Today, I woke up stiff and sore from the long hours of kaiila riding yesterday, and my body complained its way through a very slow afternoon. I briefly served Mistress Sidona by answering the questions she posed to me while I knelt at the slave cages, then washed laundry at the river. I tended to the laundry of my Mistress, my chain sister, and myself, as well as to the soiled towels and cloths from the Commissary. I then walked back to the main fire, the exercise doing much in the way of easing my stiffness, where I layed out the wet cloths, towels, and tunics by the main fire and knelt to enjoy a snack and leather cleaning with my chain sister. (Which will be mostly delegated to NPC-land, since I need sleep!)
Behind the scenes, I did some slave training as well -- and I watched the Super Bowl for the first time ever!