Well ok were to start.. Hi Yall!
Life is beyond insane still, as Im still pulling like 100-120 hours a week. My body decided it had enough though a few weeks ago. I ended up in the hospital overnight. so now it appears Im having extreme high blood pressure issues. Gee, aint life just grand.
My Doc says I have work related stress. Wow, didnt see that one coming.. * rolls eyes*... Oh and my Boss is letting me take some vacation time BUT not till the end of July. My kid is great and has alot of patience with all of this. My guy, yes I did say that can ya believe we have been dating for like 5 months. He is being great through all of this with my hours, business trips and my totally bitchy moods. *L*...
Ohhh Rags...... I told my boss I have like this family reunion thingy up in Ohio on the weekend of July 13. *snickers*... It looks like I can drive up for the day on the 14th. But I leave for DC on the 15th... * grins and waits for it to sink in*
Ok I think that is all for now.
Hugs & Smoochies