today kadi helped tend the hurt, she stitched one Worrior's leg, she made kettles of willowbark tea, took kettles of boiling water to the med wagon, went round all the npc hurt giving them mugs of willowbark tea, then got thralls to move the less hurt Warriors to Their Own wagons leave room for Master Ubar and His party coming in, Master Ubar had an iv line in which she put onto a stand then changed when it was empty, she gently washed the blood from Master Ubars face, He has a few cuts there but none that needed stitched, she stayed by Him the rest of the night, there is a lot of wounded Warriors in camp and a lot of dead as the camp was also raided when the Warriors went out to stop the raiders taking the herd.
tonight she made more willowbark tea and went round giveing it to the wounded, she also put more water on to boil