At last, jale and I finished sewing three sets of custom-fitted winter slave clothing apiece, then cleaned the leather garments we had been permitted to borrow from the Camp freight wagon (in NPC mode).
When I attempted to return the neatly folded clothing to one of the Ubarian freight wagons, I found the stock in a state of complete disarry. It would seem that various (NPC) camp slaves weren't cleaning up after themselves during the couse of their pre-migration preparations. I myself saw to the re-folding and re-organizing of the various trunks of winter slave wear. I then located one of the culprits and commanded her to set the remainder of the wagon to rights!
After exiting the freight wagon, I ventured to the cooking fires, where I relieved a kettle slave of her kal-da stirring duties, that she might see to her toilet needs. As I stirred the hot brew, Master Furaan strode into camp proper with a newly captured, unconscious slave on his shoulder. Per his command, I turned over the kal-da to the very unhappy hands of a thrall and fetched the emaciated new girl some food. During my interactions with the slave, which the Master had collared and chained to Ubar's fur-covered dias, I discovered that she was a mute. Using a ridimentary form of gesture-heavy sign language, I was able to determine that the girl is called kalana, like the wine. She is kef-branded. I assisted her with the configuration of the mat-tp tags, once she had fed well and been released from her ankle chain.
I then offered service to Master Tegutai.
And behind the scenes, I gave chore feedback to one slave and assisted with editing the dance of another.