kiah made dried fruit today, using ta-grapes, ramberries, cherries, peaches, and larmas, briefly marinating them in a honey and white sugar sauce after 'checking' them in boiling water and then cold, she pealed ta-grapes and ramberries so they would dry more quickly, kept the skin on the peaches but cut them into slices, stemmed and pitted the cherries, and cut the larmas into ring shapes. she worked throughout with a npc slave girl and at this stage set the fruit out on trays to be dried and sent them outside with others(npc) to be put to fire and after cooled into airtight tins and covered glass jars to store. kiah ate and was heading to the kennel wagon to sleep before being redirected to a freight wagon, finding her chest of items given upon arrival, alread there.
she learned at this time she is having a hard time to r/p chores, realistically to her anyway, without npc others to help. she's feeling she could do each step of something herself but is thinking it wouldnt make sense to, considering how many there are and the impending departure/frantic time contraint to get it done. that's seems to be where she is now. it may change when she gets in 'here' at night and r/p's with her family. she did get to see dakota today but right when she was leaving. she's emailing her script to Mistress now. she r/p'd herself to be sleeping in a freight wagon since migration is imminent