and every one of you will be able to help contribute to their learning.
Gioco Di Ruolo & Tiago Riani are new to HTML chat. (I know Gioco is, I'm assuming Tiago is as well as Gioco has informed Me that He knows Tiago) they RP'd the message board Gor. (again, information given to Me by Gioco) He seems to really like the way We are in MTC and the way We do things Tuchuk style, if everyone could help these two out as well.
-mumbles still half brain dead- Just giving the heads up to everyone.
FYI yes I also put this up because I want more faces for Me and Phoenix to carve. heh